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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Tari, what a fun place to work! Thank you for sharing them with us. You've made some of us very jealous!!
  2. Hi Ronda, I got Talon the same way as you are doing with your baby, except that Talon was 8 1/2 weeks old. I had her shipped from Florida to Massachusetts. I had no way of knowing anything about her other than what the breeder told me. I have never for a minute regretted my decision. It all worked out perfectly, and I say "GO FOR IT!" :cheer:
  3. Okay, YES! I would love to see MrSpock write his article in the Health Section as well. It was beautifully articulated, and makes perfect sense by my way of thinking. David, I totally agree with what you have written regarding NOT clipping a bird's wings. I have always felt the same way. We have a very busy household with 4 kids (at the time of getting Talon, 2 years ago) ages 6-16. My children have always been taught the importance of closing doors for her safety. Talon is out of her cage for the entire time most days. I too, work from home for the most part. I am the DOOR police, and I always yell and remind them to make sure the door is closed when they leave or come in. We also have 2 offices in our home, and people are in and out all day long, 6 days a week. I always say, "close the door" when someone enters, or I make sure it is closed. We have storm/screen doors on all 3 of our doors, so it's easier that way. Most birds are frightened by the outdoors, and are not apt to try and dash outside as soon as someone enters. When my kids have friends over, the same thing goes, my kids know that they need to make sure the doors stays closed. Talon is never left unattended, I keep a very close watch on her. It really isn't that hard to ensure that your bird doesn't "escape", they can still fly even when their wings are clipped. After all, they want to be with you, not away from you. I think people who clip their birds wings, don't really understand, that a bird who has not been clipped, doesn't just FLY all over the place at will. It has been my experience that they prefer to be picked up and carried from one place to another. So there you have another opinion!
  4. Talon


    Talon does the same thing. She loves to hold an ice cube and chew it up. She also prefers her juice with ice in the glass so it's nice & cold. :blink: Spoiled Brat! :silly:
  5. Welcome David to our family! I'm glad you decided to post and join us. I look forward to hearing more about you and your grey!
  6. Yay! African Grey for me! Looks like Talonsis & I have the right bird!! And if it wasn't for our Grey, I wouldn't have met so many wonderful people here! :cheer:
  7. These are horrible stories! :ohmy: Very sad indeed, it breaks my heart that people who acquire a grey for whatever reason don't love it unconditionally. We don't give our children away because they swear, and they will whether or not we teach them. I hate people that get a bird that lives as long as they do, without making that important commitment to keeping it for life regardless of their behavior!
  8. Good for you Judy! I know you so deserve it! Me on the other hand, well that's a whole different story, one for a pm.
  9. VACATION.......What's that?
  10. Our vet strongly advises against our practice of sharing with our bird, but we do it anyways and try to be careful about it. B) And no wet kisses in this house to our bird!:pinch:
  11. Talon always shares whatever we are eating as long as it's something she is allowed to have. And she loves stealing the straws out of my kids juice boxes and chewing on them.
  12. Congratulations Tari! Wow! You made it to the 1000 club! I’m very happy you are here. You have such a wealth of information & advice that you are always willing to share with us, not only about African Greys, but so many other birds as well. I know you are constantly researching information for us. We all look to you for advice regarding our “Other Birds”. CONGRATULATIONS TARI!!
  13. Thank you Joe! I'm sure you just made all the ladies very happy!!
  14. Please don't take offensive to this thread. Yes this is a family forum, however "family" meaning we treat each other as such. This thread clearly states that it is x-rated. In comparison to R-rated movies it really is R rated. This thread and the posts WILL NOT be deleted. Please everyone, take a step back, take a deep breath and don't post in this thread if you find it offensive. This is not a child or adult forum. This is a"family" forum where all are welcome, and ALL opinions are welcome. We don't have to agree on the "tastes" of others. As I stated in my earlier post we do not censor posts unless they are offensive to our members.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/05 21:07
  15. Congratulations FairY! I’m very proud to welcome you to an elite group of 1000 posters! You are a magnificent lady. Many of you probably are not aware, but FairY is my GO TO admin, when things need fixing around here, setting up moderators, or anything technical that needs tending to. She gets things done quickly, and efficently. She is a friendly, helpful, loving, caring, sweet person. She has put a lot of trust in me as an admin. and I am honored by that. I hope to live up to her expectations. I know she exceeds mine. So everyone here, please post your CONGRATULATIONS to FairY!
  16. Hi Rhonda, and Welcome. Judy has said it all. I had my tag shipped from Fl to MA. Things went fine, so I wouldn't worry about it, if that's the only option you have. It is nerve wracking, but it was well worth it for us. Good luck, and any questions, feel free to ask.
  17. Hi Emma and welcome to our family. I too look forward to hearing more. Post pictures, we love them!
  18. Laurie, that sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! If you read the FAQ tab up on the top left hand side. You will find an article written by CeasarsDad that tells you how to post photos.
  19. Hi & Welcome to our family. I look forward to hearing more!
  20. Dan wrote: Although this thread appears to be getting a little heated. I do not want to delete it at this time. Yes, the fact that that bird has been not only taught, but encouraged to speak such foul language is insulting to those of us that have greys. But I feel this thread should be kept. I would rather it be used as a teaching tool, so that new, perhaps, younger grey owners will read this, and actually see what their grey will pick up, if they are not careful with their vocabulary. I like to think that with all the replies from our respectable members that were made, it will only serve to help another grey in a positive way. I also believe that a healthy debate can be a good thing. I don't believe in censorship here over a link that one can choose, or not choose to open. The title of the thread gives fair warning to all. So for the time being, this thread will stay. I don't mean to offend anyone, but we should all be allowed the freedom to express our opinions and ideas, and to share things in a respectable way. I feel this thread was started with the best intentions at hand. Penny
  21. Yay! I'm happy to hear no no more outside showers OUT of his cage. I always worry about them flying away even if their wings are clipped. You know yourself how that adrenaline kicks in when you are frightened. The same can happen to a bird when they are startled. They can fly like you've never seen even with clipped wings, a breeze, and a fright! glad to hear he's found how lucky he has it at home! He sure is one happy and lucky bird! Thanks to you and Dan's determination, imagine if you had just given up like some people do....:huh:
  22. That was a great one Judy!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  23. Joe, that's a very nice picture! Your birds are beautiful! Will the yet-to-be-named amazon get any bigger? :dry:
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