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That's awesome, Judy! If that were me, I'd be thrilled! I snuck & weighed myself again the other day (even though I was just weighed on the 26th) and I didn't lose any additional. =(

But I'm trying not to treat this as a weight loss thing. It's a health & fitness thing. And if I fit into my skinny jeans as a side effect, okay. I can deal with that!

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Well Laurie I was thrilled but I had expected the loss to have been a little more but it will come off it will just take me a little longer to do so.


And like you I am not on a diet, they don't work, I am on a lifestyle behavior modification and I am going to have to go out in the spring and get me some new clothes, I won't be able to wear my last season's stuff, too loose.


I have lost a total of 18 lbs and 16 inches off me since the first week of October 2007 since starting at Curves, but I have lost a total of at least 45 lbs from the high that I weighed earlier in 2007.

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Judy, that is terrific!! WOW! I'm so proud of you. You are getting closer and closer to your goal every day. Keep it up!! I know 2 people that you have made very very happy with your progress. We're always here for you to cheer you on!




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Thanks for the support Penny, it has been really appreciated by me and I will need it more than ever as I get closer to that goal. I have already had people look at me and say "have you lost weight", and I say "yes I have and thanks for noticing", it is a very good feeling.:P :P

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Your right Judy, it is a great feeling to have others notice. B) It takes a lot of hard work, determination and lots of willpower, But you already know that. So when others notice, it really makes all that hard work worthwhile!! :woohoo:

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Great job, everyone!

Doesn't it feel good, too, that we're doing this now instead of suddenly waking up one day in April or May and saying to ourselves, "OMG! Shorts & short sleeves are right around the corner. Better start trying to get in shape!". We're ahead of the game - not my usual M.O. so I'm feeling quite happy w/myself! :P

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You guys are doing great!!! I am sooooo happy for you!!


I have been working very hard since the beginning of the year. I am on weight watchers and running daily. So far I have lost 15 lbs and am hoping for more by the time my entire family comes out to visit at the end of March! Wish me luck!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, great job Kristin!

Ok, so here's an update - yesterday was weigh-n-measure day at Curves. I lost 1" off my hips. I did not lose any weight overall, but I lost 2# of fat. Obviously I must have gained 2# of muscle, since my body weight didn't change. They figured that out with the little body fat analyzer machine they have there. So, I'm happy. I'll trade fat for muscle any day!

How's everyone else doing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well right now I feel pretty low, I was weighed Monday and I have gained a pound, I have been so ashamed that it took a few days to absorb it all before I could admit it to my friends here. I guess I have been eating more than I should and I have slipped some on the exercise, I need to shake it up a bit.


Right now I also have a cold and sore throat so am not feeling very well but when this is over I am going to refocus on my goal and come up with something to make it happen for me. Maybe I just need a good swift kick in the rear, any takers:S

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Don't make me fly down there and kick your butt!!


Let's go girl, you can do it. We are in this together, lets get exercising and cutting back on our intake. Smaller meals throughout the day, not 3 big ones.



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One measly pound! That's nothin' - you can bounce back!

Besides - don't worry so much about what the scale says. Think about the way your clothes fit and how you feel like you're getting in better shape. My last weigh-in at Curves, I didn't lose any overall body weight, but I did lose 1 inch so I know my work is paying off.

Just wait til that cold is all gone, you'll bounce right back! :)

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Thanks Laurie for the pep talk, I needed that, its funny how a gain of one pound can make you feel so horrible but then this cold is not helping either.


I am gonna do better as soon as this nasty cold has abandoned my body but right now I feel like crap.:(

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Oh Judy, as others said, one pound is nothing. That's 2 glasses of water. With your illness, your not burning off any fluids even from much movement, I'm sure.


You hang in there, you've been doing great and knowing how you keep your sights focused, you'll be back on-track in no time, once your feeling better. :-)

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Judy, you will bounce back as soon as you are feeling better!


I joined a gym a few weeks ago. I am doing very well. I am mostly doing upper body work as I feel like I get enough lower body work when I run, which I still do every day. But I have added bicycling at the gym for 2 1/2 miles after my run and workout. I love that!

The hardest part about going to the gym is that I get up at 5am every day to go before I have to come home and get the kids to school. Getting to bed around 10:30 at night is sooooo hard for me. I hope that it will get easier. I am a night owl, and prefer to stay up until midnight. :S :S


Well, that's my update. I hope to hear from others. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, it was weigh-and-measure day today!

(Ack, the day after Easter and the Great Chocolate Binge of 2008.)

Can I get a drum roll please? Thank you.

I lost 3# and another inch overall!!!

Woo-hoo! I guess I didn't do too much damage celebrating Easter!

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Hi folks, I am joining you again. I have been very very lazy lately. Just too much personal trauma going on to be even thinking about exercise or weight loss. I have lost 7 lbs since I was last here, but that was through not eating, stress and upset. Definitely not a healthy way to lose it :(


But I have been given some good news and am ready to get back on track. I started walking again yesterday and my legs are complaining big time this morning!

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