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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I also have to wait until Spring! Good thing I don't bake often! Nancy
  2. LOVED the pics! I'm gonna try the pumpkin. I think Sophie will go for it.She isn't afraid of most anything. Her mama sometimes struggles to be inventive! Thanks! Nancy
  3. Grey Gordon... your friend is going to be okay. All have excellent advice. Sometimes tougher on parents than the bird themselves! Nancy
  4. Mistyparrot Awwww... what a great response! LOVED IT! Nancy
  5. Yes... birds dream, just like we do. My dogs, whom sleep with me, dream as well. I am a light sleeper, and worry about my Zoey, getting into " seizure mode". She dreams more than the rest of the gang. I wake her up, all the time. If she starts " sniffing" my bed... gets agressive... it will progress to a possible seizure. When we go to bed... I don't let her be playful, as she wants to be. She is eight now. When she is at the vet... people ask me " how old is she?" Six months? She is frozen in " puppy time"... playful, young looking... BUT... she has seizures, and throid problems! She is an amazing dog... Nancy
  6. A snuggler for sure! LOL!I can snuggle with Sophie FOREVER and scratch. I tend to fall asleep! Then she " snores" on my shoulder. Nancy
  7. Sooo glad you were there! No matter what the issue is... safety comes first. Toweling, etc. it doesn't matter. We had a house fire.... had to move the cages out quickly. Had practiced with kids. Dogs wouldn't be an issue. They would go to the car. As we have " open cage belief", could be a problem! If they were on gym, there would be " limited time", to get them in their cage, wheel them out the door. We were all prepared to towel, whatever! Fire was identified in basement... dogs went to car, birds were on their gym, got " shooed in"... cages were sent out the front door.( hardwood floors got scratched to death), BUT.... within five minutes.. our dogs were in the car, Birdcages were in the front yard. Everyone was safe. WE were proud!I knew the fire cheif. After all was done.. he asked " Is this the Webster zoo?" LOL! Nancy ( I really was proud, that all reacted like we practiced. I said..." this is NOT a drill!" Ryan and I were home, we took care of it like planned Nancy
  8. Its worth it to all of us! We have all made such serious sacrifices, everyone calls us crazy and we just agree! My friends get it now. It took awhile, but they knew it would never change, and learned to " respect" my commitment. As I am the most senior nurse in my department, I orient all new nurses. Last new nurses will tell new " orientees", to ask about Sophie.LOL! ( I am actually an easy orientor), and they know it! Now I introduce myself, and tell new people, there will be NO brownie points to ask about Sophie! LOL! Over Thanksgiving, I went home for the first time in three years. They got close to a family " intervention". My sisters are rich, have no idea what it is like to work, and work hard. BOTH of them started.... they got shut down immediately by their husbands.I was grateful. I had the nerve ( youngest of the three girls), to say, " I think it is more important, to point out, Al is sick!" He obviously has Bronchitis, if NOT pneumonia!( I carry a stethoscope in the car). I listened to his lungs... he was full of fluid and wheezing. The focus turned to Al. He needs to go to the doctor! I carry a nebulizer where ever I go if my kids need it, as they both have asthma. I nebulized Al, he felt so much better! I left a day early, but did tell my sister Cindy, to get him to the doctor. It was a GREAT trip... had fun... but left because my sisters don't understand ( in my mind), what is important, and what is not Nancy
  9. Always encourage pellets with minimal seeds. Offer a variety diet of veggies and a few fruits. My gang LOVE a slice of toast buttered. Its a continuous battle...My walls are painted with raspberries and blueberries, grapes green beans etc. I never give up. I repeated their diet over and over. Eventually, they started to accept the veggies. Freeze dryed as well.I also am okay with them eating human food. Sophie LOVES chicken, eggs, pasta ( no sauce).Food for my birds, is not an issue. Nancy
  10. Many greys don't snuggle at first. Many don't snuggle for several years! Sophie chose her time to snuggle. Approximately age four. Now she is 13.She is truly a snuggle girl, and sometimes its hard to satisfy her needs. I work so many hours. As I have been dealing with Ryan's issues for his dog that he loves to death, I made a decision that I needed a week off to help Ryan when his dog came home. I also decided, I work too much. Sophie is understanding. I'm tired of Sophie being understanding, and want to be home more with her. I told my boss today, I need to be home more, and am changing my hours. I pulled the " longevity card!" She argued that my kids are in college. I said " I have a kid home still!" She didn't know that! I didn't tell her it was a bird. I am going to be home more now for Sophie. Nancy
  11. I have a crate that is HUGE! Callie will do just fine in it. I am feeling more happy today. Ryan as well. I've got my confident attitude back. ( Thanks all!), I've talked to Ryan several times today. We are working together long distance on Callie's surgery, as well as discussing our plan to make Sophie safe, and considering Callie's needs. We are a GREAT team, always have been, as proven how fantastic our birds and dogs are. You have been soooo helpful! LOVE you guys! BaileysPapa I didn't think negative at all what you said... Took to heart your advice. It had merit! Don't EVER worry about what you say. Say what you believe. THATS whats great about this site. We become a family! We argue, disagree, and absolutely refuse to listen at times. Sounds like a typical family to me. Always feel comfortable with your opinion. Stick with it, even if you find yourself " the only one!" I have been outnumbered soo many times... I don't change my mind. Thats ok. Its what works for my family. We don't judge... just argue our point! LOL! Nancy
  12. Janet... you are going to get a Too! Good job recognizing what Too can fit into your birds life. I'm wanting a Too also. The fact that they " tear skin", is keeping me back. Nancy
  13. We lost our Amazon several months ago. Our Sunconure is heartbroken. Sophie is snuggling with him on top of cage. I just bought Sunny a sleep tent. He hasn't gone in it yet. Meanwhile, Sophie knows Sunny is upset. She will sleep next to him as long as he needs her.Sophie rules our animal kingdom and knows that. That includes our dogs. She does what she can to make everyone happy, but I try to remove the " responsibility", where I can. Nancy
  14. I had thought his dad, whom makes three times my salary would help for the surgery. He told Ryan... " Put the dog down!" I can't say the word that comes to mind! I will pay for the surgery. I thought Ryan could jump back and forth with our home and his dads. NOT going to happen! I have a crate for the dog... just don't want to stress her. I have never even met her. I can close Sophie's bird room and make sure Ryan hangs in there 50% of his time. When I get home... We can put Callie in the crate so Sophie can come out. I also took a week of vacation when Ryan comes home. Sucks that I thought Ryan could go to his dads 50% of the time. Ryan actually called me today crying. He LOVES his baby. It is Ryan's home too. I've got to work it out with Sophie and Callie 50% each. I don't have the time to introduce each other and develop the trust. I don't think I have heard Ryan cry for years! I felt soooo sorry for him. He is just an animal lover. Nancy
  15. Muse...you are a GREAT mama, and you've got it! You know what you need to do! Put Santa online... we will reiterate what you want for Christmas! Ha! Ha! Threaten Santa with 100 dollar bill every three months until you can get hardwoods. I gave up on the curtains. Removed them all. It was very hard for me, since I made the curtains and was tons of work. Oh well! SterlingSL make sure once your hardwood floors get installed.... ask them to do several layers of polyurethane. Of course you know to remove birds from the area for a few weeks. Even though it is easier to clean hardwood floors... it does take a toll on the finish. Hence... LOTS of finish. Nancy
  16. A nine week old, doesn't chew their feathers. I like most babies to have their moms until the age of 16 months Nancy
  17. No matter what you do... no bird should ever be on their own. Hiring a sitter, etc. All birds need to have someone " accountable" for them. I"m okay with a teenager or anyone! Nancy
  18. I'm not even sure what help to ask, as I am use to dealing with issues all on my own,,, Ryan my 22 year old son, is coming home for Christmas. He got a rescue dog a year ago. Half Pitt half Lab. I told him, the dog would have to go to dad's and live there. Ryan was okay with that. Now the dog needs Knee surgery ( which of course I will need to pay, and will). He wants the dog to recover here. That will mean closing the bird room which I don't think is fair to Sophie. Ryan just feels his baby will recover better here, I know she will, but I really care more about Sophie! Nancy
  19. Sterling SL Exactly! This is what the teenagers I hire feel! They knock at my door, even when I haven;t hired them. Want to check on Sophie. Play with her. I tell them they are more than welcome to come anytime to visit with her, and they do. I would have hired you to do what you do best! Nancy
  20. Poor Inara! If we see him... we will call the police! Let Inara know, this family is supportive 100% Nancy and Sophie
  21. So sorry Muse! I always encourage " listen to your birds!" BUT.... if it doesn't work, then stick to your guns with your expectations. As far as shampooing carpet, save yourself! Get painters plastic from Walmart and spread it 16 by 20. I have one carpet in the entire house. Hardwood floors everywhere else. I don't even try to clean the carpet by myself anymore. Hire Stanley cleaners every three months. Sounds like the relationship is going to be great in the same room with you. Give them that. BUT... when you really have to get work done, let them know, mom is going to do some work. Close and lock the doors. Get some work done for a few hours, promise them when you are done, you will let them out. Always follow up with that promise. They will be waiting and patient. Nancy
  22. Excellent post Sterling! Gracie is young yet... trusts you completely which is great! I suspect as she matures...you may see a different attitude.( of course I hope she doesn't change her mind!) She is adorable! I watched the video of the Macaw that was trained to lay on his back. Noticed the " complaint"! BUT... as trainer said, it is important for bird to learn to lay on back for health reasons. ( trimming, or bleeding nail). Watching the Grey lay on his back, he didn't really like it, but did it out of trust. Sophie will do it as well since she trusts me completely. She just doesn't like it. I would LOVE to see a video of a mature Grey, that LOVES to be on their back just because! Nancy
  23. If my birds beaks or feet are cold... I up the temp. Usually around 68-70. I can tell when Sophie is cold without checking her beak or feet. She stops chewing my ear off from afar. A " normal" mechanism to preserve body heat. Kids have complained for years that " I love Sophie more than them!" I keep her warm! I always tell them " You can put on a sweater... she can"t!" Nancy
  24. Your bird needs attention! The fact that is feathers are fluffed, looks happy, is a good thing! I agree with Muse, as we are human nurses, can't tell what is going on. No difficulty breathing I hope which is a GOOD sign, but this issue is over the trachea, which can lead to severe problems. Find an avian vet as soon as possible. Muse is right about the antibiotics. NEVER dilute in water. Nancy
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