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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Thats so cute! Sounds like Nilah, only she calls me "bird" and will yell it if I don't respond back.
  2. Miss him too. I just sent him a fb message telling him we all miss him, will let you know if I hear back.
  3. Great ideas. I would say, that whatever you build, remember, they most likely will spend most of their time on the highest point, so that's where the most fun should be. You could build a gym on the table with PVC pipe put into the holes you drill in the table, and a hanging swing or boing rope from the ceiling that they could climb up to?
  4. Aww.. She is protecting her favorite flock member. I had this problem with Nilah attacking others on occasion. I read that in the wild, amazons have a mate for life, and although they would go off to forage for food, they always returned and would just stay nearby their chosen mate and hang out preening, not really interacting, just wanting to be together. After I read that, I understood her behaviour a bit more, she was protecting me from others......I allowed her to be with me and talked , including her in my daily activities and cuddled more with her, and she has calmed down. But she does like to be with me...
  5. Sitting on my front porch on my iPad enjoying this unusually warm weather!!! It's March and it is 81 degrees here......unheard of for New England and this time of year. Oh yea, and laughing at Dave007's jokes about me. Lol
  6. Janet, I do go out in my garage with my birds perched on my shoulder occasionally, they seem to be okay with it, well, of course, I have to talk the thru the process as I feel the tense up a bit depending on who is on me at the time, but I like the suggestion of only going outside with them thru the garage and in a travel cage. Definitely safer!!
  7. Dave, don't know how I would make it thru my day without coming here and having you make me laugh! FYI, don't you know that a Pink Bichon is all the rage????
  8. Excellent idea! Thank you for that suggestion.
  9. My 3 have been acting up. In fact, they were so bad a couple of days ago, I had to put them in their cages for most of the day. That never happened before, and lasted for 2 days. They are still pretty feisty, I have been putting them to bed earlier......I think the time change made matters worse as well. I like Steve's advice, and leave home until summer!!!! I wish I could!!! Lol
  10. Thank everyone. I a afraid they will g wt taste of the outdoors and attempt to fly out when I go.....Talon does go out in her travel pak, Rikki hates to go out, too scared....haven't yet tried with Nilah, she is throne who would try and fly out. Two days ago, I was cooking burgers on the grill, going in and out of the house. Last summer I had storm doors put on all my doors, and NilAh tried to fly out at it the other day. She knows they are there, as all 3 tried one time last year and quickly learned. I don't have a lot of trust in her, she wants what she wants and she wants to follow me out....
  11. You are not a bad parent. My kids are 19, 17, and 13. We all do fine, just like having more kids, there is always enough Love to go around, and it is good for the birds to get used to kids coming and going.
  12. That okay, I know it's hard to get that search option to work properly. It's always fun to check with the newest members on their greys... Let's keep going!
  13. No offense, butI would not let your kid coming home dictate whether you get a grey or not. It is very easy to have a bird and kids. I have 3 kids living at home,3 parrots, 2 budgies, and other pets.we all manage very well, my birds are free flighted, so they are free to follow me around while I do other things. You sound like someonenwho always did for others in your,life, Time to put YOUr own wants ahead of your kids for once in your life,
  14. Congrats and kudos to you for taking theses 2 together and not separating them. It is traumatic enough to lose their family, they don't need the added stress of losingmeachother. It will be a task and a wonderful adventure learning by the seat of your pants taking care of them, but well worth it. As the others have said, there is lots of info here, but feel free to ask any questions you may have. We wil do our best to help you. You have several things to deal with, one, they will mourn the loss of,their family, their home, their routine, and the life that they knew. Understand that, they don't know you, and it will take patience and time and tlc on your part before they will relax enough to begin the bonding and trusting relatinship you will develop. Next, you have to learn very quickly the care and needs ofmthem both. So, as I said, ask away any question that may help. But for now, Welcome and take your time, sit next to their cages, talk softly to them and don't push yourself,or force the, t do anything they don't want to do. Let them set the stage and take the lead, they will give you what they are comfortable,with....if anything.
  15. I have a question for you all. My amazon, Nilah LOVES the outdoors. She will sit by an open window for hours. She is always quiet while she's observing and listening to all te outdoor sounds. I live in a very quiet, wooded country setting. We have horses, wildlife and birds all around. I would love to be able to take her out on a harness, br my fear is that bce she actually experiences the outside and sees there is a whole new world to explore (one of her favorite things to do) I am afraid she will make every effort to scoot out the door when ever she hears it open. Right now, she will watch us go out, then fly to the window sill to watch us.. I fear that she will be more apt to get out. And she is VERY fast and can get thru the smallest opening.
  16. There is a couple of threads about this already, but........my cag is right footed, my tags left, and my amazons right.
  17. Nice amazon! Looks like Nilah when she was young. Look forward to hearing more!
  18. First off, Hi, and Welcome to our greyt family! It's nice you have done your research, and I am excited for the day you can bring your baby home. You have a couple of months to read up. There are many threads here about biting. I haven't heard too many stories about greys biting you enough to really hurt your fingers. They typically are not biters as long as you learn to read their body language, or understand them and WHY they may bite. They need a reason. I have 2 greys, one can occasional bite my finger if I am carrying her and go too fast or scare her by walking by something she doesnt like, or making her mad. She is a cag, and has drawn a little blood, my finger may be a bit sore for a little while, but no big deal. It doesn't stop me from using my fingers or hands in any way. There are other members here whose grey has never bitten them. I have a very moody one, so I don't trust her too much around others without a warning that she does bite, just to be safe.
  19. Aww, I think Ray is correct!
  20. I think the wall decals are a great idea! I wouldn't worry too much about the vinyl smell, it would only last a few days I imagine. You could open a window to help air it out.
  21. Wow! Those sure greyt statistics! Can't wait to hear stories about a house with FOUR amazons, I can only imagine the noise. I would LOVE it!
  22. Yes, he's probably taking some time settling in. I am sure there are lots to take in with his new surroundings. I would give it more tie. Aybe sit by his cage and play and get excited about a toy. It may strike up his interest.
  23. That was perfectly stated. Thank you for putting it exactly as it is.
  24. Birdhouse and Joe: you both ARE members here at GF, and more importantly FAMILY members. There has been no criticism regarding OWNING a wild caught. Just suggestions. The criticism you read is mine due to the fact that Joe was playing with our emotions in "trying to prove a point" which was never clearly understood. I agree with your sentiment that if any of us stumbled upon a wild caught bird, then the best thing we could do is try and give that bird the best life possible in our care vs the alternative. I feel you have been given nothing but support as a member. Never have I seen anyone come down on you regarding your grey. Nor was anyone coming down on Joe.
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