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Everything posted by Kizzybird

  1. Kizzy and I were outside yesterday enjoying a beautiful September sunny day- for Minnesota- it was 70 degrees! Both of us were sitting in our own lawn chair - see his picture- (LOL) and I noticed some sort of flying insect crawling up on his chair. No idea what it was, except it had wings. Kizzy saw it, and I expected him to panic. Instead, he leans down and eats it. Bwaaahahaha!
  2. Awwww!!! Congratulations! Timber is an Uncle!
  3. Congratulations on your blue bundle of grey!
  4. So sorry to hear about your loss.
  5. Cricket is very pretty! Nice to see you too!
  6. Hilarious! Thanks for a bird's eye view!
  7. Our Minneapolis bird fairs are listed on craigslist in the pets section. My avian vet has given me info on bird clubs too.
  8. I have a pekingese and a bulldog who accepted Kizzy as part of the family. But as mentioned, close supervision is required. One of our members lost his beloved bird to a cat bite and it was traumatic for all of us. I never knew that cat saliva is toxic to birds.
  9. Kizzy is 11 mos and was very interested in everything I did at 6 months. He is more independent now and enjoys playing on his stands. But he still wants to help with the household chores and in the evening, he'll perch on my shoulder for head rubs. If you have him out all day long, maybe you can start a routine where you put him in his cage for a set time while you get your chores done? Tell him you have to go work and you'll be back? Just a suggestion.
  10. Kizzy likes premium blend too
  11. Kizzy became accustomed to the harness over several months. We started out with the feather teather harness, and I would praise him for having it near him, then laying on him, then being fastened. Cracks me up, but he likes wearing clothes. He thinks he looks pretty in them. It was then a smooth adjustment to going to the aviator harness, as it is much easier to fasten.
  12. I can't say I've ordered from that site specifically, but there are many good toy sites to chose from. I rotate several of Kizzy's toys in his cage weekly. He's a young bird and he doesn't get upset over the change. I buy my own toy parts now and also have a toy box in the bottom of his cage- I wrap nuts and foot toys in brown paper so he has to forage for them. He has to spend the day in his cage because I work so I want to keep him engaged and interested. I found these 2 to be good sites to make your own toys etc http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/ihand.htm#h2110617 http://foragingforparrots.com/ideas/super-easy-rice-cake-foraging-idea/
  13. Hi. Nice to hear an amazing story of a rescue. Jacko is a cool bird!
  14. Love to hear about "Miss Gilbert"
  15. Welcome Bill and baby Bailey! Look forward to hearing about you and your new family member!
  16. Congrats on your DNA results, Gilberta?! I looked up the meaning of the female name, Gilberta (which I have never heard of before) and it means " Bright Promise"
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