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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome to our family, I look forward to hearing more about your flock!
  2. How stunning! thanks for sharing...
  3. Welcome to,our greyt family. I look forward to hearing more from you. We love pictures, if you have any of your sun conure, please post! And don't worry about your English, we don't mind at all. How old will your baby be when you get him?
  4. Birdhouse, I have found out what happened....I am sorry to say, havoc was reeked while I was asleep last night on the forum. I now know who did the damage, although I can't undo a lot of it, the members responsible will not be back under my watch, under an alias or ever....I have many watchful eyes here now. We will do our best to keep things on track back where this forum belongs.
  5. I go nowhere.....don't trust anyone with 6 birds, 3 would be,fine, but my 3 larger ones would not do well. Nilah is being difficult to handle by anyone other than me theses days. Haven't had a holiday vacation in many many years....I got divorced, that was the best vacation, and I am still on it!
  6. I was working at my computer after work today,many my father called to tell me that the local news said my town was going to get hit by a tornado in 22 minutes....some called my kids and told them to come home. We packed up the birds in their travel cages, luckily I learned here from Nancy and Janet, that they should always be right next to their cages just in case......I was happy I listened to that advice. I packed them into their travel cages, put them in the basement, my kids got the parakeets, their cage, we carried downstairs, and my daughter put Piper into his travel cage. I grabbed some food, snacks and water. We gathered up the 3 cats, 2 dogs, blankets (our basement is cold) and cell phones, and a radio and batteries. We were told to stay in the basement for an hour till it was suppose to pass. We did..... The birds were great, they seems fine since we were there with them. We came upstairs after and all was well. We had no tornado! But it was a great dry run and I was happy to have had the practice. Next time I will be more prepared, food and water, radio, batteries all packed in an emrgency bag that I can just grab and as Nancy says, not have to think and worry if you have everything.
  7. YES!!!!! She has been missed, ad she doesn't even know it. Welcome Back, and I look forward to hearing LOTS more from her!!
  8. There are NO silly questions here. My birds do that as well. It seems to be their way of being affectionate in letting you know they missed you and are loving your return home. My birds do it in the morning and when I was gone all day .
  9. You have to click on the Remember me box when you log in, otherwise it throws you out for some stupid reason...
  10. Really?? hmm. I will email the tech dept asap.
  11. okay, sorry, can't do anything about changing the Thanks count, but I gave you a boost in you post count.. It should show up in your next post...
  12. The only way a thanks count would change, was if someone removed their Thanks...but I will see if I can sneak in the door and boost it back up...You've taken enough of a hit in the past here, and have hung in with us. Things will be changing here for the positive. so feel free to post away!
  13. Do you remember the number it was? I can go in and fix it, but I have no idea how that would happen.
  14. hmm. when did you notice the drop...? I f you deleted any of your posts, the it will change your number to reflect that....
  15. I am going to have to try this cookware....I do miss the non stick Teflon, although I know it is unhealthy for us as well as our birds, so I am glad to not be using it, but I would love something other than stainless steel scrubbing..
  16. Thanks for the out loud giggle...almost poured my coffee out my nose!!!
  17. Talon has destroyed 5, yes 5 laptop keyboards.......only 2 were mine....and she can do it in under2 minutes, so there are only about 10 keys left
  18. Jeff, glad you are safe, must be so scary when you have not only family but pets to worry about too. It's sad it takes such a tragedy to make us realize what's really important. Prayers to all.
  19. I do allow my birds to eat meat, mostly chicken and turkey, occasionally a bit of hamburg. But always cooked and never raw due to my fear of ecoli, etc...
  20. Raw organic ground beef......hmmm not sure that is in their natural habitat, but I look forward to this discussion. This is a very different diet than most members here feed their greys. I expect this to be quite the debate, you will get all kinds of opinions, soooo be prepared. You do what you feel is best, but this will open up lots of advice, opinions and reactions. Remember not to take anything personal....so keep the dander down...
  21. That was fantastic! So true.....
  22. I just looked at the top one. IMO, 23 is too small for a grey. BY the time you put perches, toys, etc. it will be quite small. I wouldn't buy anything under 32". All mine are macaw size cages, as I work and they have to spend 8 hours in them on most days. I have had my cages for going on 8 years, no chipping or cracking. If price is an issue, I would purchase the largest you can afford and not worry about the stainelss steel. I havent heard of a grey grasping the bars enough to the point that the powder coating chips off. In fact, my greys and amazon never grasp the bars, there is too much else for them to do.
  23. Talon

    Beak Crack

    t dies look lke he may have bumped it on something. They do shed layers of their beaks. MY grey has a section that is always chipping off near her nostrils and catches feathers. I think if he is eating fine and it doesnt seem to bother him, he should be fine. It shoud eventully grow out. I sm sure the experts here will chime in soon.
  24. Hi & Welcome. Please read the threads in the Rescue room. Katana600 will be very helpful during this time. As the others have said, it is way too early to do anything other than patience and caring and kindness. It took my Rikki 2 years to really settle in and become her ture selve, and she want abused, just shuffled from home to home.
  25. I find thier eyes to be like looking into a kind soul, one that is you firned no matter hwat. They dont judge you, talk about you, or put on airs, they are their authentic selve and allow you to be as well. You will never find that in a friend or family member...but a parrot you will.
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