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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I don't know about the whole territorial issue, but I have 2 greys. Talon has a sleep cage and has since she was 8 weeks old. Rikki does not. When we got Talon, she was a gift for my son, and we put her rather large cage in his room, we quickly learned that this wasn't in her best interest when we were not home, so I bought her a play cage for the downstairs. We have always put her to bed in her upstairs sleep cage ever since. Rikki never had one, and has always slept downstairs in her mansion. I do cover them both at night to give them quiet time and privacy.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/06/03 12:26
  2. Well, tonight one of our beloved horses Annie passed on. She was 25 years old. She had been diagnosed last summer with EPM ( Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis. She was a registered Saddlebred named: Annie Trotwood, born May 25,1984. She had 3 foals in her lifetime. She was a beautiful horse as you can see by the photo. My daughter Melissa rode her often until her diagnosis of EPM. EPM attacks their neurological and musucular system, and they become very weak in their hind legs in the beginning. She had good and bad days, but the good days always outweighed the bad. We treated her for it last summer, but there is no cure. She didn't die because of the EPM which is how she was expected to die....she broke her humerus in several places today. We don't know how exactly, I suspect she fell because of the EPM symptoms as she stumbles sometimes and broke it then.. She was the best horse ever, and we will miss her terribly...especially our other two, Pat & Misty. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_6603.jpg
  3. I am so sorry to hear of this horrible event. But I am happy he will soon be safe back with his momma!! B)
  4. Talon

    what a week

    OMG! How terrible. I am glad you are doing okay now. It's nice to have you back here. Hope you heal up quickly!!
  5. Oh Dan, I am so sorry to hear this....you, Kim & Jake are in my prayers...please keep us posted.
  6. Yup, I went to pick my dog up at the groomers today, and came home with an adorable 3 month old kitten! He's all black and very sweet! Talon spent the afternoon flying over his head and screaming at him. She let him know right away who's boss around here!!:laugh: :blink: :evil: :evil: I swore I, the cat lover, would never get another cat after losing mine to coyotes last year. As long as I had birds, no way! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :unsure: :S
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSEY!! I know Mama will spoil you rotten today, take advantage Josey!! :woohoo: :woohoo: {Love-0002011E}
  8. My 10 year old son, whose father (against my wishes) bought him a dirt bike last year, had an accident yesterday. He was BY HIMSELF (yes, I know, fathers...where is their brain?) and the throttle stuck, he lost control, hit a cement post, and both him and his bike went flying. He then remembered, he didn't have his cell phone on him that I bought for him so if something happened, he could call home, (yes, again...fathers....) SO he had to get back on the bike, and drive himself home to his fathers house. He doesn't remember what he hit, but he has the worse case of road rash on his leg, and a laceration cut thru the muscle and the bone was exposed. It required a backboard, and a ride to the hospital where we spent 7 hours. He had 4 stitches inside the wound, and 25 outside. He is now home safe and sound with crutches on the couch. Thank God, I bought him a new helmet as his father refused to buy him one that fit him last year. And he did have some padding on that he had for his upper body. He is pretty sore, but Thankfully, he will be okay. Today, I am saying my prayers...he was very lucky. :huh:
  9. I don't know what airtex is...but I put a hollow wall fastener in, then screw an eye hook into it. The last thing you want to have happen, is for your bird to be on something and have it fall out of the ceiling..:ohmy:
  10. Hello everyone: time to vote for your favorite!! Please send me a pm with your 1st 2nd 3rd 4th choices. I will tally the votes and let you know the winners!! :woohoo:
  11. There is a thread here called show me your cage. Just do a search and you might find more discussion there.
  12. They need shade as well so they do not overheat, which can happen quickly......B) And yes, they can sunburn. I had it happen to my grey from a light bulb!
  13. Carol, this is what happened to my daughter's keyboard when she walked away from her laptop for just a few minutes......she is on keyboard number 3 right now....Talon has her eye on it though...... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/offtopic-discussions/81261-a-warning.html#81378 IMAGINE THIS TIMES TWO........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/05/24 16:39
  14. Rikki's is 68h, 40L, 32W. I bought her a taller one, because she loves to play on the bottom. Here's the link to Rikki's cage. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/102576-rikkis-new-cage.html#102742 Talon's is 55H, 42L, 26W, she tends to need more width. I haven't yet posted a picture of Talon's new cage...
  15. Wow! Are theses costly.....B) I have recently bought to very large cages for both Rikki and Talon. I spent about $500-$600 a piece. They are so large, I could never take them in the tub and hose them down, but I do clean them several times a week. I have found the heavy duty powder coated ones clean up real easily! :cheer:
  16. What a wonderful organization. Thanks for sharing this with us. I expect to hear from Judy on this...
  17. That's hilarious Carol! I LOVE your patience and sense of humor with your babies. They are so lucky to have you and to be in their forever home with you and your family!
  18. YIKES!! Sounds too good to be true for us amateurs. :huh:
  19. Very nice! He's beautiful......just like someone else I know.
  20. The pictures you are referring to, are tweaked in PHOTOSHOP. B)
  21. You have to be kidding here........:blink:
  22. Congratulations!! They are beautiful...I'm so excited for you. Keep these updates and pics coming!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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