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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Happy 1 Year Baxter! Hope mam got you some new toys!! Rikki had her one year anniversary at our home on July 8th!
  2. Talon occasionally will find a pen left behind. She chews the end off, her tongue turns blue....I then take a wet baby washcloth, and keep sticking it in her mouth, where she will bite it, and get the blue ink off as much as possible. She has been fine after. I have never taken her to the vet for this. But certainly if it was a lot, I would advise it.
  3. Dan, I am sorry to hear this sad news. I am praying that all goes well. Please keep us posted.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. Very nice ladder! Let us know how he likes it! B)
  6. Rikki is the QUEEN of dish throwing! I bet if we had a contest here, she would win hands down. She loves to throw dishes, silverware, glasses onto the floor. She is very quick at it I might add. When she is done eating with us, off goes the dishes onto my ceramic floor!! :ohmy: I had bought the "unbreakable" Cornelle dishes......well.......what they don't tell you, is that when they hit the ceramic floor...they EXPLODE!!!! :blink: :blink: :angry: PIeces of them fly all over the house. She manages to get them in all 5 rooms of the downstairs!:evil: :evil: After having her do this for over a year...I finally remember most of the time to take ALL dishes, etc. away when I get up to answer the phone or whatever. I am down to one bowl, one medium size plate, and am missing most of the others.....:pinch:
  7. THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  8. Awww. I LOVE THESE! HE looks so sweet, what a ham! B)
  9. This was so cute! Thanks for FINALLY getting Dayo to show off. He always was so camera shy.......I think you've unleashed a monster!!! He seems to love showing off! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  10. I sent all my friends a facebook invite to his cause. I hope all goes well, please keep us posted.
  11. WHAT.... the parrot might eat the bird???? WHAT IS THIS LADY CRAZY?? HOw about the cat WILL eat the bird if let alone for a long time.....JEEZ, SOME PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID! I am HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU GUYS WOKE HER UP TO GET YOUR REFUND BACK, SERVES HER RIGHT! :laugh: :laugh: I am sorry to hear this all, I don't know where you live, but where I live, all kittens that are pure bred are free. Don't fret, the right kitty that is meant to love you and your family will come along very soon.
  12. Talon LOVES ice cubes, and ice water!! She likes to try and hold on tight to the ice cube and suck on it. :blink:
  13. What a wonderful idea! We should have a link here. I'll work on seeing if we can do something like that.B)
  14. I can't top that one for sure.......:laugh: :laugh: But this am, as I was vacuuming the kitchen area before our cookout today. I vacuumed around the tree stand, came back after to get the vacuum, and Rikki had thrown the food all around the floor, so, I vacuumed it again, she watched, threw more food, said "HEY,QUIT IT!" , I vacummed again,then threw more food, said, "HEY, QUIT IT!" this went on 4 MORE times...... :pinch: :lol: :evil:
  15. HAPPY FOURTH TO ALL~ {Holidays-0002010C} {Holidays-0002010D} {Holidays-0002010E} {Holidays-0002010F}
  16. I recently got a new kitten. My birds were used to a cat, but the cat was here before them, so the birds were very cautious and leary about him. Sadly.....the coyotes here got my cat....... When I brought the new kitten home, Talon set out to let that kittne know first hand, that SHE was the boss, this was HER house. She spent the first day or 2 chasing the cat around the house(she is fully flighted), dive bombing the poor kitty, and screaming at it as she did so. Rikki on the other hand, just tries to bite him as he walks by. The kitten knows who is the boss in this house, and never goes after the birds, but that doesn't keep me from keeping a diligent eye on them all....just in case. I am sure you will be fine, and I am very happy for you! My advice to you, is NEVER trust that those CAT instincts won't kick in when you least expect it.
  17. What kind of screening did you use. As I am having a room on my back deck screened in for an aviary. I am worried about traditional screens as they could chew through them.
  18. I agree with Dan with Tycos-mom and JUdy. I would never clip my birds wings. I have windows all over my house, and have rarely seen them fly into them. MY 2 birds are out of their cages most of the day. You can hang things in the windows so they understand it won't take them outside. They do need to learn to fly, both my birds were clipped when they came to me. I quickly allowed them to grow and learn to fly. Talon learned at a young age as we had her at 2 1/2 months old. Rikki, we got when she was 2, we have had her a year this week, and she finally has mastered flying, but still isn't quite as good as Talon yet. I'm sure you can see that I am completely against clipping for many reasons which I won't get into, but I do understand that people have their own reasons for doing it. B)
  19. Very cute!! You do good work! :)
  20. I agree in some aspects, but let's not forget Elvis, and the mockery that surrounds him and his death...it's all about selling news papers, increasing ratings, etc. every human being deserves to finally find peace. I hope that all the recent celebrities, Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays, all have found the peace they deserve. :huh:
  21. Casper, you are so right, just last night, my mother and her husband stopped by unexpectedly for a visit. I said, "let's go sit in the living room" and when we did, there was bird poop all over the loveseat and sofa....:blink: I had to clean it off before they dared to sit. You should have seen their faces..... :unsure: :ohmy: Didn't phase me at all.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/06/30 20:19
  22. Toni, the makeover that is going on near me is near Springfield, MA
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