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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I have one play-top cage. 2 of the done cages where the top opens up and there is a shelve in the front that you can open up as well. Plus a doubles cage with a divider that I have take out. my birds love all the cages. The dome tops that I have are the largest you can get, so I don't open the top cause I need a stool to do so. But I have perches and other things all over the outsides of them to play on. My amazon loves the play-tops, the greys could take them or leave them, they have too many other places in my house they love. remember: birds will perch the highest they can to sleep usually, so the dome tops in my opinion is the nicest, plus they are pretty looking cages.
  2. Welcome, and I am so sorry to hear it was a scam.....please be careful, there are many scams out there.... Please stay and join our family. Your bird or birds are out there somewhere waiting for you.
  3. I have been addicted to this: This pair of eagles have been together for almost 4 years in Iowa, USA. This is their second nest they have built as their first one fell during a wind storm when a tree branch broke. The nest is 6 feet wide, 4 feet deep, 80 feet up in this tree. These 3 babies were hatched April 2,3 & 6. This streams 24/7. It is manned by volunteers who sometimes are able to remotely control the camera for close ups, etc. At night, the camera is infrared so you can see them all night long! It is wonderful to be able to watch them feed the babies and protect them. The female is the bigger one. They will take turns flying off, hunting for food for themselves and their babies. Enjoy!!
  4. I live in the country. I have one neighbor close by, but she knows I have birds, loves to come over and see them, but never says anything about the noise. I many times in the winter when the windows are closed, go outside and walk to the barn to feed the horses, and I can hear them soooo loudly!! Especially when all 3 of them get going.....I am shocked at how loud they are thru the closed windows, and at the same time, GLAD I don't live near many people, for sure I would get complaints that would set me off!
  5. Woo Hoo! I have been a part of this forum for so many years, and this is the first contest I've ever one!!! I was SOOOO excited to see Nilah won!! Thank you everyone for your votes, you made Nilah & her Mommy very very happy!!!!! She sends her Thank you with her latest photo....check it out..........
  6. YAY! Nilah! This is the first contest we've ever one!! Thank you All!!
  7. TO ALL BIRD OWNERS!!!!!!!!! If we could only train our birds to go potty when we want them too.....
  8. In the beginning when they are still a bit unsteady and in secure, I would use my forearm when I asked my birds to step up. It felt secure and strong for them without them losing their balance. As time went on and they grew more confident, they will now step up onto any part of my hand, fingers, arm, shoulder, back I offer them. I have 3 on me at many times as I take them with me in the house. Sometimes I have to offer an odd spot, they don't care, they just jump on for the ride!
  9. If this member has NO experience, then asking for advice here, WILL NOT save this babies life. We have seen it over and over here in the many years here. That baby NEEDS to be returned to the breeder and cared for in the manner whichnonly an experienced breeder can do. I hope and pray, this member DOES have lots of experience, but as Judygrams states, if they did, they would know what is normal behavior at this age..... This baby will surely die if it has been sold unweaned......
  10. That is the most adorable video I have seen in a long time. I hope you don't mind..but I loved it so much, I shared it on my facebook! Sully is a star!!
  11. What a wonderful update, thank you for sharing it with us in such detail. I feel like I was there watching every step of the way! I am so proud of Joey's progress!
  12. My amazon sits all the time...lazy thing she is. . One on my greys sleeps in a happy hut at night, the other one sits down at night next to us as we Pet her to sleep. So I believe if they are tired, relaxed, they sometimes do.
  13. I have a bijon that likes to do the same. I use 2.5 acid water. It disinfects, sanitizes, so they can't smell ipthat spot again. Has no smell or I'll affects on my birds or us.
  14. Today is Nilah's second birthday. She is two years old, and as I have posted before , she has already begun terrible twos. . We will get thru it, as we did my other 2 birds.....although, Nilah seems a bit more terrible! Nilah loves bathing in the sun after her shower, that's the only place the sun was at that time of the day in my house.
  15. I will pass this on to the owners of this site.
  16. He's beautiful. Seems very outgoing for a rescue! Your lucky he seems to love his new family!
  17. Nikb. That's a great play stand. Did you make it?
  18. I love it! Sure put a giggle and a small on my face today.
  19. Love the look Sullivan has on his face!
  20. No chemical sprays...air freshness are toxic to birds.
  21. WHAT?!!!! ONE PHOTO PER PERSON?????? Anyone with an Amazon knows they LOVE to show off, and wouldn't allow just one photo! (Just Kidding Jayd!) AS ADMIN, I AM EXEMPT FROM THE CONTEST, (Well, actually, I broke the rules by posting 5, that tosses me out anyways.. ) JUST WANTED TO SHOW OFF NILAH AND HOPEFULLY GIVE OTHERS SOME IDEAS!
  22. Does it have to be one? I can't decide, so I'm posting 5! If you don't like it, bring it up to the moderator!!!!! HEE HEE!!! Nothing like a good shower!! "Woo Hoo!" "Hey, what are YOU looking at!" "And my wing" "Yup, that's it, "Don't forget this side" My personal favorite! I think she is saying..."HEY, don't forget under my tail!"
  23. A www. I'm so sorry.....
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