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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie our grey, HATES the bath. All of our other birds LOVE it! Sophie's idea of a bath, is to make a big mess with dogs water bowls! Once a month, she gets showered and boy, is she mad at me after. During her shower, she yells " NO ROM!" I apologize, but tell her she needs to get clean! She won't talk to me for 24 hours. I give her extra hugs and kisses, but she holds out.I guess I should feel guilty, but I don't. I give her a little more loving, but I don't get sucked up into the " guilt stage!" Hygiene is a fact of life. Nancy
  2. VoHooman... excellent! Always play it safe, rather than sorry. Nancy
  3. It is still good new Sassy! Nancy
  4. My birds are two rooms away from router. As a radiology nurse, that is exposed to radiation on a daily basis, I do try to limit my birds and kids exposure. Flying in a plane exposes us to radiation! Its amazing how much radiation we are exposed to daily! Nancy
  5. " I LOVE YOU!", is what she is saying. Many owners feel this is sexual, I don't. I have always accepted Sophie's regurg, as well as she does the same thing to my kids. We NEVER accept it in our mouth. We let her deliver it, into our hands.We thank her, and she is pleased. She DOES have mating feelings to my oldest Ryan, who now is in North Carolina going to college.They skype weekly. She is always excited! When he is home, falls asleep on the couch.... she will do a certain dance with his feet. I suspect it is a mating dance. When his girlfriend of five years is here, Sophie will sit between them. LOL! Nancy
  6. I guess I'm not a great parent! I use Stanley carpet cleaning service every four months for past ten years. Granted, birdroom is three rooms away, All hardwood floors other than family room that is carpeted.I only worry about fumes with painting, and hardwood floor restoration. Nancy
  7. I always say... " listen to your bird". At first. Most parents "except" their bird choices, and wait for them to change their opinion. I don't believe in that. I believe in exposing any grey to the entire family, in small doses. If you wait for a grey to except the entire family.... you will be waiting for years!!!! Once a grey accepts and trusts one family member, it is up to them, to get their bird socialized with other family members.Within six months of Sophie coming home at age two, she loved all of us. We worked on it together. Now a decade later.... Sophie was hanging on our gate dividing kitchen and family room, my sons friend came over to help me with pool. Sophie knows him. She was on the gate, he tried to pet her. She " pushed his hand away when he tried to pet her.". She allowed one pet, then pushed his hand away. I told him, she's got some conflicting emotions, remove your hand before you lose it! He understood. She " trusts" him, but is not ready for 100% petting, as she is a lover and snuggler. Nancy
  8. Kiki our Amazon, just ignores me and chews her " intended object". Sophie, I can say " NO!" She will take three steps back. She knows what no means. THANK GOD! Its nice to have a bird listen! Nancy
  9. I don't think anyone can go wrong with a cag or tag. You can hear one is more friendlier, or one is more nervous. In all honesty.... the only difference I see is size. A Tag is more little. ( Less cleaning up I think!) LOL! Nancy
  10. Totally LOVES it! No question! Nancy
  11. Yay for Storm! It may take some time before he repeats it again. How exciting! Nancy
  12. Lol to all posts! Sophie sounds like a "valley girl" on the phone. Noooooo not me! Nancy
  13. I'm going to step back. I have a week of vacation in june. This week will be a good attempt for me, to " take control" again. One of my coworkers that I have never worked with, but have known for the past two weeks, brought me in a flowering plant. That was very nice! I asked her " why?" She said " You are a powerhouse!" I didn't know that about you! What a compliment! If you asked my coworker in CT... she would say I have ADDDDDDDDD! LOL Nancy
  14. I will be honest... I provide my birds with a " platter of fresh fruits and veggies" daily. Three choices of veggies, one of fruits. They do their thing. Its all gone when I get home. Switch it up the next day.Of course, I went thru the stage of throwing anything healthy, at the walls! Just continued to do it. Carrots and green beans are a favorite. Protein is important. I just never had to go crazy, since Kiki was a veggie nut. She taught the rest. Nancy
  15. Cinnyminis... having a flight suit goal, is awesome, but cannot happen in such a short period of time for radar. He is a baby. He has sooo many other things to learn first.Step up, bedtime, socializing and diet. Sure you can introduce the flight suit.... but for just a few minutes. It will take a long time for them to get adjusted, and trusting the flight suit. They have to trust you first. Traveling with the family, is a fantastic goal! They will learn sooooo much. Again, the goal at this age is to develop the relationship with other family members, a healthy diet, bedtime ritual. Nancy
  16. You gotta watch those teenagers and their vocabularies! LOL! Sophie has had to deal with many teenagers in our household! Wrestling team, etc. I promised anyone that taught Sophie a bad word, they would be at my house, cleaning a cage! My kids knew I meant it, so they have always been careful with their mouths around Sophie. " SH.." was the worse she learned, and forgot it within a week Nancy
  17. Glad all is well with your mom. Greys don't punish when they sense a certain " stress", with their owner. Nancy
  18. ..... Just got home from work, Kiki and Sophie already out of birdroom. Sean off to the movies, I picked him up a sub as I wouldn't have time to cook.While Kiki was hanging with Sean, Sophie was in kitchen hanging with me on the countertop chewing a popsicle stick while I did dishes and cleaned kitchen. Out of nowhere.... Sophie says " Go away!" Say WHAT? I asked Sophie, " what do you mean go away?" Sean heard her and started laughing. I knew who taught her a terrible thing to say! I gave him " the look!" He explained he has told her this just twice while trying to eat lunch in peace. While she loves him to death, and always seeks his company, he is awesome with her. I told him to put her back in her room if he doesn't want to share. He says I spoil her and she needs a " reality adjustment", and he is more than willing! Nancy
  19. I am very proud of Sean! He is going to be very sucessful! I know deep down that I am very upset with Kiki, as she chewed my moms antique George Washington secretary. It was an heirloom that my mom gave to me a few years ago, when she died. It was special. I don't fault Kiki. Its what Amazons do, as well as other birds. I just feel, that I can't keep up. I certainly don't yell at Kiki, or try to discipline her.... but I felt she might do better with a family that can provide her with better flying, or chewing opportunities.Somehow, she knows I am hurt. Landing on me constantly, and offering love and kisses, Of course I accept them, and give them in return.I am just really upset that she chewed something that had such sentimental value. I don't care about its financial worth. Just hurt. Nancy
  20. danmcq... I apologize. I misunderstood! Nancy
  21. OMG! I have spent 20 minutes catching up on Emma. She is AMAZING! I'm not sure if the honeymoon will end for you... I suspect not. She is a trusting bird, and already has a strong sense of "self". She is confident, willing to learn( or teach you!)! LOL!Somewhere along the way, someone really loved her, I suspect. She is a diamond, that you were lucky to find. I am so excited for you. Nancy
  22. LOL! LOVED the video. Sophie was owned by a racecar driver when I got her at two. She opened her travel cage the day I picked her up while me and the kids freaked out, since we didn't know anything about a grey. She climbed up on my shoulder and wagged her tail! It was obvious she was use to being in a car and driving. Of course, we soon learned how to prevent her from picking cage doors, but I can tell you, if she saw that contraption..... she would have done everything she could to speed it up! LOL! Nancy
  23. I have a CAG. I have heard alot about TAGs, but have never had one. I think they are both great. Nancy
  24. Why do you need a flight suit? Travel with the cage you have. Diet doesn't change. Bring your baby into hotel with his travel cage. You have seven kids. As greys tend to act like they are two, like forever.....just one more two year old! The flight suit is meant when you can practice on the ultimate flying experience. Greys just want to be part of the family. That is their ultimate goal. Nancy
  25. I LOVE Kiki so much, but her destruction is becoming too much. Sean her owner, knows I am thinking of rehoming her. He doesn't think I am being " fair!" showing Sophie preference! Yes I am. Sophie is my bird. Kiki is Sean's bird, but he is off at college and not committing to her future care. I have a family that is interested, that has an outside avian shelter that she would love. Am I wrong for thinking this? Nancy
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