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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon my tag weighed 316 the lat time I weighed her in march.
  2. My greys will talk and whistle until I get them up. My amazon NEVER screams, she is very quiet. In fact, if she does talk, which she will, she talks very quietly. I do cover my cages at night, sometimes I'm not able to get them up until 9:30 in the am, they are fine with that. They know as soon as they are uncovered, they will get out and have breakfast with me.
  3. Those video's were great! Thank you for sharing them with us!!
  4. Dogs & Cats can't be compared to parrots in my opinion. Parrots require way more attention than other pets. I have had just about every pet you can imagine, and I too never got rid of one, it was in its forever home with me until the end of their life. It has been my experience that a parrot really needs your attention, no different than a child, and yes, they do get jealous and territorial towards their favorite person when they feel threatened by another. As for the terrible two's.......2 of my parrots went thru it, just like having a 2 year old child. My amazon is going thru her terrible two's as we speak, she turned 2 in April. I can't take my eye off her, or she's into trouble, plus a tantrum of independence and doing what she wants WHEN she wants. I am sure their are owners out there that have done both, parrots and babies, I couldn't due to the fact that I am the type of person who wants to give all of myself to my loved ones, and would feel stressed and torn trying to give both my young children and parrots the love, patience & attention that I feel they deserve. It's a personal decision for me. Thank goodness I have 4 children older and don't have to face the decision you are making, I would WANT that bird so badly, and not knowing what life with a parrot is like first-hand, I would make the choice to get a bird. Knowing what I know NOW, in hindsight, I wouldn't. Best of luck to you & your husband in your decision. I am sure you will do what is right for you.
  5. Im going to throw my 2 cents in here. Personally, I would not get a grey or amazon if I was planning on having kids in the near future. I know others do it, but I have seen too many people give their birds up because they dont have the time for them once the new baby comes into the house. You also have to be extra careful with children around any large parrot for any reasons, biting, escaping, etc. I would not be able to devote myself to both a parrot and my children until my kids were older. I have 4children and we didn't get our first grey until my youngest was 7. Just my opinion is all, something to think about so you make the right choice for you and your husband, your bird and future children.
  6. I do not believe that a parrot is a one person only bird. Some do prefer one person over the other, (just like us, they do have their favorite person). But my 3 parrots enjoy all of us in my house. There are 5 of us,.
  7. Hi & Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more from you. Do you have some pics? We LOVE them!!
  8. I agree with Dave, the largest cage possible for a tag or cag. My tag does NOT like large bird size toys, she won't touch them. She prefers "small, parakeet size toys", but she doesn't get them, she destroys them way too fast. I give her small parrot toys.., she settles for them..
  9. I have notified all my family to be on alert. I live very close to there and my family is still there...Hope & Pray for a safe return.
  10. They can't see in the dark any better than we can. Sometimes when my birds are being stubborn and wont go to bed, I have to turn all the lights in the house off, then they have a hard time finding my hand to step up on even tho it's not pitch black, so I can get them in their cage. They do not like the dark, so what you experienced is normal behavior when they lose that ability and fear kicks in. I keep a night light on for one of my birds cause she has night terrors with out it.
  11. This is very sad, unfortunately, we are not vets and can't help you save your bird. He needs to be rushed to an avian vet ASAP. prayers for you both, please keep us posted.
  12. Hi and Welcome to our family! You do have a house full! We LOVE pictures, so feel free to show off you family. WIW! I am amazed at the care and love of having 6 birds with their own diaries of their lives up to that point. How lucky you are! I look forward to hearing more from you and we are happy to have you join our family!
  13. Yes, miss you, hope all is well.
  14. The woman from NY. Said her bird is quiet, nervous and doesn't like strangers. But that's most congo's. Her birds name is Charlie, and she said her bird knows it's name very well. It is a female and she has had it since it was a weaned baby, it is 6 years old. She is so distraught...... Oh, and she doesn't have ALL the band info, only that it starts with the same 2 letters that this found bird has. She did not have any prior info on this found bird until I contacted her and quizzed her on band info, so I know she's telling me the truth. (not posting here for obvious reasons) Then other woman I have been talking to, her bird is a male, name PAcheo, banded, no band I fo, but IS avian micro chipped. Her bird has a song it likes to sing. PLEASE KEEP IN CONTACT WITH ME. I EMAILED AND PM 'd YOU MY PHONE NUMBER.
  15. I just googled it, and found 3 sites who offer it for $23-25. Keep looking, it's out there!
  16. Okay, thanks, she never returns my emails or calls.....I do need to know, has the bird been checked for a micro chip? That's important, as I have someone who's bird is banded and micro chipped waiting to hear if this bird has a chip. It's easy to check for that, no fee involved. Forgive me, but Suzie doesn't seem very easy to work with on this.
  17. Hello Steve, perhaps you could start a new topic about yourself in this room so we can hear more about you and your birds and what you meanly "expedition".
  18. Steve, Perhaps you should post a NEW topic in the Other Birds room with more detailed info before we can offer any advice. We are not vets, so contacting one would be your best bet
  19. Jeez, I bought it 5 years ago for around $20. Didn't know it was out of print, I am sure you can find one cheaper
  20. Madmandy, I did send you a message over the weekend with my phone number....a pm and an email....
  21. Not everyone writes down their band info......there ARE other ways of the owner identifying thei bird. Sounds, words they speak, songs they may sing. Just seeing the owner with the bird would be another way to determine if the birds knows the personor not.
  22. Luvparrots, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Does she have what's called an avian chip? Not sure what that is, but I know of another bird that has that.
  23. I know of very few maybe one or two that have had any success with this. I would never risk my bird's safety in this manner. Too many things could go wrong. no matter what anyone tells you, or how well bonded you are with your bird...you cna NEVER TRUST that they will come to you when called, or stay with you when their natural instinct to flee when they get startled.
  24. Oh, sorry, When I said free-flighted, I meant ONLY in my home. My birds fly wherever they want INSIDE my home. I WOULD NEVER EVER try such a thing outside. I have read too many stories of a bird getting spooked and lost....
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