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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Well, you are right about Ceasar being so easy. Talon came to us with her wings clipped, but she could fly enough, to get away from me in the shower. The mister I use, is one that is made just for birds, so it is a fine mist that just keeps coming out of the attached tube. There is no spraying like with a spray bottle. She does resign herself after a few minutes to it, but I can see in her eyes that she's not very happy about it.
  2. I know how you feel, but how about some solutions?:huh:
  3. That's a tough one. Like Judy said, it's easier if they were little. Maybe some good advice will come along to help you with that.:dry:
  4. Hi Toni, and welcome! I use newspaper, it's cheaper and easy to dispose of for cleaning. I personally would be afraid Talon would try and put the gravel in her beak and accidently swallow it. But I'm sure there are others here that have used gravel perhaps and have better advice.
  5. Spectre, First of all, Welcome, you'll find lots of good information & advice here to any question you ask. A grey is never too old to learn new things, so I'm sure once you two have bonded, that will occur. You sound like you are doing very well in the time you spend with her. FairY is right when she says that Patience is the key, after all she's been through. It will take time to adjust. I believe all greys do that flutter with their chest. Talon does it, I wouldn't worry about it. Keep us posted, and looking forward to seeing pictures!
  6. So you think it's better never to get them wet because they don't like it? Some greys hate water, but how healthy is that for their skin? Just curious what you think. I've tried putting Talon on a perch or shower rod in the shower since she was 12 weeks old, consistently. She never liked getting wet. But I'm open to any suggestions you have other than misting her...........:huh:
  7. Welcome, I'm very excited for you. I know it's hard to wait, and like you said, it will be worth it. Keep us posted, and post some pictures as soon as you can. Do you have a name picked out yet? :dry:
  8. I'm with you on the old age thing. LOL
  9. Monique, she is if I remember to take her to the potty basket or listen for that whistle that tells me, but if I forget, well, then it's my fault!
  10. Talon


    Definitely would come in handy for me. I wouldn't have to keep looking translations up on my comnputer when our workers come in and want something unusual. I say Let's do it! :woohoo:
  11. Tari, I'm not going to debate this issue with you or anyone here. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, and have their own reasons for the way they feel. But just so you know, I have a history that makes me understand WAY more than you know. So I wish you well, and that's all I'll post about this issue.
  12. Judy, I love your cage. What kind is it and where did you get it?
  13. That's very detailed & good advice Judy!!
  14. Here is Talonsis! I see she neglected to post a picture of herself. You rarely see her without a horse or her camera. So naturally, I picked the horse.
  15. Sonia, I'm glad to hear things are improving. I definitely think you should start teaching her to step up to leave her cage. Monique has very good advice about getting her used to your hand and you being the one to take her out of her cage. She has to learn that you are the flock member that she has to listen to. As far as teaching her to poop in her cage, Greys don't like to poop in their cage. (it's their home) They will hold it all night or all day until you take them out. Maybe you could put some paper down where she likes to go, and praise her or give her a treat when she goes there. I use a basket with a handle on it, and Talon will go there ( I put paper inside the basket for easy clean up) She knows it's called the potty basket, and in the beginning she got plenty of praise when she went there as opposed to the floor. Greys are real smart and learn quickly with lots of praise,love and positive reinforcement. Good luck and keep us updated!
  16. Mickey This was a fun thread. I find it very interesting how different everyone's schedule is, but how very much alike we are in the care & love of our birds. It seems to work no matter what your life schedule is. Thanks for starting this, and I hope it continues! {Nature-00020095}
  17. {Communicate-00020115} Too much information!
  18. Speaking for myself, when it comes to killing a living thing. There is no other side that I'm interested in hearing. This may see closed minded, but I'm just an animal lover at heart. {Nature-0002009A}
  19. This will be very interesting to see. Kind of like Riply's Believe or Not!!
  20. Nice Judy, That's the one song I always sang to my kids when they were babies. Maybe I'll have to sing it to Talon now. :side:
  21. I have the same problem with Talon. She hates showers and baths. I bought a Misty Mate also, I put her in her cage and mist her with it until she's very wet. She hates it, and sometimes we play the chase game, but I figure, you make your kids take a bath when they don't want to for their own good, so I do to the same to Talon. After a while she gives up and sits there sulking. Afterwards I put a bowl of water in the bottom of her cage and she'll then give herself a bath. ( I guess I must do it wrong! )
  22. Ice, I'm so sorry. Hope all keeps going well. Glad to hear she is at work with you. Maybe you'll get finished early to go home with her help! {Communicate-00020131}
  23. OMG! Caspersmum, you have no idea! Addicting isn't a strong enough word!!!! {Emotions-000200C1}
  24. That is the sweetest picture ever!!
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