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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome! You have a beautiful amazon there. Please tell us more, how old is he or she is, what is your birds name? How old is your bird. Tell us about the others you have.....
  2. That's very funny Ray! Anyone owning an amazon, knows they WILL find a way to get your attention, not like a grey who will wait for us to come to them most times. This is a great topic! Nilah first starts out softly with a one word question..." bird??" if she hears no response, she will try again. BUT! If she hears my voice at all, she will yell, " BIRD!!! HI BIIIRRRDDDD!!!! ", over and over until I answer back.
  3. Welcome and thank you for taking the time to share such a lengthy story so we all understand the situation a bit more. . I would keep this bird as comfortable as his lead shows you. If it were me, he has many new things to get used to, and keeping his surroundings in his cage that he likes will only help him feel comfortable quicker. I would put his favorite rock back, it comforts him, and as my rescue cag did, over time, she began to leave her comfort perch and venture onto other things and never uses that perch any more even tho it's still in her cage. As the others have said, it is too early to try much with him, just let him get used to his new environment, before you try to do much with him, let him lead you and learn that it is okay to trust you. He is afraid and doesn't know that you, a stranger means no harm to him. That takes time for him to understand. Remember, he doesn't know where he is, why he is there, who you and your family is, who these other birds are, what the sounds of your house is, and doesn't know this is his forever home. Just be kind, don't push him and he will start to venture out of his protective shell on his own once he realizes this new home is safe and loving. Please keep us posted, I look forward to hearing more, and seeing pictures...
  4. Fantastic information! Thank you for taking the time to post this.
  5. Great idea!! Yes, Doug, Yankee Candle sells air freshners for your car in all the candle scents. Your wife could use these in place of candles....yes, they have a fragrance, but it isn't being burned which seems to me less severe.
  6. Doug, all my birds like to perch above my cupboards when I am cooking dinner. Sometimes they will open the cupboard door, or I occasionally leave it open as I am coming back to get something. Many times Talon climbs down onto the top shelf and plays in there. there are 2 times I can remember.....I couldn't find her in the house, heard some pees, searched everywhere, then it dawned on me....she was in the cupboard! She doesn't seem to mind at al, in fact she stays in it when I open the door. # times, I have found her sitting in a bowl.
  7. I agree that candles are toxic to our birds. I'm not really into scientific data etc. BUT I do occasionally burn beeswax candles in my bedroom. I have burned fragrant candles also, and Talon sleeps in my bedroom. I burned fragrant candles during our recent power outage in the same room as ALL my birds in the evenings for light, they seemed okay by it. I do not do it often as I don't think I should be burning them at all. In my mind the accumulative affect of it worries me.....but then again, they will all outlive me I expect.....
  8. Only vets here to go to. worth it to me as I won't do it myself.
  9. Ray, she does that almost every morning. But, she hums as she is wandering over to it, so I know she's headed for trouble.......I thought it was cute too, until on day when I went in the basement, I saw her real reason for doing that.....SHE CHEWS THE INSIDE OF MY DOOR!!!! There was wood all over the floor inside......
  10. Love the captions! Thanks everyone.
  11. Your so lucky.....mine dont want to be held with towels...I can, but mostly, I am afraid to cut them. I dont want to cut too short.
  12. I considered it, but after doing the math, its 24 nails! Plus, I don't have anyone willing to terrorize them and hold them properly.
  13. Yup. Rikki my cag does that alot, mostly when she gets upset! IF I try to give her a spritz bath which she HATES! she gets so red that you think she's going to burst!
  14. Great pictures, thanks for sharing..I never think to head outside and bring in dead branches.....I really have to start living outside the box...
  15. How sad Doug......I agree with you in the fact that birds need a variety of stimulation to be healthy (mentally)
  16. Took my 3 parrots to the vet today to get their nails clipped. their nail were like needles!! YIKES! All went well, they enjoyed the car ride very much. YES, I let them all out for the ride home, I looked like a tree! Curious, has anyone here taken them to the vet just for nail clipping? My vet charges $18.50 per bird. Wondered what the average price is elsewhere.
  17. I believe that birds CAN suffer from mental illness, just because there is no SCIENTIFIC proof, doesn't mean its not possible.......in my opinion, ANY pet could suffer from mental illness just like humans can.
  18. YES Doug! That would be great!!!
  19. Doug, it is a wooden perch that GOES THRU 2 ladders that are attached to another perch on a stand, they have of course chewed on to their liking.....
  20. I was cooking one night, and the birds like to HELP by opening up the cupboards.. Well, I looked up and found Talon.... She was as happy as could be!
  21. I was trying out the settings on my new phone.......posted this on facebook and actually had a friend ask me how I dyed her feathers!
  22. Here are some updated pictures of Nilah! And of course, her good side!!
  23. These are not great pictures, but I was bored during our recent power outage, so I clicked a few close ups with my cell phone. Updated photo's of my birds: Talon Nilah Rikki
  24. Thanks and be careful what you wish for.....
  25. Simple for you, but I am totally in the dark for making things....I think you should take orders and sell them here!! I bought a very nice hanging gym from a member here that did that a few years ago....hint hint...
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