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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Is anyone else haveing trouble getting to the forum? At home google is blocking it on my PC and at work McAfee puts up a warning but I can get past that one... I have no issue on my ipad though. Any thoughts?? Sassy
  2. I'm having trouble finding any that doesn't say non-stick or easy clean. Ugh this is hard. What do others use?? I don't want to not have a toaster/convection oven.
  3. Hey everyone. I figured most of you are experts at this point figuring out what's Teflon and what's safe. I need help figuring out if my convection oven is safe. It is a black and decker model CTO4400B. If its not safe I'd love recommendations for a replacement. Thanks for the help. Sassy
  4. I've been very worried how he will take this... Last summer after 13 years of marriage we almost broke up... I'm trying not to scare/overwhelm him with all this (easy to do since I'm SOOO excited) I'm hoping that his joking and offering to help is his showing that he is accepting this.... Fingers crossed with lots of prayers.
  5. He hasn't been the most supportive toward getting a grey but I think he's really coming around. He's been making jokes. Tonight he volunteered to got out and scrub the used cage we picked up. He did a fantastic job too Also on the way home from taking my gram home he was offering suggestions for names (granted not real serious ones) but he's making an effort. Slowly I'm trying to introduce things about taking care of greys so he doesn't get overwhelmed. I love my hubby.
  6. Bird mania on emmaus ave. it's on the other side of Allentown. http://www.birdmania.net/
  7. I do not have a seed guard (no idea the model of the cage either to get one)... ALso I will have the cage in the den so it is on carpet... I'm planning on putting a chair mat down to get a hard surface that's cleanable.
  8. Maybe I didn't explain well enough... I know that I probably won't be able to bring home my baby till July sometime after he's weened... what I'm trying to figure out is how old will he be when he's shipped from the breeder to the bird shop... they are NOT weened when they arrive at the bird shop... the bird shop will continue the hand feeding and do the weening. Sorry for any confusion. I like the plexiglass idea on the wall... thanks!
  9. Hey everyone... I'm trying to patiently await the arrival of my baby CAG. It is extremely difficult though... THe exotic bird shop I'm getting my CAG from uses a breeder in TN and the store and I are located in PA... What I would like to know is generally how old are CAG's before they can be shipped?? Just trying to figure out how big "he" will be when I see him the first time... I was told it'll prob be another week or two (I sure hope not as I'm already going bonkers)... once at the shop they are continued to be hand feed untill they ween and then they can go to thier new homes.... In the mean time i'm working on straightening out my home and rearranging furniture to make room for the cage... I still need to get the used cage all cleaned up (weather hasn't been cooperative) as well as creating toys for them to have when they come home. The other thing i want to do is find a way to protect the wall from geting dirty (as well as the floor)... I was thinking of hanging a sheet/shower curtain that would go down the wall and under the cage... ANy thoughts on that?? I also plan on building a feeding station (think tidy seed) to keep the food mess to a minimum. Hubbys thought on that was to give him a dustbuster to clean up after himself (at least hubby is making jokes now so I guess he's starting to come around). Sorry for the long post... Sassy
  10. which model did you get?
  11. Sassy

    seed catcher

    I haven't bought a seed catcher. I was trying to find one. The square holes are a part of the frame of the cage. It is like the ones the side panel slide into to hold it together. If I have a chance tonight I will take pics. I may forgo this and build a food holder that my baby won't be able to throw food out of. Sassy
  12. Sassy

    seed catcher

    Unfortunately it is unknown. I asked the guy I bought it from but he couldn't remember. I think I found a solution. I saw a feed dish called tidy seed. It is a plexiglass holder that does not allow seed/food to get thrown out. Not going to drop $65+ for it so hubby is going to help make one. Sassy
  13. Sorry I have no advice for you as I'm still waiting for my baby CAG to arrive. Did want to say hello though. Sassy
  14. Thanks. Normally when we get new shells they get boiled in salt water for 5-10 min. That should be enough to kill anything. Yeah I'll get new twine. Sassy
  15. I am cleaning out my hermit crab stuff. I have a number of large shells and some hemp twine. Are these safe for a grey? Thanks Sassy
  16. I will be going through the same issue... I have no idea if it will be a boy or a girl yet... Just trying to patiently wait to even meet the little baby... It's soooo hard waiting.... Sassy
  17. I like that foldable one... that would probably work just fine... thanks!! Sassy
  18. Hey everyone. I need some recommendations for a travel and sleeping cage. I see lots of things out there it not really sure what works best. Thanks! Sassy
  19. Sassy


    Thanks. I'm looking into travel/sleeping cages now. Can't make up my mind. Definitely going to make/get some toys so my baby can get used to the before bringing it home.
  20. Sassy

    Used cage

    Thanks again everyone.
  21. Sassy


    thanks! Have to come up with some that are good for a baby and hopefully I can then take them to it when I get to visit...
  22. Sassy


    Talon... I have 5 parrot books... 2 specific to the Grey... and one for talking... i'm sneaking on here as often as I can at work... (shhhhhhh don't tell anyone)... i'm loving the research...
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