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Hi guys! Its stormy.. my mom does that too! She was sad when punky left and her face watered like that... so I snuggled into her neck and kissed her... but the past couple of days her face has been doing it again... but I don't think she's sad... her face looks all mad... I heard her talking to daddy and told him she feels overwhelmed and frustrated... those r big words... I know some of it is my fault... but I just don't like that green stuff in the plunger thingy anymore... then she switches to the spoon.. I think its something different so I eat it then its the same yucky stuff! I put my foot down today .. I was so hungry but there's no way I'm eating that stuff.. so she finally caught on and made me some yummy oatmeal... thank goodness! I know she gets upset cus I've lost a few grams.. my mom worries so much! Then I try to snuggle her and she keeps pushing me back to eat.. I just want to cuddle! Why does she insist on making me eat!? Makes me crazy! Always shoving food in my face.. and weighing me... its so annoying..

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AnjskjakjkjdkjkljdkljdAKLJJDKKJ......*pecks keyboard and then realises claws are better* My apologies for that. This is the first time I've ever used a computer for myself; I've walked across it from time to time when Mommy is going about her business and trying to ignore me. *pout* Tui here, or as Mom calls me, Tui Bird. Yes, I know I'm a bird so why does she have to call me that? I just imitate it to seem cute. That's the way I like to play, act all cute and she seems to like that. She also likes to keep kissing and snuggling me which I get irritated with.


But it's lovely to get the word out to other parrots like moi. How are you all? The closest I get to talking with a fellow bird is hearing magpies in a morning. *sigh* But Mom does her best to get me flying and even got me a harness. I hate that thing though! I've never liked things on my head and she seems determined I wear it. Do you think I should? Do all your parents make you wear those horrible things? I certainly hope not.


I can hear footsteps so I'd better hop off this thing....

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Gabby is getting one so i hear, but me? No way! They built me a big outdoor flight room and i will gladly get in my carrier to go to it. I let no one touch my wings, they are off limits, just ask the guy that now has 9 fingers they call the vet.


Gabby here, Bongo is trying to act all mean, he didn't bite anyones finger off. Gesh! He is a pussycat, i see how nice he is, always giving kisses. I have decided to talk now, today i called my dad Howard, his name is really Pat but i already know the name Howard so thats what i shall call him!

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Jake here. There has been another bird here all week and I don't like it. Her name is Isabelle and she is a Quaker. She can fly so she is always trying to get my stuff. I don't mind sharing a little but she has her own food and needs to stay away from mine. She is supposed to go home on Monday. I can't wait. She isn't all bad but she is loud. She did show me that mashed potatoes are yummy.


My parronts warned me yesterday that they will be gone all day today and won't be home until after my bed time and that I will have to stay in my cage all day. Since I moved here I haven't gone to bed without scratchies. I don't think I'm going to like this. I don't understand why I can't go too. I was a good boy in the car last week. The momma lady tried to explain and say that swine flu at the fairs has been making people sick so it wasn't safe for me there. Usually that momma lady is pretty smart but I'm a parrot not a pig.


Well I gotta go. I'm going to play before I have to go back in my cage.

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Sophie here. I refused the harness. Rom was sad, but knew there is no arguing with me. Wise woman if you ask me!

Gabby... You will always love that Howard guy, but you need to learn your new daddy's name. Geez! Who's called Howard anymore! My friend Ryan's middle name is Howard, and he hates that I know it. LOL! I call him " Rye".

Jake... gotta get rid of that Isabelle girl. She's stepping on your turf!

We goota have a party, or sleepover.You can all come to my house! Rom would be happy to have you guys over for a sleepover. We could all practice flying in my family room. It is huge! We have to watch G rated movies, nothing scary... and nobody can curse. Otherwise, Rom will get mad. Sophie

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dorian here. There's a bunch to tell you. First, we're in "new house" mom kept talking about. My cage house is exactly the same but none of my hanging toys and swings are up yet. Mom says she has to think carefully about where to put them 'cause this new ceiling is drywall and she doesn't want to make lots of holes. That's ok though 'cause I like being inside cage home right now. I don't even go walkers on the outside. My play stand is in the living room. That room has a really really high ceiling. One time something scared me and I took off flying. I just kept going up and up and up. I've never been that high before and it was a little scary. I landed on the ground and boy was I pooped! So I did! hee hee!


There's lots of scary noise here during the day. Mom says they're 'big truck' and that they won't hurt me but it still scares me. They drive right by the big window door in my room so Mom keeps the curtains closed when they're around. Jac the cat doesn't like them either. One neat thing. They make this "beep beep beep" sound. Now I can make it to! Mom says they start too early. One morning I heard mom tell an Owen person that 7:00am was too early for bulldozers in the back yard and that they woke me up. That confused me 'cause I was already awake - it was mom who was still sleepies.


I'd better go night nights because big truck will be here early. Goodnight birdie buddies.

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Corky and Cricket here.

Dad came home with three big round things that had this long thing hanging from them. We were out on the back deck when one of the big rounds things got away and went up and up into the sky and we could not see it anymore and it did not have any wings.

We than came into the house and the new kitten we have grabbed this long thing hanging from the big round thing and pulled it down and when the kitten touched it popped and scared us.

Dad then took off this thing he called a string and breath in the stuff that was in the big round thing he called a balloon and it maid his voice funny.

We hope he never brings them home again.

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Hey Corky & Cricket- Biscotti here, I'm with you guys on those weird wingless flying things!! My mommybird had some of those things when we had a lot of people in the house for some kind of flock gathering for the person my mommybird calls "dad". Well, she brought some of those things in the house the night before the gathering- they literally scared the crap out of me!! Mommybird saw how scared I was and put them somewhere else but I knew they were still around & she expected me to go to sleep that night knowing they may come out at anytime!

I hope I never see those again! Where do you get the thing you call "kitten" ? I may need one of those for future wingless flying intruders!!

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hey guys, its kallie. those wingless flying things sound really, really scary. i'm glad we haven't been invaded with them here, that would freak me out. i have another problem, sorta like dorian's and sorta not. it happens almost every day in the afternoon. the mommy calls them big yellow school buses with a white roof and a black hood. i'm used to them and their noise now, but i just can't get used to seeing those things mommy calls "kids" being eaten by those bus things. the worst part is those "kids" look so happy to be eaten by those buses and they run right inside the buses tummies!!!! its just crazy! then sometimes after the buses have left, more kids that are bigger show up and make really strange noises. i only catch a glimpse of them from where i'm at. they carry big shiny things in really odd shapes and that's what the noise comes from. those kids and their shiny things walk and walk in patterns. they always have one of them stand in one place and wave their arms around. that poor person hasn't taken flight yet for all that arm waving happening!!! maybe those noisy shiny things are supposed to help the one without one fly, but they must be making the wrong noise for that to happen. i feel sorry for that person, they look like they're working so hard to try to fly and so far - nothing! i'd love to go show them how to fly, but the mommy, well lets just say, she guards those door things if i'm out of my cage house, so no sneaking out, darn!!! well i better scoot, athena's got her head out of her favorite bell now and she's giving me the stink eye over here!!! later

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys! Sean went off to college three weeks ago. He came home last weekend, expected me to love him like normal! NOT going to happen! I ignored him all nite, flew onto Rom's shoulder. He tried talking to me from the other couch. I TRIED to ignore him. It was tough! The next morning, I couldn't remain mad at him anymore. I am a failure! I'm back on his shoulder, kissing him. I'm embarrassed. I am weak. Kiki

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Hi Kiki. I'm weak too. Momma went away for three days and left a Clarissa girl to take care of me and Jac the cat. She got back really late Monday night and we went straight to night nights. The next morning, I forgot I was mad at her!!!!! When I remembered and tossed the almond she put in my dish she just laughed and said I'd regret that!! Momma was in a good mood. I think she's cheating on me with another bird named Toronto. I don't know who this Toronto is, but I don't like him one bit.

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i know what you mean!! i am positive my daddy is cheating on me with another bird either named work or someplace he calls work and that's where the other bird lives. i don't like this work, it keeps daddy from being here to adore me and pay attention to me at all times. daddy and mom went away for a couple of days and we had an ellen come over a few times each day. she's nice, but she's not daddy or mom. i forget to be mad at daddy cuz he's my ultra special super duper person, but i do remember to be mad at mom!! i always make sure i try to sneak bite her for at least 2 days after she's been gone over night. but she's fast, so i haven't had any success in truly showing her how mad i really am at her! but i'll get her one of these days, yes i will!!


kallie, you've got to stop trying to sneak bite mommy!! she loves you, silly nut! i keep telling you it was her idea to bring you home and dad just went along with her cuz he knew how much she'd been wanting and waiting for a big grey silly nut like you. if it'd been up to me, i'd be an only bird still. she was sooooo excited about you, but when you got here, you just had to decide dad was your person! mommy was sad but guess what, she still loves you anyway! oh well, more mommy for me, hehehe!! oh and since you outed me for my special "head in my bell i love being a conure" time, i'm returning the "favor". hey everybody, kallie wants to put her head in a bell and pretend she's a conure!!!!! nee ner nee ner nee ner!!! but she can't cuz her bells are tubes so she can't take out the swingy thing that makes all the fabulous noise, so she's stuck with those skinny tube bell wanna be's and can't even get her beak in them!! hahahaha!!!! you look so silly with that tube resting on your head or neck and looking around to see if anyone's watching you, hahahahahaha!!!

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Gabby here, you all are not going to believe what happened to me tonight! Mom was on the phone while she was making our dinner so i just flew to her and got on her shoulder. Then it happened, i spotted her shiny earring. I just wanted to play with it but she kinda yelled to daddy to come help her. He came and got me but then big mouth Bubba started yelling, "what happened?" After daddy told him what i had done he started yelling at me! Long run on sentences, i can't repeat what he was saying cuz it was in our parrot language but man did he give me the what for! I DIDN'T DO NOTHING!!

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Gabby, sorry you got yelled at by your birdy brother. Jac the cat does a lot of yelling around here but it's mostly at momma. She says Jac isn't coping with the move well. On the bright side I've gotten to listen to his meowing sounds a lot and I'm getting better at sounding like him. I don't think momma's happy about that though. She says we're driving her crazy! Where's crazy? Is that where the birdy Toronto lives?

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  • 1 year later...

My mommy went to visit that birdy Toronto again and left a Shannon girl to come take care of me and Jac the cat. The Shannon girl was ok and sat and talked to me, but of course I didn't talk back to her!!! I was going to be mean to mom when she got back, but then she came home and she didn't look very good. I heard her say to the neighbour lady that her fibromyalgia was really bad from doing too much with Toronto, so I decided to be nice to her. Maybe if she likes me better than Toronto she won't leave me with Shannon girl again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Acappella, Just do as Nilah does...(shes such a clutz) just crash land into "bird"!! it makes her get aggravated and say..."Nilah!! Really???" It's funny for me & rikki to watch cause we are as graceful as they come...of course it took Rikki along time to land properly..Bird says its because her wings were clipped (whatever that means, but it sounds HORRIBLE!) for her first 2 years before she came to MY home!!

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Toby here. I'm new to this household and have been locked up for most of my 33 years in my last home. Was there since 2 years old. My new parront launches me off from the kitchen down the hall to the bird-room at least 4 times when she let's us out for the day. Love it! I am going to surprise Luvparrots one of these days and fly on my own!!! I know she can't wait.

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Toby...Rikki here.....my bird used to do that with Nilah and me both. We are really good fliers now cause when Bird first did it to us in the beginning, she would allow us to crash land into this soft cushy thing Bird calls 'couch'

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