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Everything posted by Kizzybird

  1. That is odd. I don't get that message. Try http://www.getbirdstuff.com
  2. You are correct on the Poi and spot on with the clamp for a beak! Jabber bit the stuffing out of the hubby's ear- he said the cartilage snapped like potato chips. Jabber has not bitten me but when he doesn't want back in his cage, he grabs my finger and applies a strong pressure that makes me afraid- if he so chose, he could really do damage! I am more respectful of that little guy's beak than I am of Kizzy's. And while both are out now at the same time, I do not let them get close to each other. Same with the husband- he is not allowed in the same room with Jabber when he's out. He must go to his man cave. LOL
  3. Thanks! Reading your Java and Miss Gilbert threads encouraged me to visit the Rescue- I would say that if it wasn't for you, we would not have the little old man!
  4. The Featherland Stainless 42 x 28 is awesome. Easy to assemble, easy to clean, big ceramic food dishes, lots of space. I highly recommend it. I got it at getbirdstuff and they were very helpful too. http://www.getbirdstuff.com/getbirdstuff/large-bird-cages-featherland-cages-rbc-cages-ff80818117257aff011745d5991e52a4-c.html
  5. Kizzy is 16 months old and is still the sweetest bird ! He is talking now and is still such a lover. I am expecting that he soon hit his terrible twos, but until then, am fortunate to have a cuddle bird. If the pics turn up sideways it is the web host I am using, sorry! My best buddy
  6. Hi- Introducing Jabberwocky, a 20 year old red bellied that I adopted from our MN rescue organization. His history from what I know- his original owner died, and he was placed in a rescue two years ago. He was cage aggressive and hated his rescue guardian, biting. He moved to a different rescue guardian who worked with him and got him less cage aggressive. I visited the rescue home and he flew to me and began talking. His guardian said he has never done that before, so I knew that he chose me. I also saw a rainbow on the way to the rescue- I saw that as a sign! Jabber is a sweet bird but hates the husband. He has attacked him twice and bit his ear causing a few ear piercings and man-shrieks that I hope I never hear again. In fact, Kizzy , my 16 month CAG, learned quite a few bad words from the incident, and still repeats them daily. Jabber says I love you, My name is Jabber, why are you so sad, step UP!, NO NO NO and shakes his head when he doesn't want something. He yells, Kizzy! , coughs and meows . He is adorable ! I'm sorry for the sideways pics. I went to a different picture host and it turns the pictures. ugh.
  7. Great cage. Inara has one too. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?143481-Show-Us-Your-Cage!/page19
  8. Kizzy enjoyed watching Inara and listening to you!
  9. So right!! Love it too!
  10. Yes, it is. I tried to order an A&E 40x30 but they were sold out everywhere. I wanted a square top but am happy with this one. It was the easiest to assemble and is very nice quality. I would recommend this cage. I got it from getbirdstuff and they were very nice. I had a question when I was assembling it, and they called me right back.
  11. Kizzy's Christmas present is a 42X28! Good thing it arrived today because Kizzy had just learned to dump his food and water bowls out of his old cage! "][/url]
  12. I have found that Kizzy eats better when he is foraging, so I wrap his veggies or beans etc in paper, coffee filters or even in pasta shells.
  13. AWWWW! So cute! Love it.
  14. Kizzy is 13 months old now. Here he is, getting ready for Christmas. Santa Kizzy plans to open a lot of presents. I think we should do a gift exchange on the forum! "] [/url]
  15. Welcome and I think your cage is very pretty. So glad you got Poly back!
  16. Loved listening to Dayo and so did Kizzy. He ran over when your wife was talking and had to watch too!
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