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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. It sounded like a man to me. Maybe a he/she! Ignorance really sucks... but what sucks more, is a parent that has a bird that trusts him, and they aren't providing the safety the bird should be provided. Nancy
  2. So happy Gracie has found you. All have excellent advice! Soon you will know Gracie's clicks of approval or not. I know and understand every click Sophie makes.I hate the negative ones! Nancy
  3. VStar Mama Do you live close to Rochester, NY ? How long until you can get your baby? If you want the cage, just let me know. I will hold it for a year if need be. I will just dismantle, take a picture first, so you can put back together. I'm in no rush and have the space to store it. I've learned "Grey" time...Like I said, I am not interested in selling, but more interested in helping either a rescue or new parent get started. If I go to Craigs list, I will sell, but won't have the satisfaction of helping a new family to get started. I prefer that. Nancy
  4. Penny... it is time to trim Nilah. A trim, is not a clipping. They can still fly at least eight feet in all directions. It gives them time to focus on learning and snuggling. She has already developed her flight muscles, knows how to fly. She won't lose that knowledge. She will fly again... fully. She doesn't understand any boundaries. Now it is time to learn those boundaries. The time she spends walking, she will want to hang with you. It is not fair for her to be left in cage, while others are out. She doesn't understand that! Investigate to find the best trimmer, identify the birds and your needs. When letting one bird out, they all go out. Whether they fly a little, then walk, thats a much better choice, than NOT letting one bird out.It is more important, to find a trimmer, that can work with your needs. Interview several trimmers. I LOVE my vet... but I always found it more important to find the best groomer! Nancy
  5. I only require anyone interested to show me proof they have bought a new grey. If they can't afford to buy their grey right now, but want the cage, I will "hold" for them. Nancy
  6. Located in Rochester, NY. I haven't put it in Craigs list, since I would like to go thru this site first. I know how expensive it is to buy a bird. Add the cage on top of that, is crazy! I want to help someone that wants a bird soo bad, but can't afford the cage on top of that. Its a corner unit. Sophie likes the door.( too big for her liking!), It won't fit thru any door and had to be put together in the room. Nancy
  7. LOL Ray! Sophie comes to the table as well looking for her plate. Spaghetti nite, she gets bread salad spaghetti with no sauce.Her manners suck! Farting, burping etc. I of course remind my boys it is not acceptable to do what she does. I will NEVER have grandchildren if they follow her manners! LOL! Nancy
  8. So excited for you! Keep us updated how things go.I will never forget our ride home with Sophie adopted at age two. We knew nothing about Greys. She managed to open the cage driving home and climbed on my shoulder wagging her tail! Kids were freaking out screaming. LOL! Kids managed to get her back in her cage. I am sure she thought she adopted a crazy family. Nancy
  9. Yup! I am in love with you! Ignore it and move on.Sophie does it at age 13. She only does the sexual dance for Ryan, but every weekend after some serious bonding... I get the regurg. She will work hard for at least five minutes until she has a " serious regurg", that she puts in my hand. I always thank her. She is pleased! Nancy
  10. I LOVED the video! I also saw the bite coming! LOL! Greycie bit out of excitement, but I LOVED you telling her you weren't happy and moved on.( the learning moment was there, and she changed her behavior). You guys are naturals! She doesn;t scare or imitate you, and those are the building blocks to a fantastic relationship. Nancy
  11. Sophie has her cage, but prefers to live on her gym. She has a metal play gym as well as "Perch gym". She prefers her metal gym. Now I have a perch gym as well as brand new cage that cost 1000 dollars... no interest! Nancy
  12. It is important, to practice flying for a new baby. What always worked for us as a family, was to have a " send off" and " receive". I sent them off... one of my kids received them. I put cheap plastic art in the windows, so they could see where their boundaries ended. Babies struggle with windows, and need to see NEVER a clear glass! They will fly into it and panic. Always set up a " practice zone", that they can see their boundaries. As babies,their peripheral vision is being developed, as well as " whats in front of me!". Nancy
  13. Count the breaths per minute. An inhale and exhale counts as one. Counting over a minute.... they should be breathing at least sixteen per minute. If baby is doing so.... no worries! Nancy
  14. May be sleep apnea. I suspect he is fine. Watch when he falls asleep the position of his head and if he does it then. Nancy
  15. Don't go crazy with them playing with a dropped feather. Sophie was playing with a dropped feather, and had a feather that really needed to go! I was obscessed with the feather she needed to get rid of, as well as chewing on one she got rid of. She started limping... I was a wreck...Ryan intervened, told her to " get rid of this feather", he handed it to her and she got rid of it. She got rid of the feather, stopped limping. Ryan just laughed at me! I asked him" how did you do that?" He just laughed! He said... " Sophie is an actress, and should win an academy award!" She was limping to add to the drama. He knows her so well. I am so happy that Sophie and Ryan talk several times a week while he is off at college. She knows he is off getting smart. Of course... I hear " Sophie is a smart girl!" Nancy
  16. JeffNOK... Just wait until she is four. I know you are going thru some terrible twos, but not as bad as some can be.When they become four, they can reason more, and understand better. They can " rationalize", why you make the decisions you make. I LOVE the age four. The wheels are turning... trying to figure everything out like yesterday! LOL! Gracie is going to AMAZE you! This was an amazing age for us Nancy
  17. Sophie looks like a piggy too, but is smaller for a Cag. Nancy
  18. What great posts! I can answer one. The obsession with cleaning the teeth, is actually, " there is tartar to be removed... and I can help you!" LOL They are better than dentists. Of course, we can't let them as it is unhealthy. Bummer... a cheap way of dental cleaning. The wing dipping, flapping of feathers is the " sexual dance". Who knows what triggers it. Sophie goes crazy when she sees Ryan's disgusting toes. They are " hammerhead" toes, and he will eventually need surgery. Sophie LOVES his toes. We all get grossed out and have an ongoing joke how Sophie will be there to support him during his surgery. Nancy
  19. All have excellent advice. Sixteen weeks is the minimum... but up to the bird. Some take an additional several months.! Kiki took forever! Probably around 8 months. The bird makes the decision. Nancy
  20. I think weight becomes more important when trimmer or vet feels they are under weight for their size. I truly pay attention more, when they are sick, not eating well. THATS when I weigh them. I of course will worry about dehydration, etc. Luckily, I have never had any illness for 13 years. Yes... I am a little neurotic, and leave them in the car, until their name is called. Then I get them. NO WAY am I going to sit in a vet office for " healthy visit!" Nancy
  21. Happy birthday Gracie! The funnest day of the year! Nancy and Sophie
  22. LOVED the video of Gracie. She has always been on my radar for " bird to watch!" You obviously spend a great deal of time with her and it shows. Nancy
  23. I personally think most greys hate being on their back. Sophie will do so, but when I am really busy, she has no patience for me any longer. She lets me know, I am working too much and I need to listen to her. She will stop me in my crazy life... I listen. A few tickles on her stomache... I let her know, I am listening. Next day I am off is all about her. Nancy
  24. Try reading to her at bedtime.When she says" gracie bite", correct her behavior. Tell her " Gracie does not bite," then start reading her a story.Sophie LOVES her bedtime story and I think it is a great habit to get into. It takes five minutes, and greys are fascinated. Start with cloth books so Gracie can have some " beak on" time. Nancy
  25. I remember reading that with the kids! Thanks for the reminder!I'm in need of a new book. Nancy
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