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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Works at my house also. On the days I vacume and wash the floors, my birds tend to bathe in their water bowls on their tree stand. I always wondered how my cleaning set them to bathe.
  2. I would and I am sure others would love to get your supply list so we may try and copy your design. It looks perfect, but hard to see the dimensions, etc, and how you did it.
  3. Yes you can, LOL! I had a very small one from a stand I stole it from...no, I'm not that creative...
  4. It will only show up as new to those that have not seen it, or anytime someone replies in that thread. The new posts are for those posts that were started or had new replies since "you" were last checking. :)

  5. Yes, we have been waiting patiently for these! What a beautiful flock you have. I am so happy to finally see them. I can imagine the joy they must bring you.
  6. Love the bird room! Especially enjoyed watching him swing like that, he was having a blast! Where did you get that long ladder between things? Did you make it? I would love one of those. I like the way the room feels like a giant tree for them.
  7. Is funny the different opinions our parents generation has. My father was appalled when I first got them. He said, " how much did that cost?" and was floored when I told him. He said, " you spent how much. What a waste of money" and then some derogatory things...I came back with this, "well Dad, at least I have something to show for my money for the rest of my life. You spend all your money on beer, and what do you have to show for it?" he never said anything again! Yup, he raised a smart daughter!!! LOL
  8. Thank you Dan for that great info. I didn't know about any of that. I am very leary of the Zoo med avian bulb. As you may remember, Talon got a serious 'sunburn' on her eye from when I used that bulb. It cost me lots of $$ in vet bills and even the vet couldn't figure out what happened, he thought it was an eye infection and I had to be mean and put eye drops in her eyes for many days with no success of cure. It was a couple of weeks before I figured out it was the new bulb I used. The bulb WAS more than 12-18 inches away as recommended.
  9. Aerial,I have 8 as well. Some hidden, some not, but all nicely done and very tactful in my opinion. It's funny, I got these tattoos when I was in my early 20's. One is a wrist bracelet of small flowers, one is a small butterfly on my other hand and a flower signature type line on the top of the same hand. Tattoos had been illegal in the state i live in at that time, sowe had to travel out of state to get one. So, only bikers, ( yes i had a motorcycle too, but was not a biker girl) Soon after I got those, I opened a dance studio in a stuffy, snobby town, people were offended by anyone with a tattoo. I had the worst stares when ever they saw my hands, I was able to cover the others, but not my hands. They looked at me like I had some kind of offensive disease........ Fast forward 25 years, tattoos are now legal here, many parents now have tattoos. It has become quite common and no big deal. Kind of funny...
  10. That was so cute! I loved it! Nilah wasn't too happy, she thought they lived here..
  11. Thanks Dave. It is such a beautiful art form to watch. I have had the honor of working with many Acro/ contortionists over the years at my dance studio. They are a special group physically abled kids. Not everyone is born with the ability robed like that. Usually it's an inherited trait which can be enhanced with training. It does not hurt them, I know for a fact....
  12. I made this strictly for feeding at the table so the other birds don't chase her away, so there is o reason to have a toy on it. If you saw my house, you would understand, I have things hanging everywhere, tree stands, perches etc. it looks like I live in a giant bird cage!!!!
  13. Great topic! My YCA Nilah prefers to fly. She does enjoy walking around on the floor Tory and chew the woodwork, but I try to discourage that of course. Also, we have 2 I door cats, 2 bijons, so I don't trust any bird being on the floor. My greys sometimes like to be on the floor, but again, I discourage it.
  14. This happens occasionally. Just leave it alone and let nature do its own thing. You will cause more damage trying to "fix" it yourself. Certainly don't clip your bird if it is used to free flying, for sure, she would try and fly as she is used to, and then crash and be more apt to get hurt! Relax,and let things happen as they should. No reason to ever limit her during molting times either.
  15. Woo hoo! Congrats! That's great news. Keep up the good work, you are now being watched by us all......
  16. That was an incredible video. thanks for sharing!
  17. Hello and welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more and seeing pics!
  18. I give them as a t rear as well. I don't break them up tho, my birds love holding them and chewing on them bit by bit.
  19. Thanks! I used vet wrap on it.i use it on many things for my birds, it is easy to clean and change if needed.
  20. I wouldn't give it a second thought! This woman who doesn't care about the welfare of her bird or who gets it? that bird needs a rescue. I dont believe in worrying about a birdand whether it "fits" into a family. All birds will adapt, and personalty conflicts dont exist in the manner you are thinking.
  21. Would love to see it, if I can find it.
  22. Yup, glad I'm done with that with my greys, but my amazon won't be 3 until April.....so I say the same, Good Luck and enjoy it, it will pass quickly believe it or not!
  23. Drinking a caramel machiatto while surfing the forum.........then off to vacume and clean cages before work!
  24. I am so enjoying reading your defining moment stories. They bring so much love to my heart. Not only for your birds, but for you, their parronts for being so patient and loving.
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