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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Rita... I am sure someone here would adopt your baby, if it ever came down to it, which I'm sure it won't! I don't know of a single bird owner that smokes in their home. Nancy
  2. Technology is amazing! I will have vet checkout Sophie's band. What is involved in micro chipping? Nancy
  3. Baby is doing well! No matter the age they come home... stepup training begins the moment they walk in the door! Read as much info you can find on stepup training. Develop a plan. For me... I believe any new parrent needs to learn what diet is best, followed by planning " how to step up and down." 13 years later.... I can't even ask Sophie to step up... she walks out the moment I walk in the door, and has her foot up and tells me " lets go!" Nancy
  4. Welcome Bill and Bailey. We appreciate that you have experience and also want to offer our consolences over losing your grey.You mourned until your heart was ready. I am sure your grandfather would be proud of you for your decisions. Nancy
  5. He looks adorable! Yes... they can be noisy. More so, than a Grey. We had a baby Amazon, who was very noisy, took around eight months to become fully weened. Kiki screemed between 3-4 pm. We always allowed her to do so.She was a really great bird, that set " standards", for the rest of our birds. Best eater and flyer. Nancy
  6. Be patient, keep doing what you are doing. Our patience did eventually pay off, and Sophie has no particular favorite. She steps up to all of us. Of course.... major disaster.... " ROM where are you?" Nancy
  7. Welcome to Rita and Pepper! I have two Maltese. They LOVE my grey! Nancy
  8. NEVER too young!First, open the cage, play some games in front of bird cage with family!Let baby watch family interacting. OR... read together as a family. Let baby watch and observe the family interaction. Do this nightly without any expectation on baby's part. You may witness baby eventually sitting on door. It takes time and patience, always at their rate.You will know when the time is right to offer " stepup". If you are afraid, don't do it until you feel comfortable. They sense your fear. Sophie adopted at age two, climbed down within 48 hours. Too curious! She stepped up to all of us, only because it was the next persons turn to " pop the bubble". We were playing the game trouble.We ALWAYS practiced stepup or any other training away from her cage. That is her domain, and even today, I NEVER put my fingers in anyone's cage. Nancy
  9. She would LOVE to visit! LOL! She LOVES to meet new people! Unfortunately, most are scared of her.I asked her if she wanted to go meet Parrot Lady... she knew what I meant. I got "Sophie go bye bye!" Nancy
  10. We are counting too! Sophie sitting with me right now... we just repeated together One... Two... Three! Sophie is counting too! Nancy and Sophie
  11. LOVED the video. Sophie did too sitting with me. She was watching very closely. I LOVED that. Nancy
  12. I really like Dave's advice! I also think you are deserving of a day out all on your own and do whatever you want! Nancy
  13. Kiki is still gone! I have tried several suggestions, but Sunny is still into having the newpaper on top of his head. I am happy he is eating well Nancy
  14. Stepup is the first thing a bird needs to do. Most will bite you, if you try in the cage. I have NEVER put my fingers in any of my birds cages. OUCH! Open the door, entice bird out to the door. It may take several weeks, but that is their choice. The cage is their domain. Nancy
  15. Chiropter...First, stop doubting yourself. You know probably more than anyone else, what kind of cage to buy. Checkout Craigs list, and rely on your experience. First cage, should be a forever cage. Bigger, is NEVER better. Bird should have a jungle gym. Sophie prefers metal.Trust your instincts and experience. Nancy
  16. Penny... I would also suggest putting in toys that are shreddable. Pinatas are Sophie's favorite. Anything she can shred, she is happy! When I have a week of very late shifts, I do ask several teenagers to go visit with her, and play some board games that she loves. ( of course I am lucky that she trusts several of ryan and Seans friends). I pay them, but I know they would do it for nothing! They all grew up with her. Her " over chewing"... does stop. Its a matter of boredom. Nancy
  17. I thought all suggestions were wonderful! I hope Talon does well with the suggestions! I will try many of them myself. Nancy
  18. I use to feed three birds, but my Amazon escaped recently. I would provide six veggies times two, plus one fruit.( two different veggies) .They shared the same platter. Nancy
  19. Harrisons is a GREAT diet. I buy all my food from my birdstore. I also provide them with veggies and fruit ingredients from birdstore. ( freeze dried). I provide them with fresh fruits and veggies daily, as well as protein, whether it be an egg, cheese or yogurt. They LOVE all I give to them. Not to say, I didn't suffer with all fresh fruits and veggies being thrown at the walls! I did! In my face as well. Always stick to it. Pasta ( no sauce), mac and cheese, when my senior conure was losing weight and needed to be fattened up. Diet takes time... you have to be consistent to offer it to them, and even if they throw it out, introduce again. Nancy
  20. Typical baby behavior! Baby is doing just fine. Nancy
  21. Judy said it quite well! Petrie is very young! I would work on opening cage door, teaching stepup and limit amount of people that are hands on, until sixteen weeks. Nancy
  22. I can't show Sophie! She will want YOU to be her new mom! LOL Nice! Nancy
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