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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I think that is a great idea! make sure you discuss feeding with breeder have everything you need.A bonding road trip! How fun! Nancy
  2. Excellent advice by Ray! Socialization is always important, as well as letting birds know your expectations and socially good behavior.Nancy
  3. Handsome and happy! Now the training begins! Yours! Lol Nancy
  4. Very interesting! my guys dont care one way or another about the tv. Kiki only focuses on opera sounding shows or women being murdered! She loves their screams! Nancy
  5. Thanks guys! She succeeded in getting rid of it! My present when I got up this morning.I'm good with sealing off a bleeding vessel but not so good helping her get rid of it! Jeez...she can get us all stressed out! nancy
  6. Tough to say! I adopted my bird at age two. Opened the carrier, her cage and toys were set up. Her favorite toy was waiting for her. She climbed immediately to her play gym.(came with her). NOT alot of changes for her. JUST a new mama. She already had picked me as her mama twice, .keyb oard dead.... ,msorry ,m m, Na cy
  7. I hav e a bird carrier that has a single perch. Drive sounds long. Maybe an overnite stay. N an cy Sorry... Sophie ate my keys!
  8. Sophie isn 't afraid of anything. New toys, new experiences... but has a loose feather! It looks like a flight feather, and is chasing her around the house! Everyone is stressed out ( birds). She is trying so hard to get rid of it, but not working. I tried to look, she won 't let me. Any ideas? Nancy
  9. Stormy... EXCELLENT job! I'm 13 now! I was careful, but couldn't resist pulling off one key! ( give me a break all!) Don't worry about the pup. Give him a treat off your cage, your pup will share a treat! Thats what Ollie and Zoey do anyway. Gotta watch out for our moms! Mine is pretty sharp, and even when I act all innocent....she is getting smarter! PLEASE... torture the pup! DON'T give up! We are counting on you! Kiki followed me.... now I have to include her. Oh brother! Sophie
  10. Aloe Vera seems to have been very successful for many birds! Sophie HATES baths, and I now only deliver one with unusual situations. She goes crazy in dog bowls water, she loves when I do dishes, and will climb on oneside of sinkl I spray her and make it a game. While Kiki and Sunny LOVE the shower... Sophie hates it. After just showering her, and telling her sorry... it just didn't work. She was hurt and didn't forgive me quickly. When making it a game... she gets wet, I get wet at kitchen sink... she's okay with it, because I got wet too! Shower is different! NOT going to happen. Nancy
  11. We COULD do a Christmas exchange! That would be fun! Whomever wanted to participate, set a limit. Of course, I suck at picking out toys.... would get my groomers team to help me. Nancy
  12. Noone is as technically challenged as I am! I PROMISE you that! LOL Kids sit me down, and treat my like I am five. I'm on vacation this week. I was charge on Friday, their are issues for Monday. I verbally told my boss on Friday, what needed to be done, they said " send me an e-mail!" I sent them a " sticky note!" I'm working on it. Nancy
  13. LOVED the picture of your new baby! Absolutely gorgeous! Babies should be around 16 weeks before they come home. Bald spots mean nothing. Make sure, baby is fully weaned, but if not, baby should continue to have a formula feeding as needed. Always satisfy the oral stage. Kiki took around another six months to be fully weaned. Just a simple feeding off a spoon, is all she wanted. Now... she eats everything and anything. Nancy
  14. Also... looks like preening to me.Don't obsess. Whenever Sophie over preened, I would tell her to " stop!" I didn't know as a newbie, that they could overpreen, or pluck. I just felt she was a little obsessive.... and needed to focus on other things! I redirected her attention, not knowing I was doing a good thing. Nancy
  15. Judy...YOU... deserve a time away with your hubby! Nancy
  16. Suzette.... we are soooo sorry! You are new, and we forget that our " sense of humour", may be lost on new parents. We all struggle with our birds wanting to be with us 24/7 Nancy
  17. Now don't disappear again! We can help you with you new pup. Congrads! Nancy
  18. Oh another baby in the house! How exciting! We tend to get excited to be new aunts and uncles! LOL! Nancy
  19. Babies do need to learn their voice, BUT....if it becomes a behavior problem, rather than just excitement, I would return bird to cage, say no, pick up again in ten minutes. I don't think this is the case. Escher is a baby, and is excited to see mom and dad. Distraction may work. A chew toy or something interesting to show baby.Kiki our Amazon, desires to scream her lungs out between 3-4 pm. Just around ten minutes. We don't stop her. Thats what Amazon's do.Kiki will scream when I am on the phone and ignoring her. This is behavioral! I will tell her NO scream, or shhhh or hush!!! Once she responds positively, when I get off the phone, I thank her and shower her with attention. Nancy
  20. Where have you guys been? We miss you!I am not the greatest with expertise with molting and sexual agression. Dan, Judy, Penny, Ray, would be better at answering. Just wanted to remind you to come more often. Nancy
  21. Hard to tell! Best to send us some video.... hint hint! We LOVE videos! But.... in all honesty, we do need to see more information Nancy
  22. Soooo happy for you! Most greys will put you thru " hell", rather than give up their cage that can be just a " tin bucket! Nancy
  23. I agree! Sophie enjoyed being home the best! I never got punished, when I got home whatever I did. It was always a new experience for Sophie. Of course, I talked daily to whomever was caring for her.Vacations are important. NOT just for parrents, but for birds. Nancy
  24. Of course they want to be with you. If you need to get chores done.... give them a foot toy... close the cage, and get whatever you need to do done! Sophie has learned when I do this, I will get my chores done, and come back for her when I'm done. She knows and understands my schedule to perfection. she knows she and friends are first priority, and she is patient. During the day when I am gone, she has two friends to play with her. As soon as I get home, they are out. Now... they have Sean to play with, and boy, does he deliver! Nancy
  25. If Sukie likes to " get down".... then get down! LOL! Communication thru music can be amazing! Sophie loves rap and rockn roll. Kiki loves the violin and opera. ( yuck!). Although I love when my son plays the violin. If someone is getting murdered on TV and screams.... Kiki is all over it, and repeats to perfection, even if she is in bed. I tend to see the scene coming and turn down the volume. She loves nothing more than a poor woman getting murdered. Nancy
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