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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. The only way to truly know, is watch the appetite,droppings and activity. Nancy
  2. I am sure it is normal, but seeing a video certainly would help. Nancy
  3. YIKES! NO chochlate for birds or dogs! Whatever Sophie gets into, she throws down to dogs! NOT on bird or dog friendly list. Nancy
  4. I WISH Sophie liked a bath! LOL But she cleans and preens herself quite well. Don't go crazy about the preening vs plucking.. A baby grey, doesn't know what this means! Nancy
  5. Rick... You have a great relationship with Cosmo. Why are you " self doubting", what has worked for you and your baby? This site only offers suggestions, but you are trying them when they " will NOT work", for you and your bird.YOU... are a GREAT parent! Nancy
  6. Continue with the syringe feedings. ( by the way, you are doing a great job!) Offer new choices of fruits, veggies and seed mix. Work on graduating to a spoon. Oatmeal, eggs, yogurt.Work on decreasing syringe feedings, graduate to spoon feedings. Start weighing baby so you know during reducing feedings, baby is doing ok. Nancy
  7. Sophie came to us at age two. A very spoiled little girl, that had an " open concept" home life. She actually had a nanny. When we adopted her, or rather she adopted us, we were able to continue the " open concept", as this was the only way I was in agreement to adopt a bird, with my kids. We have maintained the " open concept" for many years. Yes... now I have a birdroom, that door gets closed, but the cages never get closed. They have gyms to step up too, when we are not home. Yes, I know people won't be happy about my comment! BIRDS do not do well, with their doors closed! Would you? Nancy
  8. The " toweling", will be necessary unfortunately.ECHO will forgive you... I promise! Necessary steps to get ECHO into his new home and start the next chapter in his life.Being caged full time I'm sure has taken a serious toll on his life. ( thru no fault from his previous owner).He has been loved, and has not lost that feeling nor the ability to trust again. Definitely read books in front of his cage. Sophie LOVES poems. Anything that rymes. Dr. Seuss is her favorite. Introduce books meant for a two year old. Sophie's favorite cloth book is " Thomas the Tank Engine". I read it every night. When Sophie at age two, came home with us, we didn't know a thing about a grey. While driving home, she opened her cage and climbed on my shoulder. Kids were screamimg, she was wagging her tail! LOL! Sophie taught us everything we needed to learn how to be her adopted family! I originally thought we adopted Sophie, but soon learned, she " adopted us!" Nancy
  9. I LOVE cage number two as well. First one was great as well, but number 2 looked more fun. Nancy
  10. Cosmos_Friend Just be careful my friend.... faces are off limits in my mind, until they are completely trustworthy! ( as you are in their minds!) Nancy
  11. Its all about your birds needs at this age. You either satisfy this age of development or don't. I suggeest recognizing the most important age development you will ever experience. Terrible twos will be involved, and it truly sucks! If you work thru the terrible twos.... the end result can be amazing, as Sophie is awesome now at age 13. Sophie's eye pinning now.... " I want to learn!" Nancy Eye pinning... In the beginning, is a " warning" I feel threatened. As time goes by, eye pinning for a bird that is comfortable in their surroundings, can mean " learning". Sophie demonstrates eye pinning when she is interested in learning something new. Nancy
  12. I agree with the stroking of the back and wings, as sexual, but disagree with the kissing. NOT going to agree with that. We are a very kissy family Sophie LOVES her kisses and has lots of kisses to offer. It doesn't have to be a sexual thing, if they are taught that kisses are an example of love and endearment. I kiss her beak every morning, and kiss it every night before bed. Always have, and always will. I also kiss my kids on the cheek every morning before they go off to explore the world, as kiss them goodnite on the cheek, before they go to bed. ( when home) Nancy
  13. Rick Yes Dan does a great job and is very experienced. We LOVE him. Nancy
  14. KatieG17 OUCH! That looks very painful, and it is obvious with swelling around the bite, inflammatory process is going on. I hope you washed the wound well and applied a topical antiobiotic. Don't take it personally. It was NEVER a personal attack against you. PACO will be your best friend eventually. Patience is number one, trust is number two, education is number three.Of course each step has several steps to get there! We are all here to help you. Nancy
  15. awww... just a baby. You can't walk away right now. An important stage of development. I always enjoyed kids most, around the age of four. Birds and kids for me, tended to be around the same age development until then. Then... they all surprised me.
  16. Pepper... That truly sucks! You can come to our house. Rom is strict, but I can hide you! I share my toys and cage with other birds, that " I am expected to tolerate", no biting is allowed! Not only that.... I am expected to not steal from the dogs! Well.... I certainly steal from the dogs, and I offer them a bribe. We've got it all worked out! I watch their back, they watch mine.Rom has this thing... proper " etiquette". WHAT does that mean? I can't bite anyone, what she tells me! I LOVE my Rom, but her rules really stink! I haven't been allowed to bite for ten years! I complain to Ryan, my best friend in this family. He tells me " give it up". You are not going to be allowed to bite. Okay... fine! I won;t bite, but I'm not gonna listen to Rom! Sophie
  17. I am happy to see your bird destroy his perch! That means, he is doing what he should do! Now get smart, find perches he can't destroy, and toys he can. Many grey owners, don't have birds that are willing to destroy wood, like my Sophie. She has concrete perches, calcium enrished pershes, etc. She wont touch wood, so she has shredable toys like pinatas, etc. If I give her a wooden toy.... she looks at me like I am crazy. Nancy
  18. YIKES! Judy has excellent advice as well as Dan. Nancy
  19. Awww you guys gotta smarten up! LOL! Now my only bites, are on my ASS when I open gait separating kitchen from family room. Meant to keep dogs out of family room as they love to pee on the rug. Hardwood floors every other room. Terriers suck at potty training, or I just suck! LOL! Sophie LOVES to bite my butt when opening the gait. Always careful her little mitts are safe. My thanks is a quick LOVE bite, certainly doesn't hurt, but Sophie is ALWAYS amused! Its a game she started and thinks she is sooooo cool! I don't repremand her, as I know its a game, and she now knows and respects the rules. Its a game, and I can escape quickly and say " Ha Ha!" You missed me! Sophie understands the rules, so never encourage this game with a biting bird. We are way past that luckily. This is just a discussion with a very happy bird and her mom. Nancy
  20. Dave has an excellent point! First, remove threats so bird can focus, and you can get to know each other.When Sophie came home, my blind Lhasa Apso, made the decision within two weeks, That Sophie would replace him, as the matriarach over our animal kingdom. Max was 18 years old. He lasted another six months to teach new puppies to never " charge" Sophie. Sophie adjusted quickly to us when adopted. Most of our time was devoted to adjusting to new puppies and interacting with dogs.When Max felt he had taught the new pups to understand Sophie made the decisions, he let me know.She was on her own. Hardest day of my life, to let my best friend go. Nancy
  21. parrots lover Greys dont scream. They are imitating someone or another bird that screams.I spend more time with Sophie working on her own personal needs to grow, rather than who she is imitating.She is always imitating someone. Nancy
  22. EXCELLENT song choice! I don't care if you catch her on camera. I am thrilled that she has learned the song, and I am sure if she changes the lyrics, they were meant to be changed. Nancy
  23. Dave... THANK YOU so much! It truly brought tears to my eyes! A very important song that we both love so much. Thanks for your special gift. I will never forget what you have given us. Nancy and Sophie
  24. BaileysPapa... so sorry about your bird. Nancy and Sophie
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