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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Tiombe, Have you weighed him yet? And how is he doing? Sounds like his appetite has really picked up!
  2. Talon loves scrambled eggs as well. Are you supposed to limit how much they get?
  3. No, I'm sure he didn't get enough to hurt him. I have heard of others that actually let their greys drink it occasionally, but I wouldn't recommend it.
  4. Judy, Yes, as FairY says, keep talking to her. Look her in the eye, and say whatever word you want her to say, and repeat it several times. Try that for days, and see if it helps get her started. I would try to pick a word that sounds like something she is already mumbling. They seem to pick up words that have a lot of emotion in it also. So keep that in mind. And Good luck!
  5. Buck, Do you have anything positive you would like to post? I haven't seen that yet. :huh:
  6. Aahhh! I take it that's a no?:huh:
  7. Well, you better tell her then. She does listen to you! Frank, You'd have to come here and take care of Talon, 2 cats, goldfish and 3 horses. Can you handle that?? I'm sure you could.
  8. Spookyhurst, thanks for the offer. Actually, I'd love to move to Arizona and get rid of my allergies, and my son's asthma symptoms!
  9. Rae, You are very lucky! We have no one to take care of Talon, should the need arise. Count your blessings, which I know you already do!:cheer:
  10. I would, especially with a wood stove. Nothing dries the air out more than that. Josey will probably feel better. :cheer:
  11. Judy, I find that there is not as much dust when she shakes now. And she seems to be less itchy with herself. As far as the brand, it is a Bionaire brand. But upstairs in the room she sleeps in, I bought a warm air humidifier from the same place I bought my air cleaners from, JWR bird systems. That one is supposed to be better. I haven't been using them much in the warm weather, as I keep the windows open almost all the time. It seems pointless in the summer as it can get pretty humid here. But I definitely saw a big difference in the winter using them. I have 3 we use, as we have a big house, one near each place Talon spends most of her time.
  12. I would definitely go with a bigger one since your buying from scratch. It does seems a little small. You want them to have room to flap their wings and then some. Once you put toys in it, it will really appear small. It will be well worth the investment now. You never know what your circumstances will be in the future. And it's not always easy to change cages down the road. I'm sure others will have more advice.
  13. Our vet recommended a warm air, not cool air. The warm air one heats the water up enough to kill any bacteria that is in the humidifier and or water. We keep it near Talon's cage and play area.
  14. Oh, we can do much better! We're just trying to be NICE! Don't want to hurt those feelings of yours, cause I know I'll pay dearly for that! :whistle:
  15. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E} I think we have a winner here, Talonsis! Definitely the second one gets my vote! :woohoo:
  16. {Feel-good-0002006E} Well, I'm glad to see you stuck with the ponytails that he is so dearly attached to. I'm sure that will make him very happy! Nice job, Talonsis!! :woohoo:
  17. Good job, Talonsis, I happen to know of another forum you might find some interesting photos in.............<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/03 17:46
  18. Sounds like you two have something pretty special. Something most people don't get to experience in a lifetime. I'm very happy for you. And may you always be that happy for the rest of your life. {Love-0002011D} And I hope that lucky lady realizes how lucky she truly is.....I'll bet she does.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/03 17:44
  19. Well, I'm very happy you worked things out with you mistress. I'm sure you won her over with your singing to her. Did you bring tears to her eyes??? Perhaps now, you won't be so touchy and that "crease" that Judy said is hopefully gone. And thanks for being a good sport and letting us have some fun with you. I'm not sure what Melissa will do.....................she is a horse lover, so you never know.................................................. And this is for you & your mistress: {Love-00020111}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/03 14:17
  20. He is a little touchy tonight. Maybe we can try again tomorrow! :evil:
  21. We're only teasing. But sinced you asked so nicely, I will respect your wishes. But leave you alone.................NEVER! :evil: Sorry, Judy.
  22. Ya, I wonder what CD would look like with short hair. Maybe someone, like Talonsis should take his picture to photoshop...........and see what she can do. Just for fun Cd! I know you already tried that with that second photo, but I think Melissa could do better!
  23. Oh your so cute aren't you !!:laugh:
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