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Laurie! That's wonderful!! I'm so happy and excited for you. :cheer: And please keep us posted anytime, you don't have to check in on Wednesdays only, that was just a suggestion. Check in tomorrow, and let me know how you liked Curves. I'll be waiting to here..........B)

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What a wonderful thread this turned into. I love reading all the stories of success. The most important thing for everyone starting an exercise program to remember is this. NEVER QUIT. I say this because what often happens is you start out with good intentions. You work hard. You feel good about the effort. You don't see results you wanted right away. You are disappointed. You get depressed. You start eating again. You quit the program..


My wife says it all the time. "It took TIME to put all that weight on.... It's gonna take time to get it off"


If you quit you make it that much harder to start up again later. So DON'T QUIT. Convince yourself that this is a change in your lifestyle. After a short time (about 1 year) you will NEVER quit. You will become adjusted to your exercise routine and actually become depressed when you miss a day.


I remind you of something I say all the time.. Like everything in life you have choices.. You can choose to torture yourself with exercise daily OR you can torture yourself with pills and chemicals taken daily to keep you alive. Which do you choose?


Your health is the most important thing you have. Forget about exercising to look better. Exercise to keep yourself healthy...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/12/20 01:57

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Well, my first trip to Curves went really well. The lady there is very nice and she took me through the circuit for my first time, then I went around it again by myself. I love how it changes continuously.

I'm going back tomorrow ... I think this is for me, definitely, but want to go a few days before I make the financial commitment.

Oh, and then, I get back to work and one of our customers had brought in a very decadent tray of this really exotic Italian dessert. Can't remember the name, doubt I could spell it anyway. All my co-workers were raving about it, and insisting I have some. So I had about a table-spoon's worth. It was goooood, but I behaved myself.

So far so good - I plan to keep this up for sure!

And, yes, CD it's not just out of vanity - I do hear over and over how vital physical fitness is for your overall health. I'm with ya!

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Laurie, I'm happy you liked Curves! And congrats on the willpower for those desserts!! :woohoo:


You and CD are right, it's all about feeling good, being healthy and happy! Please keep checking in, and letting us know how you are doing!

I'll be waiting...................:whistle:

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I went to Curves again today! I plan to go every day that I'm at work, and I'm pretty sure there's one near me here at home that I can go to on the weekends (and those rare times when I take a day off work).

My in-laws lent me an Atkins book, and I plan to peruse that for some low-carb food ideas. I don't plan to follow Atkins "to the letter" but I'm really excited right now and I want to kick start this thing!

Go team!

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Hi Laurie! I love your enthusiasm. I hope it gets others motivated. I am happy that you are on the right road, and excited about it too! Remember, it's one step at a time, and it does take time. Keep us posted, I look forward to reading them every night.


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Well its Wednesday again and I haven't been so good the last few days, but hey it's Christmas and I have eaten too much the last couple of days and haven't been to Curves for almost a week now. Curves is a half hour drive from home so I usually go right after work since I am only 5 minutes away. But I am back on track tomorrow with the lifestyle change and the holiday food is behind me now, of course that is figuratively speaking as in it is really in my behind now. LOL :laugh:

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Good for you Laurie, I love it there too and can't wait to get back.

I lost 3 lbs the first month then 7 lbs the second month and also over 10 inches in those two months, but I am afraid the next weigh in will not net me as much but I am not quitting, I have a goal and nothing can stop me now.:P

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I must say it's rather easy for me to do this every day because it's less than 5 min from work and super easy to fit into my lunch hour. I don't miss going to a restaurant and eating at lunch time at all. I pack my lunch and eat it in bits & pieces throughout the day.

But whether it's easy or hard to do, I'm just glad I'm doing it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm still hanging in there at Curves. I really like it. I've gone pretty much every day except Sundays and holidays (they're closed)plus I missed a time or two with my father-in-laws funeral.

Let's see I've been going for about 3 weeks, and already I feel stronger, I'm not as stiff as I used to be when I wake up in the morning, my pants are fitting a little better, and I think I may see signs of my waistline returning! I'm really motivated to keep going. If I'm feeling this good after only a few weeks, I'm excited to see how things will be in a few months! I hope you are all doing well, too! B)

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I've had another weigh in and 4 more pounds gone and over 3 more inches are missing from my physique, not bad considering that included the holiday period of time. I go to Curves at least 3 times a week and use my elliptical machine also, haven't been walking much, too cold and gets dark early.

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I too need to take offa few pounds. I've been telling everyone that it's still the baby weight, only problem is my "baby" starts kindergarden next year. I'm excited with what I've read about you guys and Curves, thought about going myself since they just opened a new one within walking distance from my home. A bit worried about wasting my money. I belonged to a gym before but was so self conscious about going in with the extra pounds I had (seemed more a pick-up joint than a gym) I'm joining Oprah's best life plan and going to check out curves next week (Mom's visiting this week) and I've quit smoking over the holidays this is my year to get healthy.



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I can't use that excuse either, my "baby" is 35 years old but there is no time like the present to get in better shape. I think you will like Curves, its nothing like the gym, for one thing no men are present, just other women trying to do the same thing.


Congrats on quitting the smoking habit, thats one step in the right direction to getting healthy, so get going on the exercise and lets see how you progress.:P

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Hey, Radar!

Glad to hear we'll have another Curves enthusiast (maybe). I really like it because you change machines so fast, it's impossible to get bored.

I snuck and weighed myself the other day (I'm not due to be officially weighed until the 26th). And if I remember my starting weight correctly, I lost 5 lbs!


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Good for you Laurie, that is excellent progress and I am proud of you and no you won't miss them.


I am still plugging along, I missed the first of the week as I was under the weather but I am back now and going strong. Hope to have good news soon and should reach one of my goals I set for myself.:P

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Laurie, that's wonderful! Everyone is doing so well. I am very happy to read all these great strides you are making. I lost a lot of time recently due to my moving and life changes. But I am getting back on track and hope to increase so that I am back to every day instead of every other day on my treadmill. I really want SPRING to arrive so that I czn run outside.:(

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You better get back on track, Penny or I will catch up with ya, ha ha, thats a laugh, I will never be that fast.:unsure:


I think I have met one of the goals I set for myself, small goals, small steps but I am plugging along, I get weighed on the 8th so I will let ya know how much I lost, wish me luck.:P

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That's great Judy! Please let us know!!

I have really lost my time frame for running. I lose about an hour every day because of my situation, so running has been difficult to fit in. I'm very depressed about it. It seems I have yet to find the time, I'm up early, and up way too late, and very busy in between. I hope that things settle down in the spring when I'm able to get that hour back and use it for myself to get back on the road.:( :(

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Well I weighed in today at Curves, did not lose as much as I would have liked but I lost another 4 lbs and another 3 inches off of me in a month's time, a slower loss but I am told that at this rate I have a better chance of keeping it off. But I did reach one of my goals I set for myself and I have more to go, small steps.:)

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