Introducing Jabberwocky, a 20 year old red bellied that I adopted from our MN rescue organization.
His history from what I know- his original owner died, and he was placed in a rescue two years ago. He was cage aggressive and hated his rescue guardian, biting. He moved to a different rescue guardian who worked with him and got him less cage aggressive.
I visited the rescue home and he flew to me and began talking. His guardian said he has never done that before, so I knew that he chose me. I also saw a rainbow on the way to the rescue- I saw that as a sign!
Jabber is a sweet bird but hates the husband. He has attacked him twice and bit his ear causing a few ear piercings and man-shrieks that I hope I never hear again. In fact, Kizzy , my 16 month CAG, learned quite a few bad words from the incident, and still repeats them daily.
Jabber says I love you, My name is Jabber, why are you so sad, step UP!, NO NO NO and shakes his head when he doesn't want something. He yells, Kizzy! , coughs and meows . He is adorable !
I'm sorry for the sideways pics. I went to a different picture host and it turns the pictures. ugh.