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Quitting smoking


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Oh, and FunkyGirl, I did get the Wellbutrin cheap thru my health insurance. I don't know if they offer anything else, but I didn't want any patches. I know they help others, but I just want to be off nicotine in all forms!

Thanks again...

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Wellbutrin is a mild anti-depressant. Drs started prescribing it for depression and then started finding that their patients who were smokers were suddenly quitting. It's a marvelous side-effect, discovered by accident from what I understand.

There are a few possible side effects, one of which is dry mouth which I did get and which made it all the easier to put the cigarettes down. If cigs are kinda nasty in the first place, choking one down with an unusually dry mouth is almost impossible.

For me it is safe, and I think if I had come down with all the possible side effects I would still stick with it because nothing is worse for your health than smoking (that's how I feel right now anyway). I was a little moody the first two days on it but my body has adjusted and I'm not moody at all now. So far, I am having a calm and wonderful quit and I am very happy.

Hope that helps!

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Laurie - You are doing a great job at quitting and it sounds like you may have found that one little "Extra" that will make this attempt successful.


Your story will help many a smoker when they try to quit. :-)


I heard lots of chocolate helps to take the edge off too ;):P

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The <somewhat> scientific explanation for why Wellbutrin helps is that its chemical makeup allows it to bind to the same receptors in the brain that nicotine would fill, curbing the physical withdrawal. That's half the battle. You just have to be careful when you come off the wellbutrin, as you'll have the same issue then... wean yourself from it very, very slowly. At that point you'll feel somewhat safe from nicotine cravings so they can sneak up on you without warning. Be prepared for them and you'll do just fine!

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Yes, my prescription allows for lots of Wellbutrin (I think a couple of months worth). I've already thought about how it will be without it. Hopefully I'll be in good shape before its time to stop.

And yes, I can definitely be lulled by chocolate, Dan!


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Laurie thanks for explaining that :) I am sure you are going to make it this time. After 2 months much of the 'habit' has gone out of the system anyway (the lighting and holding of a cigarette is very addictive I heard - at least just as much as inhaling the smoke) - and you wouldn't have done that for 2 months then, so used to it :)

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Here is an update:

I have been smoke-free for 9 days and 48 minutes.

That equals out to 181 cigarettes not smoked (holy cow!). I have saved 1 day and 9 hours of my life. And I have saved $45.

This is from QuitNet.com. It keeps track of this stuff for you. Very inspiring!

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Good luck - I gave up jan 1st 2006 - I had to be in the right mind set before quitting. Glad to say I did it on will power alone (and a bit of chewing gum to divert habitual routine) mind you, I am the most stuborn person I know :)


Good luck - you'll make it

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Thank you! Thank you very much!

*bowing* *courtsey*

Are ya'll ready for this?

As of 8:40 pm tonight I will have been smober for 2 whole weeks, shattering my previous record!

Smober. Don't you love that?

Ok, I'm getting obnoxious.

Thanks for putting up with me!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I quit smoking 5 years ago. I used the Wellbutrin at first but didn't like the side effects and got off of it soon after I started. I also went through a class at Kaiser (my health insurance) where the facilitator told me when I was going to have my last smoke. I seem to do better when I have someone making the big decisions for me...lol. I started chewing the nicotine guy but it hurt my jaw so I switched to the lozenges...I've been sucking on them ever since. I gained 30-40 pounds over the last 5 years but in the last 10 weeks, I've lost 25 on the South Beach Diet. I've always been tall and thin...I was able to eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight...then I quit smoking and suddenly twinkies were no longer my friend. Anyway, good luck to those of you who recently quit...it does get easier...I say that with a lozenge in my mouth...I think the cravings would be gone if I wasn't still sucking on them....once I'm at my goal weight, I'll think about quitting the lozenges. B) B) B)

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Guest Skuffy

:woohoo: Ive made a promise to My son..I'll stop on my 40th Birthday..Been smoking since i was 11yr,,now am 39yr...B)

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Johnny wrote:

I gained 45 lbs when I shook the habbit. Should of kept somking. lol


I felt the same way...then I read about the south beach diet...it was the first diet I ever tried and it's been so easy...I don't feel deprived and I made a couple decisions that have made it easier. I decided I would continue to have half-n-half in my coffee...I don't drink much, but if I do, it has half-n-half in it. I also decided I would use my regular Best Foods mayo when I ate artichokes. I have my mayo with a little artichokes every couple weeks. ;) YUMMMY!! My husband is the cook in the family, which helps A LOT. If it was left up to me, I probably wouldn't eat as much due to laziness...and with this kind of diet, you gotta eat to lose weight. I feel like I look so much better and my knees don't hurt anymore either...I really thought it was going to be hard to lose the weight cuz I used to eat anything and everything and not gain a pound. I quit smoking and that all changed. But, now I don't smoke and I'm almost to my goal weight...what more could a girl ask for...lol :huh:

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Sounds like it is working for you Heather, I am proud of you that you have quit smoking and if you can get yourself off the lozenges then you will have it made.


Good for you Mark for deciding to quit too, its the best thing you can do for your kids but do it for you because you want to and good luck to you.:)

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HeatherStrella wrote:

I switched to the lozenges...I've been sucking on them ever since.


I quit a year and a half ago, and had used the lozenges. I also quite those about 4 months afterwards. Unfortunately I had some tough times earlier this year and reached for the lozenges again. I am still on them :(. But I had my pharmacists check and double check and there are NO side effects from long term use. None! So suck away Heather and worry about them later.


The way I look at it is I could just as easily have reached for a cigarette!

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Are ya'll ready for this?

I've been clean and smober for 33 days, 22 hours, 57 minutes, and 41 seconds.

I have not smoked 679 cigarettes. That's 6-7-9. Six HUNDRED seventy-nine. *falling off chair*

I have saved 5 days and 4 hours of my life.

I have saved $170.

This is from QuitNet.com - the stop smoking forum I belong to.

The numbers never fail to amaze me!

Cheers to you who have quit, or plan to quit (not to snub any of the others - I love you all equally) - but I want to send a special shout-out to my comrades who have beat this thing (or are going to soon)!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Skuffy

OUCH..I went for a Lung test yesterday...My readings are so bad am not even going to say how old my lungs are though smoking....But I'll tell you,,Its frighten the hell out of me..:woohoo:

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