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Still enjoying family here and staying busy entertaining them.


It does not snow here except maybe once in 20 years and only very lightly at that. No desire to have snow around the home or city. We just drive up to Sierra summit at 7000 feet, ski and play then come back.


Snow is nice to visit, but not to live in, atleast for us. :-)

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Sitting here pouting because my mom has gotten me sick.


I'm rarely sick. My tonsils are out and I have a sore throat, go figure! Hopefully it only lasts a few days. The worst part is the stuffy nose interring with breathing and SLEEPING! :/


Drinking some hot tea right now. Maybe it will turn into a spiked tea with some added Alkaseltzer cold & sinus.


Kenzie is happily playing across the room and keeping my spirits up!

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Sorry to hear you are under the weather Kimberly, but don't blame Mom as she didn't mean to make you sick but there is a lot of stuff going around and I have been sick with it too along with many others.


Having some hot tea spiked may not make you feel any better but maybe it will make you not be as aware of how miserable you feel.:S :whistle: :unsure: :laugh:

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Sorry to hear you are sick Kimberly. I hope it doesn't last long. I had a cold about a month ago that hung on for 2 weeks!!:ohmy: And I'm one of those that don't get colds either.


Kimberly was right saying it is going to get real warm today and melt our snow away, all 8-10". Weathermen are giving us flood watches and warnings:huh: plus it's starting to rain:unsure:


Baxter & me just finished doing the dishes...those are his chores, too:silly: He enjoys it and it makes it tolerable for me. :)


I am getting ready to go to the pet store and pick up more pellets & seeds while it's warm out and before the rain gets heavy.

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It feels like Ive not been on here for ages!


I had a wonderful christmas, just the new year to go and then we will get back to normality!


I agreed to go to a new years party at a friends (none bird loving) and now I am worrying about leaving the birds as we wont get home until late. I really dont want to go but what can I do? I know the friends wont understand as well when I want to get off as soon as I can and not stay and party!




Hope everyone had a brilliant time and I have missed everyone as I have not been on here as much over the christmas period.


Best wishes to you all x

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Right now I am waiting for dinner to be served. Spaghetti. By the smell of things, it should be soon. The "camp cook" has been playing with our new Wii all afternoon. I may have to go kick him into action. I'm getting hungry! LOL

In a freak turn of weather it has been in the 50's today here in Detroit. My son and I went for an hour walk and just enjoyed the heck out of it.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I am getting ready to go to the pet store and pick up more pellets & seeds while it's warm out and before the rain gets heavy.


Hey! I went to the bird store yesterday, too! Did you go to Discount Pet in Livonia? If so, I think I just missed you. I was there from around 3-4:15PM with my dad. I had to get my little "stumpy" canary a new cage since he can fly a little better now due to some good TLC, baths, and a good diet.

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I'm trying to catch up on the posts I missed over the Christmas holiday!

Didn't have the greatest Christmas ever, ended up spending two hours in the emergency room Christmas morning with my boyfriend after he got bit by my sister's dog. He ended up with 8 stitches in his lip- ouch...needless to say it will be a Christmas to forget, not remember.

I hope everyone else was having a good time with family and friends. I'm hoping the New Year holiday will be better and less painful for all of us.

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Jen, I am sorry you had a harrowing christmas.I hope your boyfriend is not in too much pain.Hope your new year goes better.


I have just got back from shopping,only needed a few bits but yesterday I bought a new hi fi and decided I did not really need it and I had over spent so took it back today, good job I never opened it.


It is really cold today but the house is nice and warm so the birds are due a bath.

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I'm taking Kim (wife) to Fresno this morning to have one of those new capsule cameras you swallow and they take pictures until being expelled at the other end. She is an 8 year cancer survivor and has been showing up VERY Anemic over the last 5 months. They have done the normal scopes at both ends and now need to get pictures of the entire intestinal system to ensure she is not bleeding somewhere down that path.


It is an interesting procedure. You go in, swallow the capsule. They strap a belt to your with a receiver/recorder and you go back to work or home and return 8 hours later and they remove the recorder that captures all the images wirelessly. Then they download all the images and review. They should get back to us in a week or so with the results.


You of course must fast the entire day before and in the evening drink a solution that makes all the "Stuff" come out so the intestines are completely cleaned out. Needless to say, she has been up pretty much all night and is rather irritable and snappy to say the least. But, I know I would be the same way and understand. :-)

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Isn't it amazing what they can do anymore, imagine swallowing a mini camera to take pictures inside the intestional tract.


I think I remember you saying before she is a cancer survivor and 8 years is good, very good but sorry to hear that she is anemic, I hope they find out something and can help her get better.


I can sympathize with the regime she had to go thru and you are being a sweet man to understand for you never know when you might be in her shoes one day.


I wish her well and let us know Dan for we care about you and Kim, I miss her here on the forum but that is another story.

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It is amazing how the medical technology is getting so advanced. I do sympathize for your wife having to fast and go through this procedure as it does not sound very pleasant. 8 year cancer survivor is great! Just know my thoughts will be with you both. I don't blame her for being grumpy. Perhaps you should buy her some flowers today:) And Karma to you for being such an understanging guy. ;)

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Dan, my thoughts go out to Kim, I hope the results will come back fine.


I have also spent another afternoon in the hospital which was pretty miserable as I woke with a stinking cold this morning as well! I hope I will feel better to celebrate the new year tomorrow.


Is everyone else celebrating? I hope you all have some fantastic plans.


Dan, give Kim an extra big hug from me:kiss:

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I hope everyone had a great New Year!


Me, well this cold has taken a hold and I spent the evening by myself at home:(


Dave and the kids still went to the party and I had an early night. Never mind, hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow.


I think its the first time Dave and I have not spent the New year together but I still wanted them to go and have some fun.


Best wishes to you all xx

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Sorry to hear you were under the weather but the best place for you was home if you are not feeling well and with the rest of the family out for the evening then you could rest and get some sleep, the best thing for you anyways, besides there is always next year.


I had that early night spent by the fire and boy did it feel good.


Just finished watching the Rose Bowl Parade, that is something I would like to see in person sometime, it is amazing what they can build and cover with flowers, beautiful.

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Caroline, sorry you never got out. It was a freezing cold night anyway and you were better off indoors.


I spent the night watching tv and relaxing, I had a couple of glasses of wine and quite enjoyed myself.


I have spent today cleaning and playing with the birds.

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Made a bucket of Margaritas; called the kids and wished them all Happy New Year; then cuddled up with Tom Selleck for awhile and then Brad Pitt and Eric Bana; so many movies, I mean men, so hard to choose! I hope you feel much better Caroline. Happy New Year Everyone!!

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