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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Thank you NerfGunWarHero for putting this thread back on track with your advice. That is all why we are all here, isn't it? PLEASE REMEMBER EVERYONE, WE TREAT EACH OTHER WITH RESPECT AND VALUE EVERYONE'S OPINIONS HERE, WHETHER IT BE DIFFERENT OR THE SAME AS OURS. THERE WILL BE NO MORE PERSONAL ATTACKS HERE, OR I WILL CLOSE THIS THREAD. Thank you to all our contributing members and moderators that were trying to help keep this on topic, and fan the flames.
  2. Tracy, it sounds like he is coming along much quicker than expected! I love that he is learning from the flock. I'm sure he feels better and more content already with the other birds you have. Thank you for the daily updates. I look forward to them every day!
  3. Nice Job everyone! That's what I like to see, dedication even through the holiday season. Let's keep it up. :cheer: I have cut back do to time constraints and things happening in my life. But I am still being a hamster on a wheel 3-4 times a week. :lol: :silly:
  4. Tracy, I can't wait for the day when Soldier realizes he has just won the lottery!! He did the day you rescued him!! Thank you for the daily updates!!:cheer: I love the picture! He's beautiful.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/15 03:02
  5. Judging from all the beautiful smiles, looks like you had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
  6. Connie, thank you for posting this thread. It's amazing to see the many stages from the beginning. I enjoyed this so much!
  7. The fact that anyone posts a reply, is what is most important. I agree with the others, that many of us are extremely busy, and stealing a few minutes here or there to try and help others, is commendable in my opinion. Whether or not the grammar is "correct" is unimportant here. All members should feel free to post, and not worry about proper spelling, or feeling as though their posts will be critiqued. We are who we are, and should never be judged on our writings. Just my opinion for what ist's worth. :whistle:
  8. CONGRATULATIONS TRACY!!! You are a very busy lady. How you find the time to do all you do and still grace us with your expert advice and fun posts, I don't know. But we are honored that you find the time to be here with us all. You are a great friend, and a wonderful loving person who puts her family and many pets above all else. I admire you for that. Love, Penny {Love-000200BF}
  9. Welcome! I am happy you decided to get him. Please keep us posted, and post some photo's. We love pictures!! Karma for you!
  10. It is early still, and seeing that he hasn't been handled will make it more difficult, but you will teach him, so be patient. Try your hand in a fist, and put just your arm in. See if he will step up that way. Also, you may try to entice him out on his own at first with a treat. They can be scared of hands if they are not used to them. You could also put your hand behind him and offer him the hand held perch to step up onto as you slowly try to get him to move closer to the front of the cage. Once he is out, it will open up a whole new world for him and I think you'll find that he will love it, and be more apt to step up more and more for you. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  11. Hilary, he is adorable! I know you can hardly wait! I hope the time goes quickly for you.
  12. I wouldn't think twice about it. He sounds lovely, and that is the best price you will ever find. As long as you have the time and lifelong commitment to give him, I say, "Hurry up and Go for it!!" :woohoo:
  13. OMG! Dan, that is so inspiring, and so very true. Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem with us. It brought tears to my eyes. {Feel-bad-0002006A}
  14. Talon

    grape skin toxic?

    I have never seen any information that says that Grape skins are toxic either. There has been a lot of research done on this forum regarding toxic food, plants, woods, etc. Grapes are not listed in any form. Talon does eat the skins sometimes, and you should always wash them, even the organic ones. What is organic in one country, is not in another. Some of these grapes come from many parts of the world.
  15. He/She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing photo's!
  16. Sounds like a very loving and content grey. You should consider yourself lucky to have such a special bond with her. She in my mind, is perfectly normal!
  17. Talon


    I had Talon shipped to MA from FL. via Delta Express. Not the best way to get her, but for me, it was the only way to get a Grey at that time. Things went well, she was only 8 1/2 weeks old, she didn't seem to suffer any ill effects from the trauma.
  18. Dan & Badkarma, Thanks for the great ideas!! SEE, you are never too busy to keep exercising and working out. Where there is a will, there is a way! :woohoo: I love the way you guys think! Keep cooking and using those ingredients to stay in shape! :woohoo:
  19. Well Everyone!!!! HELLO?! Where did everyone go? Did you forget about our WEEKLY check in? I haven't heard from anyone for 9 days!!!!! :ohmy: Don't let the holidays make you lose focus on your health. There is nothing more important to you and your family, not presents, not decorations, not baking cookies, etc. The best present you can give your family is your health. So lets get going everyone! NO slacking off for the holidays!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
  20. Yes, Please keep us posted. This is the most interesting story. I look forward to following the events as they unfold.
  21. Welcome:) Sean and Cleo. I am happy you joined our Family! I look forward to seeing photos and hearing more from you!
  22. Yes, some childrens toys are great! Just watch out for smaller parts that can come off that aren't safe.
  23. Tracy, Bless your heart for rescuing this sweet bird. What a lucky bird she is to have such a loving and caring family adopt her. Please keep us posted on her progress.
  24. Congratulations Everyone! This was one of the hardest photo competitions here that I have seen. ALL the photos were breathtaking! It was very difficult to choose just 5! CONGRATULATIONS MAKENA!!!! {Communicate-000200D5}
  25. Kristin, I loved seeing that. Boy, I wish Talon would get wet like that. She hates the water!!:evil:
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