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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hi Heather, i have the same problem with my 2 greys. I let them bathe as they please adter having the same issuesyouare. My cag would get so upsetthat itaffected her health, somi choseto let it go. I do find that when i vacume orwash the floor, they decide thats a good time to bathe in the water dish, and they do!
  2. Luvparrots is correct...I am linked to the Head Honchos! FYI: the owner lives in Israel...that is where this site is based.......
  3. I LOVE this thread. You are so right, although I LOVE LOVE LOVE my greys, they are both so special to me in their own sweet ways. I feel I have a special relationship with them both that is different from each, and different from my other pets and family members. When i first brought my amazon, Nilah, she was a baby, not a rehome. As you know, she was bought on a whim. I had no knowedge of an amazon. I became very nervous once she was here and I began researching amazons. I read very negative things about them, such things as they are moody, difficult to handle, stubborn, difficult to get along with and that they needed a strong person to be the dominate them, that they needed to be trained properly by someone who would tolerate their nasty bites, not a softy like I am......i had read that most owners give their amazon away because theynbecame so nasty, or they kept them in a cage all the time because of their mean ways. I was very upset and nervous wondering what have I done and what was I in for? I thought I had made a HUGE mistake and I would have a nasty amazon just like all the ones I had been reading about. So, I started the amazon room here as I saw that many members also had one and I knew I would need all the help I could get. Needless to say, Nilah is the most special bird ever. She adores me, and i have always tried to teach her preferred behaviour from wrong.... I always try and keep the upper hand with tlc, and I find her to be the most fulfiLling, loving family member ever. Yes, she tries my patience on many days, but mostly, she just wants to be with me and love me....when i take the time in my busy life to remember that, all goes well. Nilah adores me and I can't imagine my life without her in it. I know in her heart and in mine, she means well and only wants to be loved and adored, and she is. I feel she gives me MORE enjoyment than i culd possibly give her.
  4. Great advice from Ray, i would do the same if I were in your shoes. Take him home with you, he will know you and trust you the most. Welcome to our family, look forward to hearing more from you!
  5. it is NEVER a threatening hiss. She does it in amwhimsical kind of way. Believe me, i KNOW when she is mad or showing off her threatening amazon strut with pinning eyes, tail fanned and festhers extended every which way she can while she struts back and forth. I onow to stay away from her at that point.....
  6. Thanks Talonsis for posting these! Nilah is such a show off! Great pictures as always.! I miss your beautiful photography here on the forum.
  7. Talon my grey, sleeps upstairs in my bedroom. Right next to her cage is an air cleaner, it goes 24/7. It seems to filter out other noises. When we lost the power, she was stirring all night..too quiet for her I guess. My other 2 birds sleep downstairs with an air cleaner in the same room, plus whatever nightime noises are going on by me teenages...they seem to do fine. But, I do cover the top half of all the cages so they won't get distracted and they will feel secure.
  8. Personally, I would not use a corner cage. It limits your options as to where it can go, and if you are ever going to move, it could be a problem. I also feel it limits the openness of a cage. there is less viewing space in a corner....
  9. If you check out my thread: out of electricity You will see that we lost power for 6 days and the only way to keep my 5 birds warm and alive was by moving them into my living room and heating the room with my fireplace. We closed the room off and having a fireplace that was cleaned over the summer and being careful waht kind of wood i burned, they did fine. I kept the fireplace going fron 6am in the morning until 10pm at night. My birds did fine. As long as smoke does not enter the room, you will be okay. There have been times prior to this when i neglected to warm the flu first and the house filled with smoke, we had to run around putting the birds upstairs in a closed room far from the fireplace, then running downstairs to open all the windows up to air the house out. We brought the birds back down when all was fully cleared.
  10. YES! it does work , doesnt work on my greys as they just bite and fly off! But an amazon will just latch on and not let go, thus lightly blowing seems to work with mine.
  11. I am curious if anyone in this room has an amazon that does the following...... Nilah will occasionally make a hissing sound when she is trying to be intimidating. She also does it when she is looking to get into trouble. Its not a hissing sound with an 'Ssss' sound, but the same type of sound with her beak open and no 's' in it. In the past, when she is biting onto me and won't let go, i will lightly blow on her to mess up her precious feather-do on her head, and she doesn't like me messing her feathers up, so she will let go to shake her head. I dont know if her hissing sound is from that, or if it is something an amazon does.
  12. Ouch!guess you are a official member of the bit me club Dan started up a few years ago. I wouldn't worry, Marcus should be fine. My birds are always trying t stick their beaks in my mouth, and occasionally they win when I'm not quicker than them. As long as they are healthy to start with, their immune systems are fighting any bacteria they may pick up from us.
  13. Hi and welcome! Can't wait to hear more from you. Lots to read here, and please feel free to ask any questions you like!
  14. I like that, I wonder if it would help that ur that my Rikki has with chewing my door tops? I like the way you have many toys hanging together like you do.
  15. This is a wonderful thread! So many reminders and info, thanks for posting this!
  16. Hi everyone, Thank you all for your kind words And a BIG thank you for your ideas, comments and suggestions. I am kind of moving slow on this room as I am still getting replies back in my pm box for room ideas from members who aren't able to be here everyday, and I want to give as many as possible a chance to chime in to me. But we DEFINATELY will be starting a new room for rescued birds of any kind, I mean to say, rehomed birds that need us to help them become the happy birds they should be. Along with their baggage are struggles that we face and having a quick reference room to get advice, share trials ö and tribulations, would be wonderful! Once the room is named and set up, I will be combing thru the various rooms here and moving the appropriate threads into that room. I would like someone with experience to hopefully write an opening thread to start the room off. Having a little step by step process when a neglected or abused bird first enters your home, etc. Please keep your ideas coming, and anyone willing to start off a quick help guide for the room that I spoke of would be great. I personally don't have the experience of a neglected or abused rescue bird, so I am not much help. Thanks all, and I will keep you all updated! SORRY THIS THREAD was hijacked......but it really was THIS thread that put us on a new road to a wonderful idea!
  17. How cute! Love them!!!! Merry Xmas to you and your fids!
  18. Talon

    Ring on leg

    Hi, that is a decision that only you can make with your vets advice. I had the bands removed from all 3 of my birds, but kept them in a safe place just in case. The breeder has the corresponding paperwork if they have kept it, some don't. There is no law regarding bands, no real database for bands and identifying birds etc. The reasons I had mine removed, is because I have read way too many horror stories about birds getting the band caught on something while in their cage and by the time they were found, they have chewed their leg off to get unstuck, or the vet has had to remove the foot. My vet has many stories of birds that have come to him with band/ leg accidents and he highly recommended I have him remove them, which I agreed with after all the research I have found. If you do decide to have it removed, make certain to keep it just in case you ever need it. Others here insist they should stay on I case their bird escapes, it is easier to prove it is your bird, but only IF you keep the band info at home in a safe place. But like I said, there is no national registry that keep that info on hand , so it is up to you. Oh, and my amazon was always playing with her band, I was afraid she would irritate it after time. Good luck with your decision, and keep us posted.
  19. Love both of these cages! Bigger is so much better! Your greys will be very happy. I have the same perches in my cages and they are safe for birds. Lovemygrey, thatnks for some new cages decorum ideas!
  20. In MY opinion, if you want a social bird and performer, get a ZON... You can't force a bird to be social, as the others have said, it depends on the birds personality, they are all different.
  21. Sounds like my amazon more than my greys. . Thanks for the laugh!
  22. We've all been in your shoes at one time or another! Not to worry.
  23. I have tried the newspaper thing, but when my birds. Decide to fly off,their wings make such a breeze, the newspapers going flying all over the place!!!! Tell me your secret......
  24. Wow! I am so happy for you! Finally, he is coming around on HIS terms like a ZON is expected to do. Congrats!
  25. We have a grey owner, what do you look like thread, maybe you can add to it! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?10076-Grey-Owner-What-do-you-look-like
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