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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Just add to their reputation in a positive way, (click on it) points will accumulate and add up!

  2. What a great video. I dont have an pics of me & Nilah unfortunately.. Aww. the love of an amazon. They have such an open way of showing their love. NIlah always gets excited by my presence. She will cluck, giggle, eyes oin in and out, and can't sit or stand still in her cage when she sees me. As soon as she hears me come home, she yells, "BIRRRD!!!!!!!!!" over and over getting louder each time. When i finally reply back, she yells, "HI BIRD!" then when I go into the room to see her, she quietly says "hi Bird" with such a relief in her voice. She always wants to be with me, and when she has missed me from being gone all day, she rubs the side of her face over and over cuddling my face. Sometimes she will put her face under my chin and rub it. SHe is such a love and a cuddler. She loves to have her head rubbed, and her favorite thing is to have her left foot massaged for hours on end if you will. MY gryes are sweet and Rikki loves cuddles, but it isn't anything like the love of a zon. They just adore you and are not afraid to show it.
  3. Oh. I. Love this thread! I adore my Nilah, I adore all my parrots, but Nilah has a special way of letting my know she loves me, misses me and wants to be with me as much as possible. I will post more examples later. Off to work.... Thank you Ray!
  4. Talon

    I give up

    I would like to offer my two cents worth. I have found that just when you are at your wits end with them, ready to give up and can't take another moment of their awful behavior....that usually is the peak and then you will see things start to turn around a little bit at a time. You are frustrated and he can feel it and not understanding those feelings, so he is lashing out due to HIS frustration of nonunderstanding. When I was home a lot, I found my birds would act up, or should I say, act out with terrible behaviour. A friend of mine suggested a routine of them going in their cages around lunch time and allowing them their own quiet cage time for a few hours. I tried this even tho I was home most of the day. When I did ET them out after, they were much more happy, and well behaved. I have continued this routine, they have come to expect it, and seem to need it as a child needs structure in there day. Once they had structure of what to expect, they seemed much happier. Also, I don't know the history of your bird, but if you are trying to train him with tricks and things, it may be too much stress and that could be why he is acting out as he is. Just let him be a bird and forget about the training and tricks until you have established a better and calmer routine. He needs to be allowed to be himself and respect you and your rules without the added pressure from other things, this could take some time, perhaps a couple of years, but you need to work thru this issue of the biting and attacks before you do anything other than parront him. He is very young, you have a lifetime and he is still developing mentally and emotionally. You still have several sages to go thru before he should be pushed to do things. Terrible twos, and then the hormonal stage...
  5. Thanks, my phone pics are too big, but I can't seem to fix that problem..... Nilah and Rikki don't like to be that close, they aren't really enjoying this once in a lifetime moment.....but mom was!
  6. Excellent! I have one in my kitchen, had it for 7 years and it is the favorite!! Great price by the way.
  7. Grrrrr.....will keep working at it...
  8. http://www.imgur.com/acqWElj.jpeg
  9. Sorry about the photo size...I'm testing a new photo uploader for my phone as photobucket won't work
  10. Thank you for locking this thread!
  11. Thanks for the advice, but in o way do I try too hard. I'm too easy going, I made small efforts in the beginning and have continued to gently try. But realizing as of the last few weeks, that this is how he feels, and it is what it is..believe me, I don't really care anymore, I enjoy his feisty attitude towards me. It doesn't stop me from offering him toast an treats and caring for him as needed.
  12. I just wanted to post an update on what I once thought would be my first cockatiel. Piper has been with us for 9 months now. He has quite the big personality, big temper and has no problem letting you know what he wants and when. He has a way of communicationg those things to you that my other parrots don't even come close to. Well 9 months later and he still hates me. I have accepted the fact that he probably will never like me, and that's okay with me. Ihave no idea why he feels as he does, but I have come to terms with it with no sadness on my part. After all, those of us that have parrots clearly understand that you can't force a bond or love, or a like on them. Anytime I go near him to change his water and give fresh food or snacks, or to close up his cage at night and cover him for bed, he hisses and spits at me, I actually find it very amusing and giggle when he does. He adores my daughter, I told her he is HER bird and although I do the daily care, she cleans his cage and spends time with him. She brings him to the ou ter and shares her breakfast with him. When I walk by, he hides next to the potty basket as though I can't see him....) My youngest son and my daughters boyfriend has been accepted into the Piper I Like You Club, they can handle him and he is fine with them. Another cute the g he does, is every time he hears my daughter opening the garage door as sheis driving up the driveway, he screams until she comes inside and says hi to him.....I don't know how he knows it's her, but he does....incredibly smart!!!! Okay, just wanted to share the update........I don't need another bird, I am at my max, probably a bit over with 6 birds, working 3 jobs and the dogs and cats and kids.....but the way I see it, is I made the commitment, and I owe it to them all to make it work and provide them with the best care I can and spend the most time I can with them, and it is working for now!
  13. Well...I went to Windycity to buy 4 lbs. The shipping was the same price as the food. I won't pay that much for shipping..looking for a cheaper way somewhere else.
  14. Ray, I am so sorry to see this. I know how your cockatiels have a special place in your hearts. My thoughts and prayers and sorrow are with you both. Luv to you
  15. Talon


    Nilah wants to know what 'sick' is.....she said momma didn't bring ths those for us and she's a bit jealous, but that's Nilah.....I told her it was probably a hatchday present, but she never believes me....could you take a picture???? It is good, we can show bird
  16. It is sad that you committed to a grey at one time and can't keep that commitment. I think you should get your daughter tested to be sure it is an allergy to your grey. Obviously, your husband doesn't seem to want your bird around. That being said, I am sure it's not an easy decision for you to give your bird up, but to mot allow him to be with your family as he is used to and being put outside would be cruel. As for giving him to another lady who wants to condem himto an outside aviary isnt any better of a choice, it seems worse because now your sending him off to a stranger and a strange home. He has no say in his life, and you should be the voice for what is best for him. As for this woman thinking that she can find a mate for him, is slim. There are no guarantees that a grey will like another bird, they might tolerate it, but it is rare that become attached to a mate after so much human interaction. Please do what is in the best interest of giving him a LOVING, CARING and FOREVER home. You owe that to him. He is a lifelong commitment to whoever takes him and should not be given to home after home because of life's changes. It takes a committed person for life to adopt a grey. I am or trying to scold you, so please don't be offended, just want you to give some serious thought into who adopts him. Just my opinion is all.
  17. Personally, I think it would be sad and lonely.......seems like he would be isolated from his family flock.....
  18. Talon


    Jeez, Rikki and Nilah know nothing!!!!! Bird had to bring me into the kitchen for my nighttime drink before bed, I heard the whole thing. Melissa's boyfriend, whatever that is, he comes and goes here...got a bird kind of like Piper! Mel got an old cage out of the basement they call it, and I saw gimp asking the dust off it, putting it together and putting everything in the car. The new bird is going to live wherever boyfriend lives I guess.....ha ha ha Can't wait to see the look on Nilah's face when she gets up and there's no bird for her to terrorize!!! Hee hee it's gonna be a fun time in the morning!!!!
  19. Talon


    Nilah here now, I took the iPad away from Rikki!! Bird just got home, jeez, we were waiting to be put to bed for the last 3 hours!!!! She brought in big bags that made lots of noise. She gave us head scritches, and beak rubs thru the bars, told us she missed us, ME more than the others of course......then shut our lights off and covered us as she said, nuh nites, Don't understand why she was gone all day, we didn't think she'd ever come back. She didn't know it,but I heard a new bird in the kitchen.......better be for ME!!!!!! I heard voices and a cage being moved too, can't wait to get up and see what it it.....alls quiet now.
  20. Talon


    Ha ha ha ! Rikki here, that made Nilah laugh!!! When I bite my mommas cheek, she yells, hey, no bites and then spins around so fast I have to fly off! Guess my momma doesn't make red juice, your lucky, that's kinda cool, I'd like to see that
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