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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, Talon does that blood curdling scream as well. When I brought our new kitten home, she spent the first day dive bombing the poor thing and screaming at it in that God awful sound. She let that kitten know right off the bat whose house this really was....:evil: She also makes that screaming sound when I get the long handled purple duster out of the broom closet to dust off the ceiling fans or the corners of the room. But she also flies at it as she screams! :evil: :blink:
  2. Extreme Home Makeover is in a city just 25 miles away from me right now making over a house for a family that has 4 children and several nieces and nephews living with them. They lost their house to a fire last winter, It was built this past week! A million dollar home!! :woohoo:
  3. Tycos-mom, I am so happy to know that I will not be alone in trying to fix my house up one day. It's so hard to see the destruction they have done, but I wouldn't give them up, or their ability to fly around my house for anything. You would think they are doing this out of boredom, but the truth is, when we go outside on the front porch, or the back deck, they want to come, so they fly to the window sill, and use the panes to hold onto while they watch us....:blink:
  4. OMG! There are so many things....let's see, Laptop, ALL cords to the electronics, like 100 pair of ipod headphones, my Blackberry, my keyboard, the tops of the wooden doors in my house, many shower curtains, many broken dishes as Rikki LOVES to push them onto the ceramic tile floor and watch them smash! Dvd cases, and last but not least, Probably the most expensive.....the wooden window panes in my BRAND NEW HOUSE!!!!!!
  5. Talon

    Poor Conure

    Karma to you for being so loving to these birds! Bless you and your family and flock.B)
  6. I'm so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  7. Very Nice Janet! I love your enthusiasm. :woohoo: I especially LOVE the karma incentive!! Let's go everyone......get your karma asap! {Communicate-00020117}
  8. WHAT?!?!?!? :ohmy: Doing what...........wait, don't tell me............you sat at your computer all day playing in the forum? :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  9. Chimaysmommy, I can't agree more with you. It is a sad day, but I hope he finally is at peace, because after all the accusations, not findings of guilt, his life spiraled out of control into destruction. I personally don't believe he deserved what happened to him. His music and talent is untouchable.
  10. {Feel-bad-0002009F} {Communicate-0002011A}
  11. Great Judy! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I have a myspace, but never use it. I use Facebook daily...in fact several times a day. B)
  12. I am resurrecting this again...THANKS TO JUDY!!! :whistle: :silly:
  13. This is hilarious!! I would love to be a fly on the wall at your house and watch all the fun you have with these two precious babies!! :woohoo:
  14. Dave, what did you do to that man to deserve the top bunk??????? :lol: :whistle:
  15. Yes, you can steam clean a cage. I personally would use a bird safe cleaning product. I am sure others here will chime in with better advice. B)
  16. Welcome to our Classified Room. This room is for trading, selling, or listing Bird Related Items. This is an informal section where members may list items that you would like to sell or trade. All listings MUST meet the following criteria below: 1. Item must be bird-related. 2. We ask that you list the state and country you live in. 3. Listings must be from members only. NO WEB SITES or web links are to be listed. No selling/trading from stores, or second hand entities. 4. All inquiries and selling/trading arrangements are to be via the Private Message System, or by email. 5. Complaints, monetary issues are to be private between the parties involved in any transaction. 6. All items listed are subject to, and may be edited or deleted by the discretion of the admin team. Greyforums.net takes no responsibility for any items, transactions, occurrences, that transpire from any communication between parties.
  17. Welcome to our newest room! Let's talk about finding our birds the best housing possible. Pictures welcomed, so post a picture of your cage or aviary. Here's Rikki's cage:
  18. I have the 14' Jolly Ball. Mine came with the toys inside and out. Talon LOVES IT!! She spends time inside as I leave little toys and treats in it for her sometimes. She will preen herself inside it also. Rikki wants nothing to do with it tho. Talon will go to any toy without fear, she didn't when she was younger, but now she does. :blink:
  19. :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for having such a great sense of humor! Karma for you!! :cheer:
  20. Caitb2007 The reason behind the karma being set as it is, is because it can easily be abused, especially when it comes to negative karma, which we don't like to see. :huh: But we encourage members to use their karma daily as much as possible. I think sometimes it's forgotten.
  21. What a great idea!!! :laugh: :laugh: {Feel-good-0002006E}
  22. "MASTER JUDY", I am so happy you like it! Frank & I are on a mission to clean this place up, make videos work, get the polls working, and revamping the photo's on the front page for starters! We have our work cut out for us...:blink: :laugh: :laugh:
  23. I LOVE your tree. Did you make it yourself?
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