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Everything posted by Kizzybird

  1. Congrats on your bouncing boy! I thought Kizzy was a girl and he turned out to be a boy. The husband still refers to Kizzy as a female; and Kizzy still likes to wear my clothes... poor bird is probably gender confused HA!
  2. Welcome ! She's a pretty bird!
  3. HAHA! Maybe Smokey would do better in the chat rooms....
  4. Welcome! I am a new grey owner too and you have come to the right place! The members are knowledgable, supportive and very helpful.
  5. We enjoy listening to you and Emma! Thanks!
  6. Welcome Shauna and best wishes on making your dream come true.
  7. What a nice homecoming! Nothing like a love poop- Corky says instead of saying it with flowers....
  8. What a good talker Radar! So exciting to listen to him and look forward to more videos. thanks!
  9. Thanks for the video! Such a cute bird! I also enjoyed the dancing and talking!
  10. Cute picture and good ideas on frozen treats!
  11. Me too! Kizzy tolerates by sitting in the shower and closing his eyes. HA!
  12. That is such good news! She is such a smart bird.
  13. Hope your hatchday is fun!
  14. wow! Alfie is a lucky bird!
  15. Jeff, Gracie is so smart, perhaps you should try reverse psychology. No Kiss Daddy! ?!
  16. Funny! Kizzy is stil a velcro bird (9 mos) and hangs upside down from my hair when I'm vacuuming or sweeping. And of course when I'm on the phone...
  17. Thanks for the advice. Didn't even think of animal control. After it got dark last night, about 2 hours after we found it, we looked for it and it was gone.
  18. Happy hatchday Gracie! Give your daddy a big kiss, no bite!
  19. We found a baby (?) bat hiding near our deck door. He chomped down on a stick and wouldn't let go. He was scared and stuck out his wings to make himself bigger. We moved him to a safer location. "] [/url]
  20. My 19 year old son who lives out of state is visiting us and I am tickled to say that Kizzy took to Brandon immediately. He hangs on Brandon upside down and loves getting head scratches from him. The husband, Todd, is afraid of Kizzy and won't let Kizzy get near him so I was glad to see that Kizzy felt comfortable around a stranger. Sorry for the blurry pic. Edit- After I downloaded the pic, it looks like we have a ghost cockatiel on the perch behind Kizzy and Brandon. Doesn't it look like a cockatiel or is it my imagination? LOL "][/url]
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