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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. What comes up.... must come down! LOL! She is slower on the downstep. I usually pick her up halfway there. Nancy
  2. LOVED all the hat pictures! All are adorable. Nancy
  3. Absolutely listen to others advice. It doesn't always happen this way, but two greys together just makes me shudder! My Grey and Amazon, respected each other, but Sophie my grey ruled. Nancy
  4. Jeffnok has great advice. Sophie now just leaves her feather. Nancy
  5. I don't believe in sleep cages. Their cage is their home. Bedtime is bedtime! But if it works for you, then do it! My birds go to bed at 8pm because thats the time I told them it was bedtime. With open cage concept, I had many birds come out after bedtime, for me to say " It's bedtime!" Back to cage. I only covered their cages when very young. My birds put themselves to bed at this point. They are not babies, but we still enjoy reading a book together. I read to them nightly. Sophie gets " Thomas the Tank Engine"... second book is my choice. Nancy
  6. Give Nala some time. May definitely be a sprain.If you can get Nala out to walk across a hard surface... they look " bowlegged", but if favoring one leg, check they other for swelling and deformity. Nancy
  7. whats most important is birds weight is important to their size. Sophie is a Cag, average weight. It only matters that her weight is acceptable for her size. As far as ruling the animal kingdom. she does. Ten pound dogs listen to her, more than me! Nancy
  8. Cotay is a very smart bird! How much time are you in the home? Nancy
  9. Sophie walks as much as she fly's. I don't think she likes one over the other. She will usually fly over the stairs to get to the second level, but walks mostly downstairs. If she wants to play " Tag your it... with Sean", she walks. If Ryan is home with his girlfriend and they are upstairs... she will fly! Ryan's girlfriend knows Sophie is MOST important. Ryan always treats her as "His most important girl!" His girlfriend has been around for six years, so she knows it is important to Sophie to be his girl.She understands Sophie's attachment to Ryan. Nancy
  10. The next time you hear " You know what?" Say chicken butt! They LOVE rymes! Sophie clucks when ever I respond with a ryme. It is her sign of approval.Try reading some fun poems as well as reading lots of Dr. Seuss. Cloth books are Sophie's favorites. Thomas the tank Engine cloth book I have to read every night. I can say it by heart, but she knows when I don't turn the page correctly! I have been reading " Thomas the tank Engine" since I got her.I am so ready for a new book! LOL! Nancy
  11. Guys.... it will come! It takes patience! Now imagine in three to four years of their birth, you walk in the door, they are calling and waiting. You don't have to ask for stepup, their foot is already up, they reprimand you... you took too long to come see them. Then they want to snuggle for an hour. Would you be happy? I am sure you would! I am there.... but I went thru all the struggles you are going thru. Nancy
  12. Whats amazing, is we continue to be amazed! Sophie at age 13, still comes up with new words. Its like a child was " frozen in time", they continue to learn, associate new words with behavior.I now know, it will never change. Sophie will continue to learn... but she will always need a safe enviroment. She will always require an enviroment that has safety locks on cabinets, etc. Basically... Greys are ageless! Nancy
  13. YAY! Its truly going to start picking up! Kevin.... get ready Nancy
  14. LOL!!!! I like weirdo!!! At least now you don't sound like an " afterthought!" Such progress! Nancy
  15. Too darn cute! Babalu looks comfortable and happy.I don't think your bird will ever get the " nose picking" done as well.LOL! Nancy
  16. I think Inara IS brilliant! LOL! She has associated the word " occupied", as being very important and is trying to figure out what it means. It is important to you, so it is important to her. She will continue to work on it, until she has it figured out. A milestone! Maybe put a switch on her cage door that goes from green to red if she pulls on it! Nancy
  17. Awwww! Escher must be adorable! My pup Zoey is small. She is eight now. People always think she is a puppy. LOL! Just make sure her weight is equivalent to her size. I am sure as she grows up and her personality comes out.... noone is going to think she is little! Nancy
  18. poops should be a little watery and green. Nancy
  19. Hang in there! Continue with the antibiotic treatment, watch the appetite, hydration and droppings. Hydration is extremely important, as well as encouraging bird to conserve energy. Keep stimulus low, but snuggling if you can do so. If bird is breathing fast, not drinking.... to the ER. Birds dehydrate quickly, if breathing fast, that means they are compensating for oxygen versus carbon dioxide ratio. Text me at 585-944-8676 If you are worried! Nancy
  20. Excellent post! Sophie, whom now is fully flighted, but took a long time to figure it out, now at age 13 can choose to walk...( there are no threats for her), or fly. She chooses! She rules our animal kingdom, and she knows it. If she chooses to walk... she greets the pups with kisses and instructions... " time to go out Zoey and Ollie!". Of course I have to let them out as they run for the door. I keep all medications in my purse in my car, as Sophie will rummage thru it. Zoey LOVES lipstick, so Sophie will find it in my purse and throw it down to zoey. " Here you go zoey!" I come running! Now I keep my lipstick in my car, but Zoey loves chapstick too! When I hear " here you go zoey", I come running! I know they are all " in it together", but I am okay with that. They all watch out for each other, and I have to be a step ahead of all my beasts! Nancy
  21. Sorry... I am a terrible cook, but make a fantastic banana bread that birds and kids love! Nancy
  22. Jeez.... I've got lazy birds! I also get up around 4-4:30 am. I'm quite noisy! Dogs sleep with me, so off first thing to do their business. Next I shower. Sophie is talking softly.After my shower I gather their food and water bowls. She is still talking softly. Not interested in a full interaction, so I just pick her up and snuggle for ten minutes.She is a serious snuggle girl. I prepare Sophie's and Sunny's food. Now Sunny is awake and ready!Sophie back on her cage not interested in eating yet.She is back asleep when I head off for work. On the weekend... she is up and ready at 8am. She is an 8pm to 8am kind of girl!LOL! Nancy
  23. We all have different beliefs. That is a GOOD thing. How we get to the goal of a bird to fly well, is the ultimate goal. We want them happy, socialized, accepting of other birds and family. Obtaining that goal, depends on the parrent and what works for you. Nancy
  24. I especially love Dayo calling his parents by their Christian names.! LOL! I just get called " rom", kids by their names. Nancy
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