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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. Quite a few years ago, there was supposed to be a non-DNA method but that's been proven to be very unreliable and it could be only done on adut birds. It had to do with the shape of the head, the general size of the bird, the color of the feathers, the shape of the eyes etc. It was all proven to be wrong.
  2. Nope, missed nothing---this is just to be more exact in what you should remember=== *Boiled or otherwise well cooked*---------baked is excellent too. NO FRIED ANYTHING. *bone with knuckle ends prefered*------ wing bones are the best. wing bones have knuckles on either end. Wing bones are easily held by the bird. *gristle removed *--------always. greasy bones get claws, feet messed up and dirty. Use your finger to scrape off the gristle on the knuckles. Lightly scrub the bone with a sponge.
  3. http://www.21food.com/products/red-palm-nuts-280283.html You can try this UK link but as far as shipping to US, red palm nuts aren't preserved or processed for long distance overseas shipping. Most of the time, overseas shipping causes all the palm nuts get too ripe or they go rotten.
  4. I'll retract what I said about not buying at Swanson. It sems like they're gotten back into selling Ped Palm Oil again and their $8.49 -16 oz size is pretty good. BUT, FOR ALL THE PEOPLE HERE WHO ARE GOING CRAZY ABOUT WHICH ONE TO BUY, INGREDIENTS, GENERAL NUTRITIONAL VALUE, BRAND NAME, COMPANY THAT SELLS IT etc just remember that all the links you're reading about red palm oil on the PC has to do with HUMANS, NOT BIRDS. many times, the price tag should be important first What's better, Original Westiinghouse 25w screw in bulb or Original GE Electric 25w screw in bulb?
  5. Go to Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Red-Palm-Oil-100%25-Pure/dp/B004T45Z9Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387154469&sr=8-1&keywords=red+palm+oil Either of the 2 top containers Forget about Swansons. It has drastically changed their price. They used to sell a good priced oil and then, they stopped selling it for almost a year. Now they're back with a new high price for a smaller amount of oil. Keep it simple. Stop trying to fnd something that's already in the product. For some reason, you sem to be focused on Vit A and I have no idea why you think this is the more important ingredient.
  6. Ok, glad that you clarified that. I like REAL butter on my popcorn.
  7. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197925-Red-Palm-Oil-Facts&highlight=palm 1/2 teaspoon 3x a week is enough. The Vit A is created by the ingredients in the palm oil. % of Vit A means nothing because all palm oil is natural Vit A, VIT E. That why percentages aren't listed. The bottom part of the link above can be ignored. It only has to do with retailing the product. All red palm oil is the same thing just like ALL WHOLE milk is the same ( no % are listed). 2% and 1% milk is different and % has to be listed.
  8. Hello Israel I'm Dave007. Everything in Post #22 of this thread is exactly the same. Even though I don't like doing this, maybe I will check all the settings on my laptop. Let me be more accurate ---MY WIFE is gonna do all the checking and possibly changing things if necessary but she's definitely not gonna be happy because she feels that nothing happened on the laptop to cause this problem.
  9. Please, no apologies are needed or warranted. A post comes across in a certain way and many people take that seriously. Think about that. Haven't you seen that happen? It's my belief that to give a more serious tone to certain posts can be beneficial. It takes much more to offend me.
  10. So, what you're saying is that there'a a train of thought that some greys or other species of parrots know how to develop personalities or traits according to the types of names they're given?? Where do these birds find this info about what certain names mean? Is there a special bird library that they visit to get this information? I'd like to know how this is possible. If there is a special library then I'd like to visit it although I know my entrance may be blocked by 2 greys named Attila and Bruno *Free thinkers*-----in the wild flock birds think as one---they eat at the same time---they sleep at the same time--they roost at the same time---they all fly in the same direction when trying to avoid predators-----they breed at the same time every year-- they build the same kind of nest. It's called survival of the fittest. Any variation to these habits pertain to old or sick birds. Birds in the flock never try to aid these sick or old birds. Nature takes over. This applies to all wild animals to a certain degree. Cubs of lions will stay with pride until nature tells them to start a new pride. Bears do the same thing. Wolves act as one in the wild. It's also called survival. With all of these animals, there's no such thing as *free thinkers* especially flock birds and flock animals. All flock animals would slowly disappear if they became *free thinkers*. As far as wing clipping, yes there's trains of thought but I feel that disabling an area that was meant be there is not an answer. They were given wings for a reason. Just maybe, it's different owners that needs more training then the bird who's getting disabled. After all, it's a well thought out fact that for many people, a grey isn't a good parrot to start off with if the person has never had parrots before. I've seen loads of greys wind up in second and third homes and also in shelters/adoption centers just for that reason. Many people don't like that being said but facts don't lie. In the parrot world as a whole, there's only two species of parrots that have such an intense damaging problem with feather plucking/ chewing/barbering. Those two species are greys and cockatoos. AND thats also something they don't do in the wild. TERRIBLE TWOS----------- The only reason that parrot description was invented was because many people couldn't understand why that sweet, cuddly, cute little bundle of joy, that never bit anyone that they got as a baby started to develop into a natural grey parrot peronality---not so sweet, not so cuddly, quick to bite with it's *hand*. In other words, the proper description for the african grey as it grows is *aloof*. Many other species are just exact opposite.
  11. Testing-- I 'll use the words *fish tank* to do the tests. (bold)------*fish tank* ========doesn't work (italic)------*fish tank* ========doesn't work (undeline)--*fish tank* ========doesn't work (color)-----*fish tank* ========doesn't work A few days ago, I decided that I would check all of my settings on my laptop but I changed my mind when I saw that a couple of other people stated that they were also having the same problem. Even if these problems have now been solved concerning some of these other people, I know that it wasn't any settings on my laptop that caused them to have those same problems in the first place so I decided not to change settings on my laptop. No sense in trying to fix something that doesn't seem broken.
  12. At least 50--60% of the members here have different species of parrots in the same house which are also in the same room. They DO need their own separate cages. It doesn't really matter what size they are. How they act together is only someting that time can answer. Some can stay together on a playstand and others need separate time on a playstand. I have 2 monk/quaker parrots/parrokeets in the same area with 3 greys and the quakers are the true bosses of the room. PS--I get the feeling you're really referring to a budgie?
  13. Well, the biggest complaint from people concerning higher up on cage usually has to do with biting. That's what I thought you wanted to know about---sorry, but it' always good to know about for the future.
  14. *********Sometimes I wonder if the whole theory is bunk about hight and domenance. ********* You're totally right. Most parrots prefer being high up (lots of species). The reason is because they're parrots. Many other types of birds like to be higher up but as far as parrots, in the wild being higher up allows them to spot predatory birds long before they arrive. That gives them time to excape to areas which they can also see. In the home, training a bird to step up should include *stepping up* from all high, low or any area in between. If a bird doesn't step on to the finger, it's only because it's easier to avoid that finger because it simply likes it up on the cage. If you wanna have the bird go back in the cage, simply put a small favorite nut or treat in the bowl in the cage. He'll come to it. A parrot likes the freedom from a cage. Freedom can create a more well rounded personality. He's free, happy, can play with toys, can go on a playstand, can fly a bit, can definitely exersize it's wings. If a bird is a biter, it's not because he's higher than the person. That person isn't a predator. The person is the care taker. I personally believe that you shouldn't change him and the breeder deserves a pat on the back for his ideas about giving his birds some freedom. Like I said, it's just my opinion. I have greys on their cages and sometimes they try to nip me when I wanna retreive them. It simply doesn't bother me. It can bother other people. Actually, that's how the *higher up* nonsense was started.
  15. I guess you already got my PM concerning what's not working but I'll repeat The bold button, italics button, underline button, color button, letter size button=======None of them work.
  16. I wouldn't recommend taking any aloe plant and making a drinking liquid. The main reason is that there's approx 20 types of aloe plants and a person has no idea which one they're using. I know what I'm talking about. In my profile, I state that I grow indoor succulents and other cacti. I've been doing that for years. I have about 13 types of aloes in all sizes. Some are hybrids and some are extremely dangerous to humans and also pets. The most common one that's sold is the one that's called *medicinal aloe*----$5 to $10 each--not for internal use. PS---don't believe everything you see on the net. Some of those little tid bits of info are simply BS.
  17. The famous NO SHOULDER personality------ This concerns a bird who has decided to be a body biter. No matter how sweet, kind, loveable, cute and adorable your bird is right now, if he gets the idea that he can go on your shoulder because of attractions, I guarantee you that in the future, he will give you an absolutely free-of-charge earlobe piercing ( if you're a female ) ( this post applies to men and women ) for your next set of new earrings that you buy. If you wear a chain on your neck, they're able to snap and break it without even trying hard. They love shiny jewelry. This goes for other adults or children too because as far as ear lobes go and other body parts , there is no sexual preference. Another reason for not doing the shoulder thing is that if you use some sort of hair grooming item in your hair, they will get to it because they love to preen hair. If they do get to that cosmetic, they will swallow it and that's a no no or if you use nothing on your hair there's a good chance that the bird will pull at your hair constantly. Another thing about the shoulder is that when it comes time that you don't want him there, they will give you a struggle when you try to catch him to take him off. Never let a parrot stay in an area where you can't see him. They'll race over to the other shoulder and they might bite if you persist. It's not a good idea to ever let your bird used to staying on your shoulder especially if he's showing small desires to pull on your skin. Eventually, it'll be another part of your facial area or your clothing or the top of the chair you happen to be sitting on. There's just too many pictures of people walking around with birds on their shoulders but was isn't said is that those birds never showed any desire to bite or nibble the person who's carrying him around. Your bird is already showing that desire and it's not possible to train your bird to NOT BITE. It's their nature to bite at whatever appeals to them. This type of habit gets more serious as the bird gets older and more sure of itself. By the way, the biting problem isn't unusual. Loads of peopl;e have gone through your problem and the best way to stop it is to take all items of temptation away from the bird. Some birds remain uninterested in shoulders and other body parts and others are very interested If your bird is one that's interested in biting when on the shoulder, that should be the permaent end of letting him on your shoulder. Many people here can tell you about their bad experiences with the same problem.---Dave PS---the bird isn't a terrorist. He's just being a parrot who happens to be intrerested in shoulders. There's nothing you can do to change that habit except keeping him off your shoulders permanently.
  18. It doesn't surprise me at all. They can sense those tremors long before we can and it's a scary thing for them. Parrots are very used to stable, hardly movable areas to perch on and the slightest change in that stability can set them right off. Some greys even start plucking and biting their feathers when they sense ground movement.
  19. Posting links that give out professional information is fine with me. If a person goes there and decides to attempt to do these procedures, that's fine too. BUT, no matter what bad outcomes develop, at least they won't be connected or linked to this board or to a person or people on this board who may have suggested these procedures. The one thing I've found through the years is that people simply won't take responsibilty for another person's bird when that bird suffers because of something bad that was suggested especially when it's made to sound like the best thing to do. I'm the mod of this health room and my first major concern is the safety and general health of the various parrots who are in all stages of fantastic, great, good, average, bad and poor health. I'm not concerned about people. People can fend for themselves. Birds cant. If people here don't like the various rules in the Health Room or have a complaint concerning me, feel free to contact the Admin (Talon) , Dan ( Super Mod ) , Judy ( Site Mod ). The best and fastest way to contact these people is by PM.
  20. Well, all parrots are wild animals whether they're pets or not so certain weather patterns affect them in many ways .It's known for a long time that birds will eat more as air pressure falls. This is because birds know that they have a hard time getting food during a storm and storms are usually associated with falling pressure so by having this innate ability to detect falling air pressure to predict a storm, that gives them more time to prepare much like we do by watching television or listening to the radio and then going to the grocery store. The general belief is that birds have a very sensitive "feeling" of air pressure. So much so that it's known that they can actually detect the difference in altitude change in increments as small as 15 to 30 feet. As far as mood, a grey or other parrot will become alert, quiet and generally still much like when in the wild when they will huddle together. It's more likely that the mood will change if something unexpected happens that scares a parrot---lightning, thunder or a combo of both. Their exact mood can't really be tested but I will say that when a parrot is in an alert mode concerning weather, it's best not to try and interfere with the bird's train of thought. A parrot may bite because the focus is on something else that's extremely important. Yes, weather could cause a parrot to act a little grumpy.
  21. """I don't know why I said walnut. I meant pecans.""" ------You're forgiven. We know you're nuts anyway. NOW, back to the famous pecan, that nut isn't in parrot mix either. Who knows, maybe outdoor wild pecans are safe to eat as is. Maybe they're not the type of nut that gets cooked or roasted. I've tried to give my greys pecans and they won't have anything to do with them. Unshelled almonds are very high on their list of favorites. They're good for a parrot concerning biting, cracking, chewing. PLUS, it takes a while for them to finish working a almond which is fine with me because they can be a pain in the ass. I get a much needed break. PS --LATEST BREAKING NEWS------Pecans don't need to be cooked in order to be eaten.
  22. I was referring to what's also known as * unshelled *monkey* nuts which is found in most parrot mixes. Because of the bad reputation that this type of raw nut concerning certain germs that make birds very ill, most people remove the nuts and discard them or just throw them out for the squirrels and other outdoor animals. Roasting these nuts makes them safe and they are the exact same nuts that are sold in supermarkets for human consuption. If your store is selling any nuts they're already most likely for human consumption. As far as outdoor raw walnuts, I have no idea about them. PLUS, walnuts are never in parrot mixes. Many birds don't like walnuts but if you like walnuts for yourself, your store is the safest place to get them.
  23. Sticky http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?32353-Teflon-coated-Cookware
  24. Here at Grey Forums, serious medical procedures , prescribed meds, are given by vets not by unlisenced individuals. We aren't licenced vets here. Members are told in the stickys not to submit or perform any type of serious medical procedure application unless it has to do with basic minor first aid. People have been told what kind of small medical kit they should have around. That's also posted in stickys. It would be appreciated not to give directions on how to do these medical procedures. There are people out there that might actually try to do these things and may wind up killing their bird/birds. They also may not read your full post. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?128950-VETERINARIANS
  25. Well, it's not working for me so it must be my fault. Can't make things bold, can't change color, can't undeline plus other things. It's not just going on in the edit section. It's also happening when I type out a post. This sucks.
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