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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Laurie, doing what you suggest will be fine. Cold drafts are not good for them at all. I take Talon out the same as you, except I use a towel, or my jacket and I make it quick!
  2. Talon


    Maybe your right Judy, she really can jump quite far! It's funny to watch, she squats down, and really pushes off hard! You should feel it, it's pretty amazing!!
  3. Thanks for the update. I hate red-tape!! :angry: :angry:
  4. Talon


    Talon has taken to jumping when she wants to go somewhere such as the top of the couch or chair to my shoulder. Or from the couch to my knee that is bent up like a perch, etc. Does anyone els'se Grey like to do that too? It appears it's her favorite way to move from one place to another, especially lately. BTW, she is fully flighted and is allowed to fly as she pleases around the house.
  5. Very nice thread Tracy! Thank you for posting this list. :) Karma for you girl!!:woohoo:
  6. OMG! I can't handle 2 of you!!! HELP ladies!!!!!
  7. Hi Eva and Welcome to our family! I live in MA, so we are almost neighbors!! I wish you luck with your grey. Please keep us updated as times gets closer. I can't wait for pictures too!
  8. Dave, you can buy shower perches with the suction cups, but I highly recommend spending the extra money and buying the ones that have a square plastic cover over the suction cups. Talon has chewed the suction cups and has pulled them off the wall. I have gone through 4 of them before finding the one with the covers on them. She still occasionally manages to get it to fall off the window. (I use them on the windows, as she HATES getting wet in the shower. I have them all over my house windows. Spoiled little thing that she is!!) :pinch:
  9. Claire, what a cutie!! I'm so happy you shared that with us. Some of us weren't lucky enough to see our birds at such a young age, I appreciate seeing your photo!
  10. HI and Welcome to our family. Just start clicking away. You'll figure this site out quickly. It can seem overwhelming at first, but it will become easy before too long!
  11. Beautiful photo's Mark!B)
  12. That's a great cause. Good for you!!
  13. OMG DAN, I just missed the cut off age by 2. :ohmy: :(
  14. Aww. He is adorable. And he seems to really love you already. The others give good advice. I'm sure with all your tlc, he will be just fine very soon.
  15. It's funny how different they are. Talon doesn't really like fruits, and it took her about 4 months to finally eat veggies. She does have her favorites though. :pinch:
  16. Sounds like his diet is good. Are you able to see the vet soon? :huh:
  17. Hi and Welcome! I look forward to hearing more and seeing pictures!
  18. OMG! I have tears in my eyes. Toni is such a wonderful person, a very valued and respected member of our family here. Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery to her. She is in my thoughts and prayers. Please tell her we are so thankful that she was lucky enough to have survived. Things happen for a reason, she should concentrate on getting better, and seeing that this is a sign that perhaps she needs to take a step back and put herself first for a change. Please keep us posted on her progress. :dry:
  19. Hi Ashley and welcome! I'm very excited for you! I bet you can't wait. Keep us posted on his/her progress as time goes on!
  20. HI Lovely and welcome! 5 months is a great age! I had my grey shipped via Delta. Just get there early for pick up so he doesn't have to remain in the cargo any longer than is necessary It takes time to do all the paperwork. I can't wait to see pictures and hear more. Please keep us posted!
  21. Hi Thomas! Welcome to our family. You do have a houseful!! But I am happy for you, sounds like your grey is a sweetheart, and feeling very loved and comfortable already!! I look forward to hearing more and seeing some photo's!!
  22. HI and Welcome to our family! I am so excited, time will pass quickly for you I hope! Can't wait to see her when she's home!!
  23. Hi Tina and welcome to our family! I can't wait to see pictures!!! B)
  24. Fuuny! I love the Outback Rest. :woohoo: :laugh: B)
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