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Talon wrote:

....I must say that I feel like a hamster on a wheel about half way through my run, but I keep the wheel turning anyways! :laugh: :P



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Fairy, Podcasts are audio shows that are downloaded onto an Ipod or other MP3 style player. There are podcasts for just about EVERY topic known to man.. Some of them are pretty good and provide great information.. The best part of it all is they are FREE.. You can find podcasts on Itunes just by clicking on the PODCAST button located there.



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Thanks for explaining that CeasarsDad :)

soon as my pc problems are sorted out I think I have to make a 'walk' through all those virtual areas that are still like a mystery to me (but one of them less so, now you explained this one) ;)


Tari, it doesn't matter how it sounds, but how you feel ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Everyone!!!! HELLO?! Where did everyone go? Did you forget about our WEEKLY check in? :S


I haven't heard from anyone for 9 days!!!!! :ohmy:


Don't let the holidays make you lose focus on your health. There is nothing more important to you and your family, not presents, not decorations, not baking cookies, etc. The best present you can give your family is your health. So lets get going everyone! NO slacking off for the holidays!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Ok well I been a bit under the weather lately and haven't really felt like doing anything. Crummy excuse I know but it is hard to work out when you can't breathe. (stupid sinus infection) Wound up losing more weight than I had put back on.:angry: Still trying to work out as much as I can though. Gonna hit the bag for awhile and then the rowing machine today. No running for me my knee is killing me. I have steel pins and they don't like cold. (that and I don't really like running:laugh: ) So I guess my update says I've been sick and lazy. Thanks for the push.

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Talon wrote:

There is nothing more important to you and your family, not presents, not decorations, not baking cookies, etc. The best present you can give your family is your health. So lets get going everyone! NO slacking off for the holidays!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:


Hey Penny!!!


I want my Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Xmas Super Chocolaty Fudge, Divinity and of course all the regular Xmas meals.


So everyone, do your workout while cooking!! Lift those legs, dance in place, stretch as you bend down to get pots, pans, ingredients. Do Curls with 10 pound bags of sugar etc. :-):side: B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/09 15:59

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Actually Dan thats a great idea. Louis Ferrigno (the Hulk from the tv series) started off running with a gallon jug of water in each hand. A gallon of water weighing roughly 8.8lbs puts your 10lb sugar curls right on target. Once again folks great advice from our friend Dan. Karma to ya!!B)

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Well Thanks BadKarma - I know I have seen or read something about using daily routines as a workout while you do them and cooking was one of them. I just can't seem to remember what fitness person demonstrated that.


You can even do exercises while driving too like exerting pressure and releasing in several reps with a hand on each side of the steering wheel etc.


I use this quite often when someone in traffic pisses me off..just envision the steering wheel is their head your squishing :woohoo:


I remember some of these things as I said, I just wish I could remember from who. :-)

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I had a CSM in the Army who grew up with and was good friends with Mr. Ferrigno. He used to talk about them using everyday items to workout cause they couldn't afford weights. All sorts of stuff from the jugs of water to pounding steel with sledge hammers at the scrap yard. (where ferrigno really put on his size) When they got bigger they were lifting furniture in the basement. Also when I was younger I used to workout without weights when we were on the road for a fight. I believe it's called isometrics but could be wrong.(never payed much attention in health class) Anyway you just push against your own muscles. Take an arm from rested beside you and do a curl only at the same time fight against it. The resistance you get will be alot like you flexing and if done right will flat wear you out. Theres lots of great stuff you can do at home without spending a fortune on equipment or hours in the gym. Thanks for reminding me I forgot all about this stuff till you said something. JD

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Dan & Badkarma, Thanks for the great ideas!! SEE, you are never too busy to keep exercising and working out. Where there is a will, there is a way! :woohoo:


I love the way you guys think! Keep cooking and using those ingredients to stay in shape! :woohoo:

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WELL DONE:lol: That is brilliant. I have lost a grand total of 3 lbs in 2 months - mainly because I havent really being trying. It is too hard to get out and walk in this weather, and I have been busy making costumes for a school play. Luckily the show is on Thursday so I should have some free time again in the new year.



BUT.... at least I havent gained!

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Well done you 2. You're doin alot better than me. I weighed in today and am back to a whopping 145lbs. Only about 40lbs lighter than I want to be. I have been working out this week but have really taken it easy. Maybe I'll throw a couple more sets or a new excersise in the routine starting monday.

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Nice Job everyone!

That's what I like to see, dedication even through the holiday season. Let's keep it up. :cheer:

I have cut back do to time constraints and things happening in my life. But I am still being a hamster on a wheel 3-4 times a week. :lol: :silly:

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Ok, here we go!

I am starting a one-week (free) trial membership at a gym near my work. They specialize in a 30-min workout, so I figure I can do it on my lunch hour. So, my gym bag is packed and I'm ready to try this for the first time tomorrow. I had to work it into lunch hour because after work I have to get straight home to my son (and my birdie!). If I like it, I'll join officially and pay for it. I figure with the money I save not eating lunch out I can pay for the gym.

Wish me luck! :) I'm excited!

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Hey, Judy - I just went back and read through all the posts here and see that it's Curves that you do.

Curves is what I'm joining! (I think - it's still a week free trial and I have to make sure I love it before I'll part with my hard-earned cash.)

Great to hear you're doing so well with it.

Also, sorry just noticed we're supposed to check in on Wednesdays. So, I'm a little early! :P

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