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Everything posted by Talon

  1. You need to relax......let him do as he pleases and stop having so many expectations and getting upset when he doesn't behave in the manner in which you expect. If you don't this bird will develop problems with you and I can see you wanting to rehome him down the road........
  2. I have the second one, the anti-germ spray. It has a strong foul smell, don't like it.... I use nothing but 11.5 alkaline water for cleaning, or 2.5 acidic water for disinfecting. Can't get any safer than that. I have a countertop machine that makes it.
  3. WOW! Love that one. I have had this one also, and was very happy with it.
  4. Me too Janet. I am always logged in on my ipad, blackberry, laptop, or desktop computer... too many gadgets!!!!!!!
  5. Tell me what size netting you have and how it is hanging please. I have a bigger, heavier one hanging, but I don't like it, your looks perfect. Is it in a bird room? My greys won't touch mine, only my amazon will.
  6. Love it! It looks perfect! If she is young, I would put a soft towel on the bottom just in case. I have a 5 year old tag that has night terrors sometimes, and falls and thrashes at night, the towel helps cushion that.
  7. I would go with the largest cage possible. Once you fill it with perches and toys etc , 26 in width will seem very small. They need room to stretch their wings with everything in there. I had many size cages and ended up buyer macaw size cages...
  8. You can stay logged in by clicking the remember me box.
  9. Many of us have read the book, it is a good one, but not the only one.....
  10. If you have to re type in your user name and password, then that will be the settings on your computer. Judy is right that it will throw you off after a period of inactivity if you don't click the 'remember me' box.
  11. Just wanted to update this thread. The AFO in Fitchburg MA is not returning phone calls or emails in regards to this bird. I have had many owners trying to get in touch with her. Some have called her as many as 15 times, she has been ignoring us all. Madmandy has disappeared off the face of the earth as well. Both have my email address, phone numbers, I have left many emails and calls and they are blowing us all off. As ACO it is their JOB to return animals to their owners, this woman apparently doesn't think this bird deserves or needs it's owners. She is a disgrace to ACO in my opinion. She has many of us VOLUNTEERING our time and efforts in trying to reunite this bird with it's family, but she turns her nose up at us all. I am FURIOUS at this!!!!! Bottom line here, this bird has no chance of going home.
  12. Onve he is out and seems a bit comfortable, which could take a while, maybe an enticing toy nearby will peak his interest and help him feel comfortable. he may just want to watch the goings on in the house to see if he should be scared or not.
  13. don't keep him in his cage all day, he will then associate YOU with keeping him locked up, thats not good. let him out, use a stick perch to have him step up on with his favorite treat in your other hand for him to want to step up, and slowly move towards his cage.
  14. He does need to get out each day, if not, you will have a bird who you won't be able to handle. When he is out and you have to put him back in the cage, if he bites you, dont yell and pull away, tell him no. if you react and pull away, he will quickly learn that biting gets him his own way and then you will have bigger problems. Use a stick perch to put him back if he wont step up. but you should be the one to put him back so he learns you have some authority over him.
  15. That's adorable! Thanks for sharing that with us. Nilah loves to roll over like that on the couch when we play, I never seem to get a video of her tho.....
  16. Don't put your hand in his cage, he WILL bite you as you found out. That is HIS territory, do not invade it while he is in there. You should open the door, stand back, and let him venture out on his own when he wants. You could be in the same room, gently, sweetly talking o him. He is in a new place, new people, different surroundings, scary stuff for a bird. His world as he knew it is gone and that's frightening, he doesn't know you or that you are his new home. That will require lots of understanding, comforting woods, and reassurance. talk to him all thectime when your around with a calmness and gentleness. Tell him what you are doing. When he does come out, give lots of praise, "good bird, etc.". As he learns, you are not a threat, he will most likely step up for you when he is ready and then you can slowly, but gently put him in his cage when you need to. Make sure you move slowly around him, offer him a treat that you are holding in the other hand as you get hiim to step up and put him in his cage for distraction.
  17. Your expectations are way too high in my opinion. It takes much longer than 2 weeks to develop a bond with any bird. They are very cautious and nervous creatures. I adopted a cag at around the same age, and it takes months and months of interaction, trust building, tlc, routine, etc before they start to relax a bit and learn that you are not to be feared as a threat to them. Remember, that woman who this bird loves, trusts and is bonded with developed that over a 3 year time period. You need to be patient, have no expectations, if you dont't, your bird may never bond with you in the manner in which you want. They develop relationships on their own terms.
  18. I won't clip my birds either. I just spent $800 to have full glass storm doors put on all my doors for added protection. Nilah has almost gotten out a few times as she wants to go everywhere I go..... It's the garage in and out for us also.
  19. Yes, don't see what the worry's, it's not a common occurrence. I have 3 parrots, 2 are 5 1/2 years old, one is 2 1/2 years, never a problem.
  20. One of my parrots has a sleep cage in my bedroom that I cover. It's a long story as to why she does, I've posted it several times here. Her cage is quite large, but it was her only cage when I first got her. My other 2 just get covered downstairs.
  21. Happy hatchday! Hope you were spoiled rotten!
  22. Just wanted to start a topic that I find very interesting in sharing my home and life with 3 birds all a different (sort of) species. I have a timneh & congo, both 5 1/2 years old. And an amazon, 2 1/2 years old. I find that in the mornings when I let them out, and we all have breakfast together...all goes well. Immediately after that, they MUST have their wild active, crazy into everything time! I have to watch them all as though I have 3 toddlers. They are into EVERYTHING, chewiing, flying, yelling, knocking stuff off the counters, table, and they FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I cant even go into the bathroom by myself for a quick minute! I like to spend my mornings getting the laundry together, putting last nights laundry away, cleaning up, etc. They follow me from room to room....UGH!!!!!! We spend about an hour doing that to (hopefully) get it out of their system..... then its off to the shower where they destroy my bathroom! THEN and only THEN after they feel they have caused enough trouble for me, do they calm down and become birds that prefer to just hang out mostly. Just wanted to see how this fits with those of you that have more than 1 bird who they allow out and about. :confused:
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