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Sophie here. I'm REALLY mad at Rom! She has worked for the past seven days and hasn't spent alot of time with me. Ryan is spending time with me, but I'm mad at Rom! This morning I gave her the " silent treatment", looked straight ahead and ignored her. She wouldn't take " no" for an answer... started kissing me, telling me how much she missed me. ALRIGHT! I caved! I slid down my metal gym 90 miles an hour, landed on Rom's shoulder. We hung out for a half hour. She said she would " get to work, when she got there!" It was her day off, and it was more important to spend time with me! She went downstairs to start some wash and forgot to close the door. I flew down, landed in a pile of laundry at the bottom of the stairs. Rom was VERY upset! I am not allowed to fly down to the basement. Rom delayed going into work even more. She said " she needed to spend time with me, more than work! I was really happy! Sophie

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Sophie, momma has been working for 2 weeks straight, 10-12 hour days! We are used to being OUT of our cages, not IN!!!!!!! She does spend as much quality time with us in the am and the pm. We are used to getting up around 8 or 9 but now momma gets us up at 7 so we can join her in breakfast time.....we are getting used to it tho. But we miss her, she tells us she misses us to, we wonder where this work is and why it is more important than us..:(


Typed by Rikki and complained by NIlah, talon and me

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hey, this is kallie! daddy does the exact same thing, goes to this "work" place and I HATE IT!!! he's not here to worship me, the center of the universe!!! personally, i think there's another bird some where else and he likes that bird more than me and that's why he goes to "work"!!!!! he comes home and loves on me and athena, but he's so tired and even has the gall to fall asleep in his chair!! i just know there's another bird, i just know it!!! i want to know what he and that other bird do all day that wears him out so much. i'll find out for sure one of these days, i don't know how yet, but i'm working on it. when i figure out how, i'll let all of you know!!! oh, and athena agrees with me 100 million billion percent. she'd tell you, but right now she's "busy". she's got her head in that bell thing of hers and is ever so slowly rubbing her cheeks with one foot. i don't know about you, but i think thats really weird!!!!

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WHAT the heck? Why is everyone at this place called " work"? WE don't go to work... they should be here to take care of us! Rom says she is making " money!" I don't know a thing about money, but I don't like money! It takes my Rom away. I like that Rom snuggles me in the morning though, and promises me to snuggle when she gets home from work. I always remember that she say's this. She ALWAYS snuggles with me when she walks in the door. I LOVE my Rom. Sophie

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Thanks! I hit metal today, i got sad. Mom said she would get me a new one!! I got so happy i started flapping my wings, my masterpiece went everywhere, i heard mom mumble, well, maybe not.. She don't mean it! I got her wrapped, all i gotta do is look at her and she smiles! By the way, my new brother from another mother is scary to me so although mom and dad have introduced me to him, we don't play together. Oliver scaed me too so i am pretty happy they leave me alone!

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peeks in ... hey ya'll I been gone while I had some company over .... someone who kept coming to my cage saying HI MARCO IM YOUR GRANDMOTHER! She stayed round for like a week and now shes gone as fast as she came. They keep telling me not to worry shes coming back in October. But I didnt really interact with her I just watched her from above. I promised mommy I wouldnt fly while Granny was in the house. We didnt want granny falling or screaming ... screaming is my job :D


Moms been feeding me super yummy jalapenos fresh from her garden .... ya'll should come over we'll have a jalpeno popper party :D

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you have a gramma?! wow, the one my mom says is gramma hardly ever comes over, so i'm never sure if she's really the gramma or not. but we do have a very strange and confusing thing happening here. every couple months these people show up, mom says its my "brother and sister" and they always bring the thing that's soooooo confusing to me and athena. he looks like the others in my flock, but he's the littlest one i've ever seen!!! the 1st time we saw him, he was really tiny and sometimes made loud noises, mom said it was crying. the next time, he was bigger and squirmed around on the floor. i thought he was "broken" some how and he still made those loud crying noises but he also did a lot of silly noises and the rest of the flock just laughed and praised him. the visit after that, he was bigger still and scooted all over the place. mom, dad and my "brother and sister" chased him all around and followed him where ever he went. now this last visit, he's up on both feet like the rest of the flock, but he's still so small!!! i don't know what he is, he's too small to be like the rest of the flock. although i do have to admit, the rest of the flock is strange too, they don't have tails or wings and they can't fly-wow, i'd go crazy if i was damaged the way they are!!! but even damaged i do love my flock very much. i've tried everything i know to figure out this "thing", i've watched him, i've talked to him (he likes to watch me and sometimes tries to "talk" to me, but i don't understand a single thing he says), i've even come down to his level and lowered my head for a much expected and deserved head rub but he doesn't rub my head! the nerve, the gall to not give me my head rub!!!


i know kallie, he is a very strange creature, very small, very curious to say the least. do you think he'll be bigger the next time he comes here? he sure does take all of the flock's attention away from us. i just watch him, he's just too weird for me to want to even think about touching me. eewww!! yes you're right about the rest of the flock being damaged by not having wings and tails. have you ever noticed they have 5, count them 5 claws on each of their feet and they even have 5 claws on each of those things they call hands!!! i wonder if the extra claws get in the way? the flock does seem to have adjusted well to not having wings and tails, but i don't know how they do it!

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Dorian here. Lots happening. I don't know if i can tell it all before mom comes back in. The biggest news is that I'm typing from a different room in a different house. I guess this is the "new house" mom kept telling me about the last couple of months. We've been here a couple of weeks. I'm in my house most of the time because it's the same as it was before, but mom's let me onto my playstand a few times in what she calls the "living" room. The day we came here mom put me in my small cage that we go outside in but instead of going to the back patio she put me in the loud car thing. I was scared, but mom sat beside me and Jac the cat and let someone else drive the car thingy. Mom kept telling me what a good big brave boy I was so I had to act cool. Better than Jac anyway. He howled the whole time in the car. It made mom and the driving lady laugh. I spent some time trying to make those sounds so mama would laugh at me, but he stopped as soon as we got here so I'm kind of forgetting what they sounded like.


The first night here I was scared and I didn't like mama to go out of the room where I couldn't see her. One time when she left the room I fell off my perch and broke a feather. Mom sat next to me a talked to me and I finally got some sleep, but I made mom leave the light on. Now I know it's safe at night and mama puts me to bed the same way as in the old house. The biggest difference is that it's really noisy around here in the mornings. Mom says it's construction noise and that we won't be sleeping in during the week for the next few months. Sometimes big machines drive right by the window in my room and they scare me. At first mom left the curtains over the windows, but I got more scared when I couldn't see what was making the noise so now she leaves them open.


I think it'll be ok here but it sure is different. I don't have my boing or outside swing yet. I can see them on the floor in my room but I'll give mama a break and not make her put them up right away. Mama has been sleeping a lot here so Jac and I keep quiet and let her. She tells us what good boys we are and gives us lots of loves. I know I'm a better boy than Jac the cat because I don't crawl all over her when she's sleeping like he does. Gee, I haven't even pooped on her once since we got here.

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dorian, this is kallie. everything will be fine. i know, cause this is my 2nd family. my 1st mom passed away, that's what i was told even though i don't understand what it means. but i was very lucky and got to come home with my new mom and for the 1st time, i have a dad!! i didn't like this new home at first either. it is huge and complicated compared to my old house. did they keep your cage house? i got to keep my cage house and my new mom set it up almost like it was in the old house. since then though, she's added new and exciting toys and stuff to it and even moves things around once in a while. (i think she's testing me, ha) but the new house had strange sounds i didn't know and strange happenings out the big window by my cage house. mom kept the things she calls shears closed but i could still see outside but the shears made me feel protected. now though, i love this new house. i love watching out the big window at the things called cars and trucks (although i still don't enjoy being inside one of them yet) and people walking by, we even have this thing called a mailman! he comes by almost everyday! the best thing about the big window is i can see daddy when he gets home from "work" (i still say he's seeing another bird somewhere else though). across the big window from me is athena in her cage house. she didn't like the shears being closed, she said i was being a "big baby" being afraid of everything. i swear, she just thinks she's the biggest bird ever, but she's wrong cause i'm huge compared to her, hahaha. so, just take your time and you will end up loving your new house. don't forget to ask your mom if there is any extra paper or boxes for you to decorate your new house and cage house with!!!

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Dorian..kallie is right. I DO think it is time for you to poop on your mom! I nailed Rom the other morning and she didn't know it. She had her scrubs on ( whatever those are!), I pooped on her before she went to work.Her coworkers told her Sophie pooped on you. How do they know it was me? Maybe it was Kiki or Sunny?

A terrible thing happened here yesterday. Kiki, my fruit and veggie tester, was tricked, and ate broccholi. Rom always throws a stalk of it once in awhile. Usually Kiki is quick to find it and throw it out before we all try the tray, but she missed it! She had it in her claw... I yelled "NOOOO kiki!" DON'T do it!I ran as fast as I could to save her, but it was too late. She was eating it. Now I have to watch her for the next few days to make sure she is alright! I'll be checking our fruit and veggie tray out tomorrow. Sophie

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mommy bought me a wooden puzzle :D she put it ontop of my cage and all those lil 8 pieces with the lil handles make LOTTA loud noises when i flip them over the side then look down at the floor. wont she be so suprised when she sees that I have redesigned the shape of most of the pieces when she tries to put the puzzle together again :D :D :D

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I am so mad at my brothers! I use to be out of my house all the time, but now if mom goes outside for any amount of time i have to go home. Seems Oliver cant keep his balance when he gets excited and yesterday someone came over, the dogs started barking, mom went outside to talk and Oliver hit the floor. The blind dog wanted to know what was going on and it moved so she started nipping. Mom and dad ran in to save the dog (oliver was winning). Today they are working on a car out front but said i had to be in my house. The big boys are in theirs too cuz they got into the garbage can this morning so mom said she can't trust them on their own! Gesh, what a boring day this is going to be. I asked if we could go outside but she said it will be 105 today, no. Ho hummmm.


Oh yeah, Bubba taught me how to scream like a little girl, i guess i can practice that!

Edited by murfchck
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105! 105! What does that mean?I'm getting annoyed with Kiki. Rom took the week off to clean our home from top to bottom! ( whatever that means!) Alright, so Rom is going to be lazy I think! Our birddoor is opened since she is home so much.Everyone cleaned it the otherday. Ryan and I kept trying to sneak off but Rom caught us!She worked us sooo hard. Now Kiki thinks because Rom is home, she can fly wherever Rom is.She's demanding head scratches from Rom. even flying into kitchen for dinner. Kiki likes Swedish meatballs and noodles.Kiki needs to back off! Rom is mine! Sophie

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It means "hot" outside. Too hot for me. She said i was spoiled by something called an ac and that i over heat quick and need to build up my tolerance, whatever, i am pretty tolerant, look who i live with! Last time i went out, by the time she got my food and water set up i wanted back inside. I sooo hot, i held my wings out and my tongue was moving so fast it was a blur.

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Uum... hi? I don't know if I'm using this tablet thing right... mom said I could say hello to u guys... she watches everything I do cus I'm a baby... tomorrow is my birthday! I'm 8 weeks old! In wonder if mom will get me a present... so mom has been telling me this Is a big week for me... my cage is coming and I've been eating those pellet things... I think theyr more fun than food... I like the way it sounds when I crunch them.... oh and I started sitting on this perchy thing... it makes my feet feel good... and it makes me taller! I can almost see out of my basket... I'm still so little so I can't do all the fun stuff u guys do yet... but I'm taking notes! I really love mom, she's so cuddly... after I've had enough formula I let her clean my face then I run into those big fluffy things on her chest... I love when she kisses me.... then we play with my ball, it jingles when I roll it... its really cool! I can't wait to fly... I flap my wings really hard but I don't go anywhere yet... I guess I need more feathers.... OK well mom said its time to nap cus I grow while I sleep... she's always thinking ! I'll talk to u guys real soon.... bye!

Btw... I was so excited to talk to everyone I never told u my name.... its stormy .... mom and dad named me that because I'm a beautiful grey and look like a storm cloud..... and when they picked me up from the people who hatched me it was a "stormy" day....mom said we live in florida ,it storms a lot in the summer.... OK I really gotta go now.... I'm sleepy.. :-)

Edited by alexispolicastro
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Jake here. Today I learned lessons, what ever those are. I heard my humans talking saying I learned about cause and effect (if I purposely drop all my toys off the playgym they land on the table and I can still get them but if I purposely drop my toys off the table they go on the floor and I'm not going there yet. Its big and scary down there.), balance and gravity (pushing my toys to the edge of the table then standing on them is bad because everything falls on the floor. For some reason I fall faster than the toys and they always seem to land on my head.), and under/over (I don't have to climb up the perch to get to the other side I can walk under it and I don't have to duck.). My humans turned on this thing that made noise and showed pictures. They call it the National Geographic channel. I liked most of it except for the snakes. Those were yucky. Then they put on something called olympic cycling. I liked the colors and the sound of cheering and whistling. I've had a busy morning so I think I'll take a nap now.

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Psssst hey hi welcome Stormy! Good to see you ... you are mighty tiny. I cant remember being that small. Wait till you get older and can climb all over your cage, fling things off the top, scream at the top of your lungs, tear things into ity bity pieces :D its gonna be so great! be sure to start eating your pellets so you can grow big n strong and come back more often next time when you are sposed to be napping LOL you can sneak on here :D :D

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Stormy and Jake. Welcome.Take those naps guys... you're gonna need them!Don't worry about being afraid. We all were in the beginning, but we are all here to help you get thru that.Roms and dads are great. We will teach you how to wrap them around your finger, don't you worry. Meantime... use your thoughts like you are doing. Before you know it, you'll be able to talk! Sophie

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Hi.. (whisper) its me stormy.. mom is inside watching this thing with people in side a big square ... its weird... I pretended to sleep and watched a little bit but I ate like a piglet today so I was really sleepy! I ate so much I felt like I was gonna pop! Mom warned me I was going too fast this morning but i didnt listen...I guess she is smarter than me... for now... so I finally figured out that the weird tweeting sound I've been hearing is actually part of my family... mom said he's a love bird.. his name is punky and boy is he annoying... daddy brought him to the table after I had my lunch yesterday and he just sat there staring at me... how rude... I don't think I like him... I showed him... I lunged at him.. lol I think I scared him... I can't wait to mock him when I can talk real good... mom probably won't like it... lol but I know how to get out of trouble already.. all I have to do is run over to her and rub my face against hers... putty in my wings I tell ya! Awe poo! I've been caught... these naps are really annoying... mom keeps telling me I need them but I'm not tir...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oops... I fell asleep.... I guess I do need those nap things... yaaaaaawn OK ... bye friends! I'll sneek on soon! :-)

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OMG! When will mom learn? My water bowl is just fine for bathing, all i need to wash is my beak and feet (and your wall and the window sill and the floor and the curtains) anyway! Why does she insist the rest of me get wet as well? She put me in this big white thing that had lots of water in it, i almost got my chest and wings wet, gesh. The nerve!

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alexispolicastro... WAKE UP! Stormy! Are you sleeping, or terrorizing punky?How are you going to fly to my house for a party? We can work around your nap! I live in Rochester, NY. Maybe we should have the party at your house since you need a nap, and can't fly as far. Where do you live? Sophie. PS... gonna bring Kiki my friend. She flies the best and I trust her. Sophie

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