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Everything posted by Talon

  1. She's beautiful! welcome to our ZON family. Can't wait to hear about her antics once she realizes she's not some ordinary bird....she's a ZON! Lol
  2. I LOVE the smell of my amazon. It's quite pleasant and very different from my greys. I especially love it when she walks up onto me when I'm reclining and watching tv and puts her head down against my face for cuddles and love.
  3. I say YES! They will hopefully learn to like each other as neither one has had you all to themselves first. After all we get MBS once we get a bird, you just got it early!! Just make sure you do your research, and understand what a greys requirements are. Sounds like you have the time, and $$. Plus you have others in your home to help.
  4. Happy Birthday Dave, As usual...Judy beat me to the punch! Hope you have a greyt greyt day!! And a BIG THANK YOU for all you do to help our family here!
  5. Great idea for a topic! Very interesting how we all became bird parronts. I bought my tag as a gift for my son and she was shipped from FL to me ( she is now mine). My cag was a rehome from a member on this forum who wanted her gone after having her 5 weeks because she was too noisy..... ( I am her 4th and final home). My amazon was purchased in NJ on a whim........:)ILOVE all my babies and couldn't imagine life without them!
  6. Talon

    Cage covers

    I have always covered my cages. I do exactly what Judy does. A dark sheet that I throw over the cage at night. My cages are the macaw size so the sheet only goes about half way down,they have the other half to look out. If they want which they will do in the morning, plus there is plenty of ventilation. They prefer to be covered as I have 3 teenaged, lots of their friends coming and going all night. The noise. And traffic disturb their sleep and they like their privacy, they are much happier eve tho they are in the next room with the doors closed.
  7. I respect the fact that you are here for help. We are trying to offer you suggestions, advice based on the needs of these marvulous creatures. But please understand, that we are not a bunch of stuck up snobs who think our way is the right way, we are a family which (and we welcome you with open arms) who have seen the outcome of a bird who is in too small a cage, etc. That being said, i would NEVER leave my bird outside in a cage un attended. There is so much that can happen, even if a predator cant get to them thru the bars, your bird is terrorized for life if anything happens to frighten him in the least. So many things can scare them, things we would never understand as frightening. I DO hope you can find a better solution to housing your bird, these birds really do need space and lots of attention. And NEVER have an open window, no matter how much they are clipped. I speak from experience in listening to too many stories of birds that were clipped and now they are gone.
  8. hmmm don't know much about these. Having to rid my house of all teflon was a sad day, but I use stainless steel and have learned to get used to it, It is very unhealthy for US humans to ingest food cooked on teflon, your wife will thank you in the long run.
  9. All good advice. You can not discipline a bird! You can distract, chNge their direction, let them no sternly this behavior is not favored by you, but giving him an outburst of attention is o ly going to reinforce his attack behavior. I have a problem with my tag going after my 17 year old son because she tried it one time and he dives for cover and she thinks it's a fun gAmee, she also tries to get my 22 year old son (her first owner) to have him put his hand out to step up, she's very sweet when she holds her foot up, then when he puts his hand out, she bites him, draws blood and laughs. Doesn't do this behavior with anyone else. I find that a spray bottle of water next to the attack victim works best, they hate to be sprayed, and just seeing it after the first couple of uses works wonders. I'm sure others have better advice, after all, drawing blood like that is serious. I agree she sees your husband as a threat, she is very protective of you as my cag is with me.
  10. I look forward to it. We also have a Grey owner what do you look like thread in the Grey Lounge, check it out!
  11. Ewwwww. I would never use Borax around my birds. I believe it's highly toxic if inhaled. I use the ant cups, I have them every where, but have then best luck constantly wiping up crumbs. Also, the GReen environmentally safe sprays that replace 409 and harsh cleaners will kil them instantly if you lightly spray it. Although I only use that on my counters, ant cups around the bird cages is all I use there.
  12. Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more from you. Where are the pics? We LOVE them here........
  13. He is beautiful! So friendly, just like my timneh was when I got her. I am so excited and happy for you! Please feel free to post anywhere, your bird really isn't a baby, so please post more in the grey lounge, more members will see it. Can't wait to see more pics and hear more!
  14. Well said. May our future generations find peace, I don't believe it's possible though, there is evil all around us, they walk among us, as the terrorists did on that fateful day that changed our lives forever.
  15. WOW! I love the thought, care and consideration you are putting into this decision. I wish ALL owners would do the same. Dave is right on, you have experience, and understand what to watch for regarding your dogs. I have 3 parrots, 2 parakeets, a cat and 2 dogs. We all live very nicely together. BUT I never trust my dogs or cat even tho they have never tried anything, it is their instinct to if a scare arises. Having experience with an amazon already, you are set with a tag. My tag is much smaller than my amazon, much easier to get along with than my cag. I think you will love a tag. And hats off to you for adopting!!
  16. That's a GREAT idea! The only species I know is the yellow crowned one which is what Nilah is. She is the BEST! a far better talker, fun loving, sweet, cuddly, but she does have that amazon "I WILL DO WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT, AND I WILL BITE YOU" when SHE decides to use it...
  17. Gypsy sounds slot like my Rikki. She loves to dig in empty boxes. Also, if I don't pet her when SHE requests it, she will lightly nibble on my fingers...
  18. Yes, I agree with Jeff. It is a small cage, and outdoors is not a calming place, never mind weather issues. And why a leg chain?????? I dont mean any disrespect, but i have to say......Seems like more of a prisoner than a family member.
  19. Cupid, wise choice at this time in your life. The day will come when you are ready and the perfect addition to your flock will enter your home. Best of luck. I understand how you felt, the thought of a new bird can sometimes over take your good senses....
  20. Talon


    I have never used a dremel on a bird...I know to only take the sharp needle tip of of their claw so it is a bit more blunt, but what kind of dremel would you recommend? Thanks for the How to instructions...very helpful! I imagine the noise of the dremel would freak my greys out...
  21. MOST IMPORTANTLY.....I FORGOT TO ADD; Bringing Nilah home was the best thing I ever did...there is nothing like having an amazon in your family..they are so different than greys, I find Nilah to be way smarter in her talking abilities, her cuddles....her bonding with me.....it's like nothing I have ever experienced. And I have owned many different types of pets over the years, from horses, dogs, cats, various rats, hamsters, mice, etc. even very different than owning a grey.
  22. Ooohhh! Great topic! I NEVER planned on getting an amazon. I had heard tooo many horror stories about them.....they were mean, they bite, they had a tendency to be fat and very special diet, are moody, dominate, uncontrollable, noisy, screamers, and very difficult to handle, only an very experienced bird handler would be able to handle one. I made an overnight trip to Bird of Paradise in NJ, (about a 4 1/2 hour drive from my house. I took 2 of my kids, my boyfriend and we drove down 1 night, stayed over, spent the day in the pet store (they have over 40,000 toys) YES< we spent the day!! Bought lots of things, a BIG tree stand, food, lots and lots of toys!!!! They have rooms of birds, a living room type area where you can spend time with any bird as much as you want. Many of their birds are not caged, they are in areas that have a small wall of plexi glass, you can pick up the bird you want to and spend time playing/talking with it to see how you 2 get along. I had alreadt told my kids...NO MORE BIRDS!!! WE HAD 2 GREYS & 2 PARAKEETS ALREADY! They kept coming over to me with various birds, showing me how cute they were and how perfect they would be, how my 12 year old needed his own bird, how he"d take care of whatever smaller bird we got...(Ya right!) well, they kept picking up this cute little amazon and bringing her to me, they would carry her around the store, keep returning to show me how cute she was. When I started to soften, I asked what kind of bird it was...(didn't have a clue) and how much it cost...I was told $1200! I said, NO WAY!!! II had hundreds of $$ in toys etc already in my cart! They kept trying to sweetly convince me we NEEDED her, she was SO CUTE! Finally I looked at her, made a raspberry sound to her 3 times only.......she immediately made the exact same sound back to me!! I beamed and said She's a keeper, SOLD! She's coming home with us! I paid for her with my charge card... We drove her home... I began to try and research Amazons on the internet, couldn't find much, so decided to start up this amazon room since many members here had amazons & greys. I have learned so much here from everyone, all I can say is THANK YOU!!!!!!
  23. Talon


    My 3 parrots for some reason all have claws like needles.I can't stand to have them on me...it's so painful. They all have various nail trimming perches, but for some reason, this is the worst they have been. Don't really want to go to the vet for just this, any suggestions about a bird nail dremel?
  24. Janet, those are great! I recently had full glass doors installed on all my doors for added protection from the birds getting out. All 3 have at one time flown into them, my mother even tried to walk thru it... Duh! Thankfully, no one got hurt, but I love what you posted, I need to buy some. THANKS~~~
  25. Thanks Dave, I was always a bit confused..NIlah is a Yellow Crowned Amazon and I never knew what category she fell into. So they have their own? So I'm guessing I have it wrong on my pet page signature picture?
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