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Everything posted by Talon

  1. TO ALL EACH AND EVERY ONE OF OUR VALUED MEMBERS, I would first like to say, that we here, are very happy that you have chosen this forum to become a member. I'm sure you will agree that it is the BEST forum on the internet for advice regarding any subjects pertaining to African Greys. Nowhere will you find another Family that is more respectful, more giving of their time and advice, more helpful, more caring, more loving towards each other. We love each and every bird that is lucky enough to be a member of this family as if it were our own. We care about each other and look to share our ups and downs with THIS family to help us through not only the difficult times, but this family is here to share in the wonderful events that happen in each and every members lives. That being said, I feel that I have to comment on the recent posts that have been made regarding leaving this forum for reasons that are unexplainable. I feel that we as a family, deserve a better explanation than "I am just leaving for personal reasons regarding this forum". That leaves a lot of us members, moderators, and administrators wondering if we did something wrong. We wonder if it was something we said?, or could it be that something we are doing is not helpful enough?, could we improve things here? Lots of unanswered questions, which leaves us all very frustrated. It only takes a couple of minutes to PM a moderator or admin to explain the reasons that you are unhappy and feel the need to leave. We would like the opportunity to work with each member if they feel unhappy here. I realize that we aren't going to please everyone all the time, but we would like to make an effort to keep you as the valued member that you are. Everyone here is an important part of this family, and feelings are hurt when you just up and leave with no explanation. So PLEASE in the future, PM a moderator or admin if there is an issue that has you upset and bothered. We are all here to help, and would like the opportunity to help rectify the situation. Penny Talon/Admin Ceasarsdad/Admin FairY/Admin Talonsis/Moderator Judygram/Moderator Danmcq/Moderator Dblhelix/Moderator Makena/Moderator Beccy/Moderator Lovemygreys/Moderator Tari/ Moderator<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/27 23:35
  2. Thank you Tari, Merry Christmas to all! {Holidays-0002013E}
  3. Talon drank some ginger ale one night, a lot of it. Our avian vet said not to let her drink fizzy drinks because being so gassy, they can't expel that. Ultimately, she did vomit some up that night shortly after. I don't think it should be given to them, there is nothing nutritional in it for them.
  4. Hi & Welcome! I look forward to hearing more and seeing pictures when you have the time!
  5. WOW! You never know what your going to learn here on the forum! Thanks guys for the information. Karma for you both!! :cheer:
  6. What a beautiful family you have Mario! You truly are blessed! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! {Holidays-00020138} {Holidays-000200B2}
  7. Andrew, Thanks you for wishing me luck! I will keep you posted on how Talon does. Birdmom, I am moving to the next town over, which is only about 5 minutes away. Joe, you let the cat out of the bag! :lol: :lol: Judy, Thank you for your well wishes, I know you only want the best for me, and that means the world to me.\ I really appreciate all the advice and support everyone is giving me. It's nice to know that my "family" is here for me.
  8. That was very cute! Thank you for sharing that with us.
  9. Glad to hear that you two have sorted everything out, and are getting along well now! Let's keep the peace, and enjoy each other. That's what makes this such a fun place, we all have different opinions, but still love each other like the family that we are! {Love-00020111}
  10. Thanks for the advice everyone! I will keep you posted on how things go. Only 4 of the 6 members of her flock are moving, so we"ll see how she adjusts. But all our other pets are coming too. I'm just happy that she is coming, she was a gift to my oldest son who is not moving, but he gave her to me! And of course, that made me VERY happy!!! :)
  11. Enjoy your trip Kristin! Us girls will keep Andrew busy!! :P
  12. Talon

    Favorite Cereal

    Talon loves cream of wheat and oatmeal on these cold mornings. No sugar or milk added here. She even has me eating the leftovers.
  13. Hello Everyone. Please click on the link below, and watch the short video. It reminds us that is only takes a second to say "Thank-You for our Freedom" to those that are risking their lives for us. http://www.gratitudecampaign.org/fullmovie.php
  14. Good advice Joe, Thank you. Putting her in her cage is a good idea, but perhaps I will use her play cage at first, as she will be able to see more of us until bed time. I suppose moving her in the morning is something I better do to give her time to get used to her surroundings before bedtime.
  15. Thanks! I like the idea of the music, and I will try to keep the routine the same. She will be sleeping in my room once I move. For now, she sleeps in my sons room.
  16. Hi Everyone! I am moving next weekend. Talon will be going to a new house, with all new furniture. I will be taking her play cage, various play stands, and her sleep cage. But I'm wondering if there is anything I should or could do to make this as smooth a transition as possible for her. She has been with us in the same house since she was 8 1/2 weeks old, (she is now 26 months old) so she knows nowhere else but her present home. What types of behaviors if any should I expect? Does anyone have any advice for making this move as comfortable and smooth as possible for her? I appreciate any advice. Thank you!! <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/22 04:21
  17. Welcome and Yes, like all the others advised, you must see a vet for your grey. Please keep us posted.
  18. Hi Jenny, and Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more from you and seeing pictures of Alex!
  19. Apology accepted.......BUT DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!! :evil: :evil: :P
  20. This is interesting....I too, am moving in a week. Talon has been drinking town water where we live now. But she will be getting well water where we are moving to. And yes, it has very recently been tested, and all is well with the quality of it. :unsure:
  21. Hi Laurie! I love your enthusiasm. I hope it gets others motivated. I am happy that you are on the right road, and excited about it too! Remember, it's one step at a time, and it does take time. Keep us posted, I look forward to reading them every night. Penny
  22. Laurie, I'm happy you liked Curves! And congrats on the willpower for those desserts!! :woohoo: You and CD are right, it's all about feeling good, being healthy and happy! Please keep checking in, and letting us know how you are doing! I'll be waiting...................:whistle:
  23. Talon

    Ear Biting

    OHSNAP,I think you need to reread the ENTIRE thread, and you will see that the members here are very much against even joking about hurting a bird. It's time to put this thread to rest.
  24. Laurie! That's wonderful!! I'm so happy and excited for you. :cheer: And please keep us posted anytime, you don't have to check in on Wednesdays only, that was just a suggestion. Check in tomorrow, and let me know how you liked Curves. I'll be waiting to here..........B)
  25. Joe, we do all feel like we missed something here. Why would such a valuable and wonderful member like yourself just up and leave with no explanation? Perhaps you would pm me or one of the the admins and let us know. Penny
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