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Everything posted by Kizzybird

  1. Welcome! Also looking forward to hearing more critter tales!
  2. On TV HLN Showbiz Tonight this video is in their top 10 countdown. LOL
  3. Kizzy turned one and he is beginning to be more independent. Not a baby anymore! He used to perch on my shoulder in the evenings before bedtime to get his head scratches. Now he perches on the back of the sofa near me, resulting in me having to reach over and scratch his head. Ah, they grow up too fast. This is a horrible pic, reminding me of the Seinfeld episode "man hands" BWaaaaaaaaa. "][/url]
  4. Would a bird with a permanent orange palm oil stain on his face count as orange? "][/url]
  5. WOW they are beautiful pictures! I need to take lessons from you. And what a nice aviary! Lucky fids! Love the entire flock! Thank you for sharing!
  6. Thanks all for the birthday wishes! Kizzy knew it was a special day- he repeated the phrase "Good Boy!" more than I've heard so far. He got to wear Mom's scarf (Kizzy likes cross dressing if you recall but since I found out she was a he, we only dress up for special occasions). I really tried to get a vid of him but ended up filming a beak and an eyeball as he wouldn't leave the phone alone. Love this little guy with all my heart!
  7. LMAO!!!!! He does look old and wizened! That would be quite the rehoming story!
  8. BWAAHAHAHA!!!! Well the picture of the baby is a Queen of Bavaria Conure.
  9. Now that Kizzy is older and is doing so well, thinking of adding to the flock with this little guy, once he is weaned. Guess what he is! "][/url]
  10. Happy Hatchday Dear Kizzy! You're a year old today! "][/url]
  11. Jeff, How is she with the water dish when it is outside of the cage? Is she possessive of the dish itself? Sorry to ask another question, but just trying to get to the root cause of the problem. If you can safely place your hand in the cage at other times, wouldn't that rule out "cage aggression." ANd if she is not possessive of the dish itself, would the only other alternative be that she is playing a game with you, as you suggested?
  12. Does she allow you to stick your hand in her cage for other reasons? Like to change a toy? If so, does she lunge at those times too?
  13. Welcome! Love the pics, he is so cute!
  14. Here is where I buy them http://www.creativekidstuff.com/p/52392/unfinished-wood-beads
  15. Steve- so true! The remote is the most coveted toy in the house. He'll drop what he's doing if he sees the remote unsupervised and vulnerable. We never have to fear losing the remote. Kizzy can find it under sofa pillows, hidden under blankets. The remote is not safe from an AG. I like mysafebirdstore, and Dr Fosters. I also recommend making your own toys. http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/index.html http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/toyindex.html#playgymsperches http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/ihand.htm#h2110617
  16. Another great day in the sun! Kizzy on the pontoon "][/url] Kizzy enjoying the flowers while they are still out Kizzy and the camera Note that Kizzy has a Palm Oil stain on his beak feathers Kizzy sleeping on his perch after a day in the sun "][/url]
  17. Thank you for the photos! I love the pic of Ana Grey and Sterling Gris. And their names are really neat too.
  18. I wrap Kizzy's food (veggies, nuts fruits) in either purple cabbage or brown paper because he tends to eat more if he has to work at finding the food, instead of just putting it in his bowl. I also use large pasta shells and stuff his warm beans, mash, or even his rice/veggies in these pasta shells and he enjoys holding them and eating them.
  19. Two great toys for foraging that are more versatile than any other I have found http://www.amazon.com/Super-Creations-3-Inch-Stainless-Steel/dp/B000VPNJ0M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380159782&sr=8-1&keywords=parrot+toys+stainless http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Foraging-Systems-Refillable-Canister/dp/B001MX126K/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_4 The first one- you can stuff it with toys, veggies, nuts, paper...... wrap your treats in purple cabbage or brown paper for extra foraging fun. Love it. Try to find the larger version to buy instead of the small one. Kizzy also likes the 2nd toy- I fill it with nuts, toys, treats and he enjoys foraging and also standing on top of it as a flat perch. Hope this helps.
  20. I also enjoyed readying about your first week! That is so cool that Inara has picked up so many words and is such a happy bird! Greys bring so much joy to our lives- we really are so lucky to have the opportunity to share our lives with them.
  21. Welcome George, an Irish African Grey! From your american cousin Kizzy.
  22. Cute! I too thought it was a fake roar!
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