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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    i'm back!

    WOW! I am so happy to hear you are well, and are back. We have missed you very much and I for one, was very concerned about you. I'm glad to hear that you are okay. :cheer: Welcome Back!!
  2. OMG! Talon has her MOODS! Some days happy as can be, and others grouchy as can be, others feisty, others cuddly. I do use a lite for her when she is in her cage. She seems to like the warmth and the brightness of it. Our parakket LOVE their light, they are always sitting under it, and I do keep my house around 70-72 in the winter.
  3. Thats all we eat in this house is 12 grain bread, (there are other brands as well)and Talon has always LOVED it!
  4. Thank you Ronda for the reminder. I do post a reminder and send out a system message every few months as a reminder, but it's always nice to have a little help on the side! B) B)
  5. OMG! You two are at it again.......:pinch: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. That's wonderful! It's all forward until the terrible two's...... That's where Talon is now!
  7. Aww. they are soooo cute! I just love them!! {Love-000200BF}
  8. Those first sounds and words are so exciting. She'll be talking before you know it! B)
  9. I skip all air fresheners. I only use air cleaners.
  10. WOW! A birdie zoo! You are so lucky!! Nice to have you here with us! B)
  11. Heather, he is adorable!! Thanks for sharing such great close up pictures!!
  12. Nice pictures. We have lots of deer here. We feed them in our backyard. We have many people here who feed them parsnips!! B)
  13. Read this link, it should help you, if you are still having trouble, pm me and I will help you. ' http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-welcome-room/54297-how-to-post-pictures.html
  14. Welcome, please see the link below in help posting photo's. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-welcome-room/54297-how-to-post-pictures.html
  15. Welcome to our family. I look forward to hearing more from you, and especially seeing your photo's. Feel free to post them in our photography room!! B)
  16. Yes, Judy is correct. There are links here telling you how to post pictures. See below: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-welcome-room/54297-how-to-post-pictures.html
  17. Talonsis posted some very nice pictures, you should check it out. Too bad theses 2 threads weren't tied together. Click on the link below to see her photo's. B) http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/61552-lunar-eclipse.html#61633
  18. Spooky, Niko sounds a lot like Talon. They both behave in the same manner. Sleeps 11-12 hours. Never has pooped in her sleep cage. Won't poop in her play cage. She has a morning potty basket she will poop in as long as I get her to it in time when she gets out of her sleeping cage. Other than that, she likes to hang out on the back of my kitchen chairs and poop off the back! :pinch: BTW Cool signature line!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/02/23 17:43
  19. Tracy, no apology necessary. I couldn't have said it better myself. I stand behind you as always, not just because you are a member of our team, but because you are absolutely correct. B)
  20. Hi & Welcome to our family. I'm very happy you finally joined us. I look forward to seeing pictures if you have any to post, and hearing more from you!!
  21. Tubescreamer, OMG!! I am in tears over what I read in the way you have treated your grey so far. My heart breaks for that poor bird. PLEASE, do yourself and him a favor and give him to a home where he will be treated as he requires. I am appalled at your methods. He is shaking out of the FEAR that you have instilled in him in your harsh methods. He will never ever forget what you have done, he will behave out of fear, not training, and most likely have other behavioral problems through out his entire long life. You do know they can live 40-80 years? FYI: Dan is correct, you don't "break" a horse in the way that you describe. We had a 2 year old Wild caught Mustang boarded at our house. I watched his owner TRAIN, not BREAK that horse into one of the best and calmest horses I have ever seen. When he came, you couldn't walk within 8 feet of his stall. Now you can hug, love and ride him. We have horses, and have boarded horses for 20 years, and I have witnessed many horses being trained. You do it just as Dan says. My daughter has an off the track race horse who knows nothing about being a trail horse, and he has learned through love, and patience and respect, not force. Now, back to topic. :pinch: Greys should never be FORCE trained. They should be treated with love, patience, acceptance, respect, and knowledge of their natural instincts so that you can earn their trust. They have different needs than most animals, and those needs must be met if you are ever going to be successful in raising a wonderful loving, trusting bird. Please listen to our many experienced owners here, and change your methods. Your grey having the life he deserves depends on it. Please reread the advice you were given, read some books, research on the internet, but do it for the benefit of you and your grey. PLEASE....<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/02/23 03:23
  22. Yes, thanks Ronda!! You beat me to it!!
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