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Everything posted by Talon

  1. YES!!!!! Perfectly stated!
  2. Yikes, haven't yet dug my humidifier out.....better do that tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder.
  3. I think if she was cold, she would fly somewhere else. At night, rikki has a spot she stays in above my dining room window, her feet are very cold when I get her to bring her to bed, she doesn't seem to kind I guess. My house goes down to 64 at night, all my birds seem okay with it, their cages are covered.
  4. Happy Birthday Annabelle! I remember now, she is just a few weeks younger than my Rikki. Enjoy your toys!!
  5. Today, I was doing a thorough cleaning of the bird cages since my running accident 3 weeks ago. I have a severely sprained left wrist. ( I am left-handed). Up until now, I had done only the necessary cleaning to get by, so they needed a FULL out clean!! It was taking much longer than expected, so I stopped for a quick bowl of yogurt for lunch. I left the bowl on the kitchen table to go back to cleaning as NIlah was still licking (yes, she licks the bowl like a dog) the bowl. :rolleyes: Thus the story begins: Rikki as many of you know, is famous for throwing EVERY dish onto the ceramic floor to hear them explode! :cool: (corelle dishes explode when they do break) Well.......a while later, I hear CRASH!!! :eek: BUT.....this is one of the few times it didn't break! HA!!!! I thought, Ha HA on you Rikki!!! :p Well, a while goes by, I am still scrubbing away, fighting with Nilah who thinks every cage is HERS, and it is her job to make sure I NEVER touch them! :mad: Next thing I hear.....is a bowl trying to be broken....... Well, let the video tell the rest of the story. Hope you enjoy!! ( there are 2 videos)
  6. Talon was my sons bird, and it wasn't more than a couple of days if that before I was taking her out to be with me while my son was in school! she was so cute I couldn't stand the thought ofmher being locked in a cage all day....
  7. Hi Spooky! I Love the pictures! Especially Nikko, she always had a special place in my heart as she is so much like Talon, both in looks and personality. I can't imagine having 2 birds that look like twins! That would be so hard, but funny! At least I have a tag and a cag, so it's easy. Sounds like you are making progress when they both are on you. They will learn to coexist, and after time, they will be able to be out unsupervised together. My 2 took a while before I completely trusted them. Mostly, rikki would try to be friends, but Because she is bigger, Talon was always scared, thought she had to defend herself, but mostly flew away. They now are fine, not friends, but accept each other as flock members. Poor Talon is not the king bird anymore, and that is heartbreaking for me, but I try to give her extra attention and special time with me. I love the updates, keep them coming!!
  8. I prefer to spend it at home away from the crazy drinkers and drunk drivers. I like to be home, I will spend it with my kids, parrots, dogs and cats! Watching tv, I may have a margarita, some snacks and watch it on the tv! Guess I'm showing my age! LOL!!
  9. Thus the controversy begins............there are many threads here in the past over whether or not the paper towel oe toilet paper rolls have toxic glue or not......... FYI: I chose not to give them to my parrots because I never really found a correct answer as to whether or not they are safe....I always err on the side of caution. Just my nature.
  10. My birds are fed the specially made food from Bird of Paradise store in NJ. It is everything they need and they love it. All natural and freshly made. I am on autoship, so I get as much as I need shipped to me fresh every month. My tag is spoiled and doesn't eat much of it, so she also get Kaytee parrot mix without the sunflower seeds as she doesn't like them...
  11. I used to have a set schedule when I has 1 parrot. Then life changed, I got divorced, moved into a new house, acquired 2 more parrots, and became the person financially responsible for my 3 kids that lived with me. So things changed. Most mornings, I get my 3 birds out of their cages, they hang out on their baskets on the counter while i prepare breakfast for them and myself, we have breakfast together, I am able to allow them free time in the house for about an hour or So, then we all go upstairs to shower etc. pretty much after them having been out for about 3 hours or so, they go back to their cages and I give them a snack as well as their regular food. Other days, when I have many errands to do, I like to do the early in the morning after getting the kids to school and going to the gym, I uncover their cages and give them toast in their cages until I can get back later. They seem fine with this as long as I don't do it every single day, ( they have been spoiled with ME time) I let my birds out as much as possible when I am home and they are spoiled.
  12. My 3 birds LOVE small boxes. To keep them from chewing my kitchen cupboards, I keep a small empty cardboard box way up on the top where we can't reach, they love playing hide and seek in them, chewing them and just hanging out there. My kitchen decor doesn't look to nice with chewed up boxes up on the cabinets.....but I don't even notice them anymore,
  13. Hmmm..this dilemma for some of you hadn't crossed my mind before........I don't know what to say, if you want to copy and paste, that would be great! I hate to see Cricket leave the amazon room, I love following the progress you make, as an amazon is quite different in their trust and behaviors than a grey. Please feel free to double post....(can't believe I said that!) LOL!!!! But PLEASE don't leave the amazon room. Nilah loves Cricket too!
  14. Thank you for the update. He is thriving so well in your loving care. I would recommend purchasing a scale to have on hand. It really is a must have when you have birds. It can behard to noticenifnthey lose weight sometimes. I never thought I would use one, but bought one just in case. I weigh all my birds very couple of months and keep tack of it. It is always fun to follow their progress, and I do worry if I see a drop, but so far they have stayed the same or I creased in weight!
  15. Wonderful 'sticky' thread! Thank you for a glimps into the patience needed for a successful bonding.
  16. I hear you on the divorce and child support issue. Us 'honest' parents get dupped! My ex makes millions with the business WE built together, and cries poverty when we go to court......meanwhile I struggle to keep a roof over my kids heads etc..... Sorry for the off topic, had to vent with an understanding soul.
  17. I don't really feel this is appropriate in this thread, nor is it appropriate to post this comment in the open forum. I am sorry you feel the way you do, but this is best handled in the private message system.
  18. Nancy, I will. They just recently acquired an African grey! I am waiting for new pics and an update. I am sorry to say i had them, but lost it in my bb Will keep you posted as I get more info.
  19. Happy Birthday to Ray!!! Hope you are having a greyt day!!!!
  20. I agree.....just not worth the risk! Bird Safe only in my house...
  21. I don't watch videos like this either based on what you wrote. It kills me to watch any bird, animal, child or person suffer in any way shape or form. It's not that I live in the world with rose colored glasses on, it's just if I can't do anything to stop it, I am heartbroken, devastated and can't bear to see suffering....
  22. My amazon and both my greys were clipped as well. They never had the chance to learn to fly from day one. But my 10 year old son at the time, taught my amazon to fly. He would hold her as she was perched on his hand, and he would gently run towards the couch, a out 5 feet and say, "fly", she loved this. After a while, she would extend her wings out, then eventually after much practice, she would try to fly and she had the soft couch to land on. Then he would get all excited and praise her. She loved it! She became more and more confident and would try it on her own after some time. Now she flys all over the house yelling her little heart out!
  23. Yes, I agree that is why I would never go there at that time. Too much chaos and crazy ness.
  24. My birds go to the vet once a year for nail clipping. I would never do it myself, I am too afraid of cutting it too short since you cant see the dark nail and having it bleed. When that happens, there foot is sore for a couple of days and they hold it up mostly.
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