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Everything posted by Talon

  1. WOW~ What an idea! Thanks for sharing that info. B)
  2. I would like to Thank Everyone for all the great entries in the Homemade Toy Contest! ALL of them were excellent, I don't know how anyone chose! But the votes were tallied and the winners are: FIRST PLACE: Carolz7 for her hanging gym SECOND PLACE: Danmcg THIRD PLACE: CarolandFamily Congratulations to all and Thank you for those that voted! B)
  3. Awww. I'm so sorry Diane.....
  4. Here is the link to the shower curtains. I do need to have shower doors put in, but I am stalling as it seems easier to throw the curtain in the wash instead of cleaning doors.....:blink: http://buygreensavvy.com/products/bathroomproducts/cotton-and-hemp-shower-curtains.html
  5. I don't know about anyone else here......but Talon LOVES LOVES LOVES to climb all over my plastic shower curtain and redesign it by making a pattern of beak holes in it. I have replaced it 8 times in the last year and a half. You may ask why so many times, why not leave it? Well, she shreds it so badly that after a while it is barely hanging there! I buy the heavy duty, hotel liners, the ones that will last a lifetime, no mold, mildew, throw them in the wash, etc. I have a designer shower curtain in front of it, so it is only the liner, but........ Well, I am happy to say, that I may have found a solution! I found a company that is owned by a family that sells only "green" products. I bought my newest shower curtain from them. It is white canvas, you can throw it in the wash, it's heavy enough where she can't puncture it so easily, too much work, so she appears to have moved on. I will keep you updated, I have had it a month. But so far, so good! :woohoo: :woohoo: Oh and BTW, it cost the same as the other ones...$29.99
  6. Dan, that is adorable! What a beauty Dayo is! And smart too!
  7. Sounds more like preening and possibly molting. I wouldn't worry about it if you aren't seeing any bald patches.
  8. I have the wooden buckets that have foot toys wrapped up in different color paper. I also put treats in there to unwrap, bits of broken toy parts that are wooden, pine cones, seashells, etc. I restock it when ever I am going to be gone for the day. It keeps them busy unwrapping, chewing etc. They never know what they will find in there.
  9. Talon

    Birthday wishes.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR FRIEND! Judy and I go way back........and I am proud to have her as my friend to lean on and support me. I WILL be having a margarita for you Judy, not only is it YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! But it is the final D day for me!! :woohoo: :woohoo: {Love-00020112}
  10. Keep up the search and don't give up! Do as Dan suggested, contact as many places you can, use the internet as much as you can. Hopefully someone will see it. Also, I like the suggestion that Polly may be someone near hiding. Please keep searching....
  11. Seeing as I feel that Diane came here to us, her family for support, I am throwing my admin weight around.....have cleaned this thread up, and will watch it to be sure it stays on course. No more comments on what transpired are necessary. Diane, I hope and pray that your baby is back with you soon. Please know we all care and feel your pain. Sincerely, Talon
  12. I would like to open a discussion on the effects of Second hand smoke and our birds. I have never smoked, and my birds have not been exposed to it ever. But I do know some members do smoke. I don't want to start a heated debate, but I do think posting facts for the safety of our birds is important information to have. Nicotine on human hands for example......and how that affects them
  13. awww....how adorable......never under estimate their intelligence. u:unsure:
  14. I like this. What a great idea, having a discussion about the different opinions we all have regarding this issue.B)
  15. OMG Dan! I have been following this on my BB for the last 2 days. I am so excited for you, Kim and Jake. What a miracle this is. The chances of you finding him were only so great because of your all out efforts. I hope others learn from this: leave no stone unturned as you and Kim did. CONGRATULATIONS...YOU HAVE YOUR FAMILY BACK!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  16. OMG!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! how are we ever going to sleep tonight.......i want info asap DAN!!!!
  17. OMG!! The hell with the time...get on it......don't be so polite. And please encourage her to keep the feeder full! Please keep us posted, and I hope and pray this is Jake and you get him back. I am so hopeful and excited!!! You are in my prayers today....
  18. hmmm....hobbies? Let's see: besides my birds and other animals.....I love to go to the gym and workout. Running outside....watching tv before bed......being here on the forum.......That seems to be all I have time for right now. But when I had more time, I love to knit and crochet. One day, I'll get back to that, right now the birds wouldn't allow it! :laugh: :blink: :whistle: :S
  19. Very Funny!! Always a smart-alek!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Oh, I am so sorry for you and Brandy. I KNOW that feeling and it hurts forever. I became a single mom almost 2 years ago, and promised my daughter that somehow, someway, we would always keep her 3 horses. It has been so difficult financially, especially when we had to dish out $1600 for Annie's treatment for EPM last summer. I pulled in the driveway and Melissa had made the arrangements with the vet to treat her horse, I didn't know how I was going to pay for it,and didn't have the heart to say no at that point, then Melissa had met me in the garage with ALL the money she had saved from her summer job and handed it to me....I cried. About one month later, her other horse had a horrific accident, he got frightened, and got his foot caught in the electric fence, being the ex-race horse he is, he ran and never stopped. He took out half of our electric fence, 4 strands in height, and got the gate handle stuck into his leg. The fence was wrapped so tightly around his leg, he had to be tranquilized to have it cut out of his leg. It cost about the same for his vet bills... Thank God for charge cards..... I hope one day, you get Brandy back. You deserve her. I'll pray for that.
  21. awww. Thank you all for your caring thoughts and words. It is so nice to have others that care in a time like this. I am still waiting for that ex-husband of mine to finish burying her...
  22. {Feel-bad-0002006A} Oh this is so sad. I understand how painful the "not knowing if they are ok" can be.
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