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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Cricket is adorable! I love the purring sound....
  2. So tonight, I went over to Nilah, asked her to step up for bed, and she did willingly, I held her for her nighttime head rubs as she always likes, and she shes had enough, usually I get me bite on the finger asshe says nuh nites....tonight, she Lulled her head away, no bite, but let me bring her to her cage and she nicely when inside as she said nuh nights again. No problem.....this is ormal for her, but daytime is the problem...... sigh.....
  3. Well,today being Saturday, I let the birds out for breakfast and they stayed out as usual most of the day. I had a hair appt at 2, so I had to put them in their cages a few ,insures before. No succes with Nilah, it was as tho it was morning.....I had to leave her out....couldn't get her in her cage. Icloaedrhe room off, left her out and I had to go. Quite a while later, my daughters boyfriend tricked her into her cage. My heart is heavy...you all know how strongly I feel about clipping wings.....my only choices now as I see it, keeping her cage bound, which is unacceptable , or clipping her wings to gain back full control until she gets thru this defiant stage, i can't have her ruling the roost and being allowed to be out when she chooses. I am the flock leader and with an amazon, that has to continue ....especially with an amazon. I'm so depressed over this decision. I will have to call the vet on Monday....
  4. Talon

    Potty training

    I too am against potty training. My tag will always hold it when in her cage at nighttime, and since her nighttime cage is upstairs in my bedroom, I carry up what I call a potty basket for her to perch on and Poop on as soon as she comes out of her cage. Since it is her morning bomb, she can't hold it and will go all over the floor otherwise. It works well for her. My others will go in their cage. When they are out, I know their usual spots, and clean them up as much as possible and a definite check at night to be sure I got them all.
  5. Thanks Janet. Nilah goes into her cage fine at other times, it's just in the morning. Usually they are out for about an hour than hour and half. Thank you for the travel cage advice. I may have to try it. Tonight when I got home an hour late, I let her out first. She flew around, acted out as usual, but then cuddled me and haven't left my side since. We're still chillin together.
  6. Well, here's todays update. For the past few dys have had corner Nilah in a room and catch her with my bare hands with lightening reflexes Each day was different room she's too smart to fall for that twice in the same room. the second I lift my hand she's ducking and flying off. So tody, I let the other birds out for breakfast and uncovered NilH and left her in her cage.....I gave her toast in her snack bowl and we were in a different room having our breakfast. I feel so bad for her, and I miss having her out in the kitchen with me.... But the alternative is far worst I keep telling myself.....i came in and sat next to her cafe to post this and talk to her. I don't know if or when this will make her understand she needs to go back in her cage before I go to work in the am. Any advice? But I must say, I imagine going to work with much less stress, but I miss her....Is this going to turn her into a meanie cause she only gets time out of her cage after 5 every day, is this cruel, or what should I be doing next or just keep doing this?
  7. I would wash it first off. My birds love it cooked on the cob. I have never dried it, so sorry I cant help you.. My parrots are big fans of mini Indian corn on the cob as well. No prep work there.
  8. Congrats! Always fun to find out.
  9. Thanks guys, I am finally at work. Lucky for me, my daughter took the day off to stay home & do homework, so as much as I hated to let Nilah win this one time, I left her out and went to work. I have tried having "her" boyfriend put her in her cage, but she flies off with him as well. She gets too wound up when he is here in general. She will attack my daughter when ever he is in the house as she sees my daughter as a threat to stealing "her" boyfriend....my poor daughter has to carry this stupid noise maker tube around everywhere she goes as it is the only thing Nilah is afraid of. When he isn't here, Nilah is fine around my daughter. It's been a hard situation....but we all try to make it work as best we can. Nilah is simply in LOVE with him. He has never been around parrots before, but has done his best to learn quickly from us. He is a very nice guy, and very patient and laid back, but he must be Nilah's dream boyfriend for sure. Most mornings I have to trick Nilah into her cage, I only get an "I hate you bite" maybe once a week when I have (after exhausting all other efforts) had to grab her and hold her with a towel or against me to get her in her cage.. My last resort which I really HATE to implement is to not let her out of her cage with the others in the morning, but I just don't have the heart to leave her in her cage for an hour and a half screaming "BIRD!" when the others are out having breakfast and out of cage time with me before work. but I know I may have to....it seems to make her act up worse on the days I have had to do that to them all so I am reluctant to do single her out and do that...ugh.. I KNOW she has ESP and can read my mind, she seems to know beforehand that I am going to try and put her in her cage, even tho I change my routine and do things that seem like I am just going to hang out at home,. Just having a really bad day in general....
  10. Well here I am sitting on the love seat in the bird room.....got Nilah confined to this room but can't catch her to fester in her cage. 45 minutes late...... I hate these days, can't outsmart her with any forbidden item....makes me angry and then all I want to do is cry out of frustration. It's the days when my daughters boyfriend was here in the am who she adores and is in love with.....sometimes other days, but mostly I can outsmart her. I usually get her eventually , along with a nasty bite or two, but today is the worst. Just need to vent......having a bad time with her today thanks for listening..
  11. Sounds like regular preening which they will do daily.
  12. Of course, we love videos and pictures! I'm at work now and have no sound on the video, but will be sure to catch it later tonight.
  13. Great post! I was always a cat person. LOVED them. MY family always said I would be the Cat Lady and have lots and lots of cats. Well I do have 2, plus my daughter has 1...so we have 3 in our house, one is blind tho. Never thought of myself as a crazy bird lady, but that's hat my family calls me. It just kind of happened, and once you have one, you become so compassionate towards other birds, if one needs rescuing and you can handle it..you just do.
  14. Hello & Welcome to our family! I apologize for your trouble registering, I never received any emails from you... I am happy you were patient and didn't give up on us. Your pics are great! Can't wait to hear more!!
  15. HI Cosmos, yes, I am continuing a 50/50 spray bath every Sunday while she pouts in her cage, but I see a much happier bird! Thanks for caring enough to ask again..
  16. That's hilarious! Thanks for the much needed laugh today!
  17. I have 3 parrots, one I got as a baby at 8 1/2 weeks old, an amazon I got at 6 months old, and a cag I got as her 4th home when she was 2 1/2 years old. M bond with her is as strong if not stronger than my others. I see no difference. A lot depends on the baggage they come with, their personalities and how you interact with them.
  18. I have 2 small dogs who think the furniture in the house is there for them so they are always on it. I also have 3 cats, (2 are indoor) one of the cats is totally blind. MY cats never bother the birds, they are too big for them, but occasionally my outdoor cat will stalk my parakeets in their cage, but gets a stern no and a spritz from a spray bottle. It rarely happens anymore. All my animals are afraid of the birds, Nilah my amazon will run towards any of them and bite them, and they run the other direction. In the beginning though, I never took my eyes off of any of them until they felt comfortable and I understood their behaviors and acceptance of each other. Tragedy can strike in a second, so never allow them out unsupervised in the same room.
  19. Curious...do you still own the amazon? If not, what happened to it?
  20. IMO..I think the first one is too small. Once you add the various perches, toys, etc.. There wont be a lot of room. I have the second one like Judy dos, but I use it for my tag. For $300 that seems like a lot of $$. I think you can get a much larger one for the same money. I have 2 macaws size cages for my cag & amazon, I didn't pay more than $300 brand new.
  21. I would like to say Thank You ! I have noticed that you're kind enough to take the time to always give Thanks to all thei posts from other members. It has not gone unnoticed!

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