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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    Free flying

    She will be fine. They learn the constraints of the environment very quickly, and you will see how happy flying makes her! You'd be surprised at the incredible way they maneuver thru small places with such grace once they master their new mode of transportation! Good for you for allowing her to use wings as nature intended !!
  2. Luvparrots, very well said! I couldn't agree more with you last statement.
  3. It's very pretty, but I do know the owners of greyforums have sentimental reasons for the one we have now. I wouldn't ask want to ask them to change it as pretty as yours is. And yes, a cag and tag would be appropriate.
  4. Hi and welcome! You should tell us a bit more and maybe share some pics in our Welcome Room if you could. Sounds like she is just regurgitating for you. As long as she is eating and drinking or normally , and behaving as usual, that's probably what it is. Just keep an eye on her to see if it's something she does more often, if she does, I would have her checked by an avian vet.
  5. Yes, I agree with the others. My birds do this occasionally, but not for such a long period of time over and over again. Better safe getting checked by a vet than sorry.....
  6. That's funny! I can I imagine you must be on guard more than ever before. That hit too close to home. As for protecting yourself with firearms, that is the smartest thing you could possibly do. There have been more and more home invasions, what are you going to do? Become a victim? I think not. Just ask that 18 year old girl who recently had to shoot an intruder and killed gim to protect her baby. I have lots of true stories like that to tell you. And as far as your daughter is concerned, she should know that you never shoot a gun unless and until you can identify the threat AND you or your loved ones lives are in danger. Okay, enough seriousness, I really am enjoying your follow ups! And tell your husband he was in my thoughts making me giggle yesterday morning when I went out for my run dressed all in black! Lol
  7. I would think if you open the bathroom windows and maybe a downstairs one, and keep them downstairs, they will be fine. Much enter to keep them in their home. Doesn't seem like it would smell very much. If you smell fumes and it gets too much for you, youreyeswater etc, then I would perhaps put them in their travels ages and go for a ride!
  8. Talon

    Rarest Parrot

    Sounds intriguing, I will have to google it!
  9. Hee hee. That's what happened to me at the bird store I went to, I ended up with Nilah even tho I said, no more birds,
  10. Excuse me, I mean no disrespect, but who are you to say whether a moderator is " right or wrong?" This is a FORUM intended to share ideas, tips, experience, stories, etc. and to offer encouragement and respect to a variety of members from all over the world. We all come from different backgrounds, and have done our own research regarding our birds. This is not a RIGHT or WRONG forum. There is no "correct" way to behave when raising a flock member in our families. We have our own opinions, and that is what they are, opinions, whether based on knowledge, research, or our own experience. I have chosen my team of moderators for a variety of reasons, mostly because of their expertise. I have no set rule that we must all agree as a team. That's what makes this forum work so well. Each and every one of us have something to offer as moderators, and we also have our own ideas. I have always loved the fact that we are free to speak our own opinions whether or not we agree with each other. That is RESPECT! not some "SIGH" because we don't all think alike. If you have a problem with one of my moderators, please feel free to private message me about it so we can discuss it further. Now, back to topic please. :cool:
  11. Beautiful cage and gorgeous pictures! He loves his new cage!
  12. Yes, a ZON sure can smile! Beautiful picture !!
  13. That a wonderful video!! He seems to have his landing down really well. Thanks for sharing!
  14. What can I say.......I am a certified personal trainer :cool:......and this is my FIRST client!!!! :confused: Woo hoo!
  15. Talon

    Capo's tricks

    I must say, I have the highest respect for you. I expected you would take my post the wrong way and get defensive. Kudos to you! I think you have your plucking answer, your bird doesn't like changes in the flock. Not sure what advice to give you regarding that, hopefully someone else with that experience will chime in.
  16. Oh he's beautiful! You are as much a sucker for a needy bird as I am! He truly picked you, you were meant to be there and it was meant to happen. I am so happy for you and I am are sure things will settle down in time. It's a big adjustment, but one that easily managed.
  17. Talon

    Capo's tricks

    This post is NOT going to be very well liked......and I don't have any intentions of discussing this further or debating it. It has been my experience that sometimes a bird who plucks is due to the stress over training...but that is MY OPINION . Not meant to say that is the case in your situation. Just food for thought.
  18. When my cag 2 1/2 years old came to me, She had been allowed to be a top of the head bird when she felt like it....NOT ALLOWED EVER by my birds.....I would flip out and go nuts yelling NO at her...so much so, that she only tried it a few times. NEVER again has she attempted with anyone.
  19. That is a great video! I always love watching Louie, especially when he teases you to get your forbidden plant!
  20. Sounds to me like she was biting you to protect you from in her mind, that dangerous creature on the floor wich she managed to get away from.......they bite the one they love when they sense what they feel is danger to get YOU to get away from it. Just my take on it.
  21. Talon


    If she starts plucking (and I doubt she will as I know how loving you r to her) you will start to see bald spots. She is just grooming and when they do that, small down feathers will come out. She is just being a grey. Wait until that first big feather is found on the floor.....you will panic! :) but that too is normal.
  22. Very Interesting! These pics are a first here!
  23. Lol! Yes, I have 2 bichons and a cat that follow as well! Shower time in my house is the highlite of my birds day! God forbid, they get wet, but they insist on being in the bath room with me so they can tear it up! In fact if I walk upstairs in the morning for any reason, they are all flying up and headed into my bathroom for my shower. Some days, I take one before I get them up just so I can be ALONE!!!
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