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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I agree. We do all we can to give them the best loving life possible, and that can be very consoling.
  2. Go Laurie! You can do this!! 2 days is awesome, don't give in, fight that little voice that is giving you excuses to lite one up. You can do it, an hour at a time. Keep busy, occupy that mind of yours, I hope you get some sleep. Good luck, we're here for you whenever you need us. Your in my thoughts....:cheer:
  3. Well, I don't smoke, but am happy to post here and cheer the others on that DO want to quit smoking. I know it is hard, just like losing weight or other addictions. So, please everyone here who smokes, let's keep us updated on your progress no matter how small it may seem to you. Small steps at a time.....are what makes a difference to ALL of us! Good luck all, and know that we are here cheering you on!!! :woohoo:
  4. Great Dan! I hope starting a thread helps!
  5. I would like to start this room off by remembering our first 2 parakeets, My Buddy and Kid Sister. These cute little birds were brought to my doorstep in the middle of winter by my sister, threatening to let them go out in the cold, if I didn't take them in. Needless to say, I took them right away, and my oldest son who, at the time was only 6 years old, named them. One was blue and the other one was yellow. They were never hand tamed and never taken out of their cage. My son at 6 tamed them and wore My Buddy around on his shoulder through out the day. They spent many hours watching TV together! Well, they did pass on after about 12 years. I just wanted to remember them here, they gave us our first love for birds, a big feat for such a small bird. REMEMBER......
  6. That's great Judy! Please let us know!! I have really lost my time frame for running. I lose about an hour every day because of my situation, so running has been difficult to fit in. I'm very depressed about it. It seems I have yet to find the time, I'm up early, and up way too late, and very busy in between. I hope that things settle down in the spring when I'm able to get that hour back and use it for myself to get back on the road. :(
  7. Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing those photos!! (Watch out for that electrical cord, one quick bite....ouch!!):pinch:
  8. Sounds like a fun contest Tari! I can't wait to see the entries......:silly: Nice Idea! B)
  9. The answer to your question is NO! A grey is a special bird that requires being nurtured by it's flock/you and any family members you may have. To isolate him alone in a room is ridiculous, especially at night! Never mind the cold!! They are from AFRICA and can not take the cold. Even a draft can make them sick. Never mind fluctuating temperatures!! Everyone here is being way too nice, because I know that no one here would even think about putting their grey where you want to. Tari is right, there will be chilly days where it will be easier to say, Oh, He won't mind. I'll see him tomorrow. What you will end up with, should you NOT take our advice, will be a VERY depressed bird, one who will develop behavior problems that probably will last a lifetime, a feather plucker, and a trauma he will experience, that he MAY get over, but never forget. If you can't love that grey like a member of the family, then you should GIVE him to a family that will. I'm sorry if this sounds like I am coming down on you, but I am! This grey deserves better than being left in a shop because it's cage is too big!
  10. You are an angel in disguise for this lucky bird! Please keep us posted. You are just what he needs, and I love the name RAY! Karma for you!!
  11. Isn't there anyone who could come to your house to bird sit? Have you tried asking the local vets? I am with you, I would rather stay home than put Talon in a pet store that she is unfamiliar with for 2 weeks.:huh:
  12. Laurie, What a great idea!! They love soft warm food!!
  13. Tari, I love this thread! I would like to do the following: 1. Vacation in Hawaii.... 2. Vacation in Bermuda.... 3. Be with my soul mate for the remainder of my time here on this earth. 4. Spend every day like it was my last. 5. Be happy and free from personal turmoil. 6. Be left alone to live my life as I desire with no guilt trips from anyone. 7. And last, but not certainly not least. Live a long and healthy life to see my 4 kids grow up, and live their lives to the fullest and be happy productive adults in all they choose to do. OMG! I really could keep going. I guess there is a lot left for me to do..........:ohmy:
  14. Talon


    There are many topics posted here regarding this subject. Too many to post. If you type in HARNESSES in the search bar at the top right of any page, you will get a list of the various posts regarding Harnesses. Hope that helps!
  15. Talon


    The aviator seems to be the favorite! Many members have success with them. There are various threads here regarding harnesses. I'll go on a search for them and repost.
  16. Hannah, she is beautiful and looks soooo happy! Your doing a great job being her mom, I can see it in her happy look!
  17. What is a playpen? do you have pictures? It sounds interesting......B)
  18. Well, if he's getting attention for all the sounds he is making, then you have trained him well! :laugh: Try ignoring the things he is doing that you don't like, he will eventually tire of it and maybe go on to other things. oOes he have enough toys, playstands, and various areas of the house to play in? They like a variety of activities to do through out the day. Perhaps the tv would be another option to entertain him for a little while. Just some suggestions. I'm sure others will have more advice. Please don't give up on him, and keep us posted.
  19. Laurie, that's wonderful! Everyone is doing so well. I am very happy to read all these great strides you are making. I lost a lot of time recently due to my moving and life changes. But I am getting back on track and hope to increase so that I am back to every day instead of every other day on my treadmill. I really want SPRING to arrive so that I czn run outside.
  20. Hi and Welcome to our family I know how excited you must be. It's great that you are able to go and visit her daily. That will make the transition to her new home so much easier. Please keep us updated, and take pictures to post. We love to see them.
  21. Posted for LisaM. Nice photo!!
  22. Those are beautiful Pictures. I love your entry!!
  23. Thank you for posting this link. I was about to, but you beat me to it!! :laugh: :laugh:
  24. I have heard from a good source, and SHE said, WILDLIFE ANIMALS. Any animal that is considered wildlife, and yes, she said zoo animals do count. (Sorry, with our recent move, she's been very busy trying to get settled still with school, and her horses.) :pinch:
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