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Sophie here! I've been watching Rom type on this thing. I'm pecking with my beak. I want to talk to all birds, see how life is going. Tell me what you do to get in trouble! The more you chew, the better the story! Make sure you are careful, don't pull off computer keys, or they will know we are talking!

I'll start! I really like Rom's new kitchen! I found a spot I really like to chew! She keeps putting up this pan, in my favorite spot. Does she really think that will stop me? LOl Sophie

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Hi! This is Gracie. For the last few days I have been housesitting at my daddy's parents' house. It's a big place and a little scary--but has lots of room to fly, fly, fly. I don't like my daddy to leave the room where I stay, so I have to devise ways to get his notice. His parents have these things called "blinds" in front of the windows that daddy doesn't like me to climb on and chew the wood. I mean please, what is wood for besides chewing? Anyway if daddy leaves the room I immediately fly to the blinds and start calling "step up!" step up!" He always comes right away to give me my deserved attention. There is also this thing called a "doggie" that lives here. I have learned this creature's rudimentary language. These doggies are somewhat simple. They just do this "woof, woof" babble. It doesn't seem to have much meaning. So sometimes when I am bored I "woof woof" and the doggie comes. Then I dump my food bowl on the floor! The doggie likes my left-overs, and Daddy always shows up when I do that, so it's entertaining. Daddy tries to tell me "no" when I pick up my food bowl to feed doggie, but I'm not very impressed with that word. Sometimes I humor daddy and stop what I'm doing when he says that "no" word. I want daddy to think he has some influence in our relationship. It seems to make him feel good--deluded as he is. But I can't just do what daddy wants all the time or he will get the impression that he has some sort of authority. That would be unfair to allow him to think that. If daddy and I are to get along he needs to realize that I am the captain of my own ship and daddy is along for the ride as long as he plays his cards right.

Edited by JeffNOK
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hey, this is kallie. my parents are just so silly, they think they know sooooo much. well they're wrong. i have to keep daddy in line and must show him he's wrong once a week. see, he's the center of my universe and should be with me at all times adoring me. well, daddy's very bad, he leaves for what he calls "work" (i'm sure there's another more favored bird there, why else would he leave?!) and stays gone for hours and hours. of course he always comes over to say hi and give me a head rub when he's finally bored with "work" and comes home (yeah, i still say "work" equals another bird). but once a week while he's giving me my long overdue and much expected and required attention, i clamp down hard on his finger! i mean who does he think he is anyway leaving me like that for hours on end? then there's mommy. she won't let me go over and see if athena is real or a toy!!! honestly, i know she's a toy and i want to play with and tear up that toy! it's the perfect size, has lots of green and makes the greatest sounds of any toy i've ever seen. in fact the noises that toy makes are so cool, those are about the only sounds i make. mommy keeps asking me to talk with my own voice and tries so hard to teach me her "language", but really, it's very boring compared to the sounds of that awesome green toy she won't let me have! maybe if i keep imitating it so well and refuse to say anything else, she'll finally get the hint and let me have that toy!! so i try to devise ways of clamping down on mommy's finger to show her just who is in charge of this place, but she's too fast for me and watches me while she's giving me a head and cheek rub. but i promise, one day, i'll be quicker than her, after all i am the center of the universe you know.


excuse me, kallie, but let me have a chance to say something. athena here! i mean i am you're big sister even if i am smaller than you. i'm 9 1/2 and you're not quite 3 1/2, you're such a baby, please just grow up already!! kallie, how many times do i have to tell you I AM REAL!!!! geeze, you sure are stubborn sometimes! but i must say, your impression of me is outstanding and i take it as a sincere form of flattery on your part, but in this i agree with mommy, you need to be yourself more than being me, ok, just saying. as far as mommy and daddy go, well, mommy is the center of my universe. i grudgingly tolerate her attentions to you! (that's why i'm always ready for you to make the mistake and dare to get on my cage! you'd be really funny looking with less than 4 toes on your feet) this is how i make mommy crazy, i say the same stuff over and over for weeks on end, then just when she's become immune to that, i say something else over and over for weeks on end, hahahaha, its so much fun! daddy, i like to show him i'm the boss of him! i give him a nice sharp nip every chance i get. but don't you even try to do that as a way to control daddy, come up with your own "thing"! and another thing kallie, if we're both going to go around partially dressed, could you at least try to co-ordinate what you're doing with me from time to time?! after all, i have the grey underwear thing down pat, but noooooo, you come along and not only don't like to wear a turtle neck, you think its just so awesomely cool to show off your belly button! the problem with your plan, silly kallie is, you don't have a belly button, so stop it, it's embarrassing sometimes to even think that you're my sister. gosh, what am i going to do with you?!

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Stewart here, hi alllllll. ( sorry, mama has a tablet not a key board, if i don't move my beak quick enough it just keeps on going!) First off, i love to let my mom love on my and sometimes i will even fall asleep, the fun starts when daddy thinks he can pet me too! Ha, i will lower my head to lure him in then, snap, i got him! I did it yesterday and it suprised him when he yelled ow loudly and pulled that finger outta my beak! I laughed at him. I guess it didn't make him mad though cuz him and mama were laughing too! I am going to do that over and over now since it brought them such joy! Some thing my mom seems to like is when i make piles and piles of what she calls spit balls! I can chew a half a roll of adding paper in the time it takes her to make the bed, then i wait....... She comes back in the room and there i am right above this big pile of paper ready to flap my wings, she always says, don't you dare. I guess that means, flap away blow that paper all over the room so i do just that! Oh what fun we have! Mom gets the broom and i KNOW she loves that thing cuz she always uses it!


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Stewart here, hi alllllll. ( sorry, mama has a tablet not a key board, if i don't move my beak quick enough it just keeps on going!) First off, i love to let my mom love on my and sometimes i will even fall asleep, the fun starts when daddy thinks he can pet me too! Ha, i will lower my head to lure him in then, snap, i got him! I did it yesterday and it suprised him when he yelled ow loudly and pulled that finger outta my beak! I laughed at him. I guess it didn't make him mad though cuz him and mama were laughing too! I am going to do that over and over now since it brought them such joy! Some thing my mom seems to like is when i make piles and piles of what she calls spit balls! I can chew a half a roll of adding paper in the time it takes her to make the bed, then i wait....... She comes back in the room and there i am right above this big pile of paper ready to flap my wings, she always says, don't you dare. I guess that means, flap away blow that paper all over the room so i do just that! Oh what fun we have! Mom gets the broom and i KNOW she loves that thing cuz she always uses it!


LMAO at the attached pic

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<sneaks in> psssssst Marco here .... I havent had lots of time to learn all your fun habits but I did take notes on all of the above posts.


I can tell you tho ........ I reallllllly love to imitate the alarm clock at about 6am reallllly loudly :) over and over and the humans around me seem to really enjoy that also :D:rolleyes:


Some of the fun things that I have learned to do so far, is grabbing the newspapers off the top of my playgym area of my cage and shred it and when Im done shredding it ... I hurl it over the side of the cage and watch it flutter to the ground and when I run out of paper to do that to, I grab the nearest toy and hurl that instead and listen to it CLUNK when it hits the ground or the bottom of the cage :D Then if Im lucky the human walks over and picks it up right away so I can do it again ... Boy do I have them trained. :D :D


I am getting stronger by the day and my humans have got to witness some of the fun things I have been trying like hanging upside down and attacking toys or swinging from the toys in my cage :D They must like it cuz everytime I get my swerve on, they are filming or snapping pictures so I have to stop and pose mid attack.


But one of my favorite things to do is sing (chirp/whistle) with my owner :) Ive only just begun to figure out words so .... watch out :D I can hello you to death now and say ding dong and peanut :D :D

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huh, hello? hello? peck peck peck. Is there anybody out there? Dear oh dear, this internet business is confusing, and scary. Ahem. Hello. This is Gilbert. It's okay here. I get warm beans and pellets and plenty of fresh water. I dunno. I shouldn't complain. Mom and dad are nice and all. They try. Its just. Well. They aren't Jim now are they? It doesn't smell the same here. I can't seem to get too comfortable. Sometimes I just get so frustrated I want to take a bite outta somebody. Oh, and just so you know, it was mom that said that naughty no no word first and reminded me. You should see her face when I say it now. Dad laughs, I know when to say it so he is in the room and it makes mom get up and leave. Hahaha. Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. LOL. I guess it isn't so bad here. Do you think they are going to keep me?

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Hey Gilbert! They are gunnnnnnna keep you! You say a bad word and i say nuthing but i am guessing you feel all the love they have for you like i do! That means your a keeper. Now if someone could just tell me how to get rid of that naked bird they call my brother. Boy does he get on my nerves, he talks and thinks he is the big cheese in this house, when he does that i whistle right over him real loud so mom and dad can't hear him, hee hee. Problem is 30 minutes later he is still saying hello, someone teach him a new word please!!!!

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LMAOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! peeks head out the cage.... I will definately have to work on that.


I know them 2 boys that live here specially when I squawk super duper loud in the mornings THEY squawk back with pretty words to me (like Im gonna listen) :rolleyes:


I so cant wait to start repeating that and letting mom hear me! THEN I can listen to her squawk at the boys for teaching me it! :D :D :D I got this all planned out!

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Dorian here. I gotta type fast before mama sees me. She never lets me near the computer 'cause she says I have bad office manners! I thought the keyboard looked better without all those extra keys. Sheesh!


I hope Gilbert gets brave enough to visit here again. I've got some things to say to him. Gilbert, dude, brother from another mama, you gotta chill! You even look worried in your picture. Look, I know how it is. My first months and years here with mama I was even more nervous than you. If there was a noise I'd jump. If mama carried something into the room without warning me I'd jump. If the commercial on the tv thing was louder than the show I'd jump. You get the picture. I didn't leave my room for years because I was afraid to let mama carry me around. Turns out she was just trying to show me other neat places in the house I could decorate. Oh, and the little room with the waterfall that echos when I make my loudest noises. Love that place, as long as mama doesn't try to get me wet. Think of all the fun I was missing out on. Now, as long as mama tells me I'm safe I know I can relax and go with the flow (still don't like the tv thing though). So just watch your flock. If they tell you it's safe, trust them. I've been reading here and they seem like really cool birds.


'Course now that I want to leave my room mama won't always let me. I ask her what she's doing and she keeps saying 'I'm packing'. Then she goes away for hours to something called 'new house'. I don't know what's going on really, but I'm handling it better than Jac the cat. He came in a couple of hours ago and told me he pooped on mama's bed in protest. Silly cat. You can let mama know you're mad about something by beating up on toys or throwing food. No need to stoop to that level.

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Okay, I am watching all of you have fun. I decided to get a little braver today. Mumsie left the room and was gone a long time. So, I took a deep breath and jumped. I have to say it was scary, I screamed like a girl. Hmm. Nothing happened. I hid under the couch for a minute and saw mumsie and went to the kitchen. She lifted me up and put me on a perch... in the sink. When I said "whatcha doin bud?," she said she was making beans. Ohhh... I like beans. I watched and watched and she let me taste some. I stayed out there a long time and when I said "wanna go back?", she took me right back to my toys. She isn't so bad really. I just don't want to get too comfortable. These humans are conflicting. I have to say though... cats are much worse. I laughed and laughed about Jac... sorry, I couldn't help myself.

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You guys are all awesome! Rom said she was giving me a " fair warning", I was getting a shower tomorrow! ( not sure what fair warning means, but I'm getting a shower tomorrow!) YIKES! I don't want a shower. Can I come over to anyone's house for a sleepover till Sunday? We can pretend to sleep, make some popcorn, and throw it everywhere once your parents are asleep. We have to watch a " G" movie, as that is all I am allowed to watch! I'll leave Rom a note that I will be back on Sunday. She is busy Sunday with Sean's graduation from school. He has gone to school along time. He is trying to get smart! Rom says I am naturally smart, so I don't need to go to school. Sure took Sean a long time to get smart! He should hang with me. It takes these kids along time to get smart. Once they get a little smart, they go to college to get more smart. I don't get it. I don't have to go to school, and I am really smart. Rom tells me everyday, how smart I am.

Anyway... can you guys help me? I REALLY don't want a shower! Sophie

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You can come here! I got this big room and you would fit right in. I don't like showers either, i try pooping everytime mom tries to get me wet, i just can't seem to get her with it! I will not give up, i will not give up! Hey i just started playing with my toys too, i am not to good at it yet, maybe you could show me! I'm pretty good at sticking my head into the bell and wearing it like a hat but mommy just calls me silly.

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Thanks Stewart! WHEW! That was close. Rom forgot she had another graduation party Saturday. She won't forget though, I know my Rom. Can I take a raincheck on that sleepover? I hear Rom say that, but I really don't understand it. What does rain have to do with anything? Everyone is doing GREAT sneaking on here. Anyone get caught yet? Where's the real little babies? We know you can't talk, and your spelling is probably bad, but try to tell us using your " big thoughts!" Sophie

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Hmmm, did the parronts catch on? Are they on to us? Oh my, where is every1? Guess i will just torture the dog today!

Sophie, come over anytime you wantttt, but i warn ya, my mom has a bottle that puts out water tooo. What is their problem? I get in my water bowl, get my beak and feet clean, what more does she want???? I like that smashed bannana underr my wing, i am saving it, but she doesn't care. Geshhhh. And the peanut butter stuck to my toes, i feel like i am more secure on my perch, but there she goes taking it off. Just wait, i will repay her in kind when the time is just right. I can wait! Bwaahaaaa!

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hey i do that too in my water bowl!! i love taking my splash, splash!! i not only splash my face and feet, but the floor and walls as well. i love the way the water shines there! mom has that bottle too, uses it in the winter time, i hate it. i make that bottle chase me all over my cage and i yell at it and make lots of ugly sounds at it, but it won't go away. just wait, i'll get that bottle someday and that'll be the end of that, ha!


this is what has me confused though. i eat something like peas and have a glorious green pea beard hanging off my face and my parents are laughing at me. i don't get that at all! i've worked very hard to get those peas just right to hang that way, its not funny, its fashion! i guess mom and dad don't like my facial fashion statements. ok fine, i'll tolerate it, but just wait until they get some facial fashion, i'm gonna laugh at them!


hey kallie, why do you think mom calls what you do in your water bowl a "splash, splash"? because that's all you do, you're not taking a true bath silly nut! now when i take a bath, i say "take a bath" and i get not just my beak and feet clean, i soak my chest. i think watching the water drip off me is super cool, you should try it sometime!! i guess i must miss my pits or something cause that bottle chases me all around the cage too! i don't know who that bottle thinks it is, but i'm with you-that bottle must pay and pay dearly, never to return!


mom and dad laugh at your "facial fashion" because its funny! do you ever see me sporting a green beard or an orange beard or any kind of beard at all? of course not, i avoid veggies as best as i can! besides, who ever heard of a green or orange or whatever other color beard anyway?! your ideas of "fashion" are a direct indicator of your young age! i don't think its facial fashion at all, i think what you're doing is testing costumes for halloween this year or to see if you can create camouflage to hide some how. i create designs with my bright green shirt, some of which are pretty stunning. you weren't around when i had the grey vest with the bright green buttons running straight down the front or when i had that crazy grey and green checkerboard action going on. it was totally awesome and boy was it a lot of work to get it just right. unfortunately, while putting on the finishing touches, i botched it, so i changed it to a grey sweater with a v-neck to show off the bright green turtle neck i was wearing and left just a single bright green feather on my tummy. i wanted to see what it was like to have a belly button!!!

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Hmmm, did the parronts catch on? Are they on to us? Oh my, where is every1? Guess i will just torture the dog today!

Sophie, come over anytime you wantttt, but i warn ya, my mom has a bottle that puts out water tooo. What is their problem? I get in my water bowl, get my beak and feet clean, what more does she want???? I like that smashed bannana underr my wing, i am saving it, but she doesn't care. Geshhhh. And the peanut butter stuck to my toes, i feel like i am more secure on my perch, but there she goes taking it off. Just wait, i will repay her in kind when the time is just right. I can wait! Bwaahaaaa!

LMAO at the peanut butter helping you stick to the perch .... I never thought about that :eek: I havent really tried peanut butter yet, but I sure like peanuts!

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Sophie... " move over Kiki!" I told you not to follow me!

Kiki.... " I told you, if you didn't take me with you, I was gonna scream, and Rom would come check on us!"

Sunny... " hello hello!"

Sophie here. Had to bring the family, as they threatened to tell Rom... especially Kiki. She's such a tatletale. Sunny just wanted to say hello, and is going back to his cage as he has a new rope, and is only interested in it! I was thinking... we need to have a party! How far do you all live? I live in Rochester, NY.


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I live in Dallas-Ft Worth, Texas but since mom is letting me fly now, i could get there in a month tops! I am not really good at it yet and my landings really are quite baddd but i will practice reeel hard! Weeeee, party party party! I am not telling Oliver, that guy cramps my style. He got in moms pantry yesterday and pulled every box he could reach out and threw them onto the floor then he put holes on everything. When he got to my babyfood jar of sweet potatoes though, mommy stopped him thank heavens! He is such a show off trying to cook dinner for them like that, i tried to tell him not too, that mom serves us not the other way around, its the cycle of life, God gave her to us to wait on our every need and he better not mess this up for us!!! Gesh!

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i'm in ohio. i'm still trying to figure out if "outside" is a good thing, so until i do, i'm staying close to home, but thanks for the invite. mommy insists on taking us outside to watch the birdies, talk to the birdies and get our sun. "outside" is very nerve wracking. something keeps touching me but i never see it, and that's very very creepy. mommy says its the wind but how can i know what it is if i can't see it?! i think its ghosts, eeeewwwwww!! then there are these humongous things above me. they're always changing shapes and they move. i think they're some kind of monster, but i can't be sure since they change and move. mommy says they're clouds, but sometimes i think mommy is delusional! then there's all these noises that i don't know what they are and i can't see what is making them. i know its just got to be those ghosts and they're doing it just to mess with my head!!! plus, she puts me in a very small house she calls my mobile home. how am i supposed to help decorate when there are no walls in the "outside" place? then there's athena, what a nerd!!! she calls and calls her name then waits for a response. even i know that i'm the only other being in the universe that speaks "athena". but noooooo, she holds out hope of some kind of miracle, she's a silly missy pants!!


hey kallie, stop that right now! i'm NOT a missy pants. and for your information, those "clouds" aren't monsters. they're really magicians in disguise. how else could something change shape and move at the same time?! ghosts?! ghosts?! if i had i hand i'd smack my forehead with it!! its not ghosts, its breathing by those big things that fly around up there!!! breathing can't hurt you when it comes from something so far away, so i don't see why you're so freaked out about it!! don't you see me all relaxed and comfortable "outside"? there is nothing to be afraid of, mommy has us in our mobile homes. it keeps us safe from those big things flying around up there. some mommy calls hawks and some she calls buzzards, but they're not nearly as gynormous as those things she calls airplanes (i think she's lying and they're really super duper huge birdies)! there was one that was coming straight for our house one time, and when i saw it all my feathers stood out and i couldn't help but shout out WOW!!!! as far as flying to rochester, i'm sorry, but i don't fly. i hate it, always have, always will, but thanks for the invitation! the only reason i can find for why i hate flying is because i'm too evolved for it, i'm a superior species of bird that just can't be bothered with the mundane task of flying! i'm just like that guy sheldon on that show you seem so obsessed with kallie. honestly, just because i don't imitate you, you somehow think that makes me less smart. well think again kallie, even mommy and daddy don't know how smart i really am and i plan to keep it that way!

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Heys guys this is Pookie, I found out that crown molding is a great chew and it really gets your humans to respond! We had some company once and that big M2 took a chunk our of the fire place mantel-that is where I got the idea to redo the woodwork. One of my goffin pals showed me how to get new toys with your humans credit cards they leave by the computer to make it easy for you on line ordering-those people sure are surprised when my boxes of toys show up at the door! I think next time I will get some Palm nuts. All my flock mates are happy I figured that one out!

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