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Everything posted by Talon

  1. okay.......I bought the large fun factory for Rikki's 3rd birthday on December 13! SHHHHHH! Don't tell her!! :whistle: http://www.greyfeathertoys.com/cgi-bin/quikstore.cgi
  2. What a wonderful adventure for us to follow. Bless you and your hubby for taking this poor bird in and making his life so much more loved and fulfilled. I know you will love him and care for him forever. Please keep us updated. This is a wonderful story! :cheer: And karma for you...lots of it!! B)
  3. ZOOMAN: You can buy extensions made out of plastic that hang from the ceiling that birds are unable to climb to hang toys from so they can't reach the ceiling to chew. I can send you a link to a place that sells them if you want to see it. They come in a couple different lengths.
  4. Awww....how cute. She loves you. Give her time, she is trying to figure you and all her surroundings out. B)
  5. Carolyn wrote: LOVE IT! Thanks Carolyn, I guess your creativity is rubbing off on me.......:laugh: :laugh: :P
  6. Just thought I'd show some photo's of Rikki and her favorite place to play. She will spend hours here, Talon prefers a bag instead. No boxes for her! Talon <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/07 21:04
  7. Hi everyone! I just got back from our local pet store. It is very small, slim pickings for birds and pets. We don't have any big pet stores where I live. That's why I tend to buy everything online for my birds. But I do buy Rabbit toys for my birds. The prices are SO much cheaper, and my birds LOVE the toys I get for them, better than the EXPENSIVE bird toys I come home with. SO, next time you are in a pet store, check out all the chewable toys for bunnies. Most are safe for birds as well. Below is a picture of what I bought today, nothing here cost more than $6.00.
  8. The link you posted was the same place I bought mine from. The large ones are VERY heavy! Like I said, it was SO big, I cut mine in half. Here is a picture of mine that my birds WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil: <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/07 19:57
  9. Lyric, I paid about $125 for mine with shipping. It was the biggest they made (recommended for AG) I wish I had bought a smaller one. I just cleaned my history out, but I will let you know where I bought it. It was some place online. The rope diameter is bigger than I prefer. I only wish my birds would use it. It looks cool....I'll try to take some pictures of it and post later. You could make one, I thought that too, but it was a time factor for me...just easier to buy. :unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/07 19:54
  10. I bought one about 3 months ago. It was enormous, and I cut it in half. I hung it vertically with some toys on it, but my 2 greys will have NOTHING to do with it. It is now a decoration in my living room......
  11. Casper, did you make that? I LOVE it, and would be interested in something like that for my birds.
  12. OMG!!! This is hilarious!! {Feel-good-0002006E} I voted today.....and I'm not telling which BIRD candidate I voted for, but I'll give you a hint, a toy in every cage......hmmmmmm.:laugh: :laugh:
  13. Corn syrup, I believe is a sugar substitute. Perhaps you should put a few in your hand, and let him help himself.
  14. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts & prayers.
  15. What a wonderful present! And you are a very thoughtful man!! :cheer: :cheer: Tell that wife of yours how lucky she is......B)
  16. Talon

    Avian Game

    Remote Controls......because they CAN chew off all the important buttons! :pinch: Name an important food/ingrediant that should be in our greys diet to help them with skin and feather issues...
  17. BRAVO DAVE!!! Not another word is needed!! You said EVERYTHING THAT ALL OF US EXPERIENCED MEMBERS HERE WAS TRYING TO GET ACROSS! Karma for you!!:woohoo:
  18. Shelly.....trying to pick a fight? If so, please do it elsewhere. Lately, you seem to log on make a negative comment, and then go POOF! Aren't you here for BIRDS? If that's the case, I would love to see your advice and positive comments towards our members here. This is an OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSION ROOM. NO POLITICS ARE BEING DISCUSSED, ONLY REMINDING THOSE MEMBERS THAT ARE AMERICANS TO VOTE. My suggestion is this, if you don't like what you read here, then go visit another room where you will find parrot topics. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/03 15:37
  19. Thank you Casper/Caroline! I am certain you will do an excellent job here in the Nursery Room. I know you will take this opportunity and run with it!!B)
  20. MisterT, I agree wholeheartedly with you that keeping an animal in a cage of any kind is cruel. I think once you read through the many threads here, you will find that most of us members keep our birds OUT of their cages as much as possible. My birds only go in their cages when I have to leave the house, or when they go to bed. Otherwise they have free range which includes flying in my entire house for the entire day if they choose. (which btw they don't always do). Yes, it can be extremely stressful for a bird to be cages all day long, and they will develop "issues" if left in their cages day in and day out. But your comment about the world being full of crap and having to customize it...is cruel if you think you can customize a grey to your liking. That my friend is an impossible feat!! If you are talking about taking your grey outside, it ALWAYS needs to be harnessed. We have countless stories here about members who were convinced that a recall system is all that they needed. When you learn about greys, you will also learn that FEAR will overtake any training they have for recall. I could fill your head with real life stories, and thought out criticism, but experience and research is the best you can do at this point. I am done here. I hope and pray that any bird you get has a wonderfully happy life due to the fact, that you understand, nurture and love them. Sincerely, Talon
  21. I'd rather buy a new cage instead of paying bills...:whistle:
  22. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the coffee remark. I don't drink it, and never have. As far as me feeling guilty? For what reason? I did, and continue to do my research on greys even tho I have had 2 of them for 3+ years. You stated some pretty serious expectations in your first post. That shows me that you really don't know a whole lot about African greys. Certainly you need to do an incredible amount of research regarding having one as a pet, never mind taking it with you as a companion in the woods. You owe it to any bird to do the research and fully understand them before you get one just for the purposes you previously stated. I apologize if you think I'm coming on a little strong here, but I have read so many threads on which people get a grey for the WRONG reasons, and then traumatizing the poor bird unintentionally, and ultimately giving the bird away because of the physiological damage that was done because of a lack of understanding of them,their instincts, needs and habits. If you want to do all those things with your grey, do your homework, which takes time, and understand that you may end up with a grey that won't tolerate those types of things you want it to do. They are all quite different.
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