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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. You guys are all nuts! LOL! I just show up with bird poop on my shoulder at work. Noone thinks twice, just chases me around to clean me off. They all know Sophie is my third child... they don't even ask me who pooped on me. Nancy
  2. AWESOME! I could listen to it over and over. I'm lucky that their repeated sounds and noices doesn't affect me what so ever.Sophie coughs, farts, burps, sneezes,tells pups to go out to pee CONSTANTLY! Luckily, I have decreased hearing in my right ear. Greys are always learning, and will repeat over and over like a broken record. I find it amazing how they process. Nancy
  3. Haven't seen it, but will make sure to do so. Nancy
  4. It sooo sucks when we do all the work. Cleaning cages, buying toys, feeding them, and they choose another family member. BUTTT....I have had Sophie for more than a decade,she loves me to death, knows I offer her a safe, stable enviroment.She knows when there are decisions to be made, I decide.She also LOVES kids being involved in her life. They each have something to offer her. A grey will decide " what you have to offer" and develop on that information. sophie has decided... Ryan is fun, plays music on his guitar and encourages her to sing and dance. Sean is GREAT at hide and seek. Rom ( mom) is GREAT at everything else! Sophie stepsup to the entire family. That was always my goal. When I broke my foot... all my animals knew there was a change in our family dynamics.Dogs walked slower on their leashes.... Sophie was on my shoulder 24/7, it got to a point that I was loved to death! Nancy
  5. LOL! I am lucky to be past the poop inspection, or wonder how she ate! She does both well. Nancy
  6. Thanks all! I like VStar Mama's plan! I am not the best cook, but was on disability when kids were home from college. I made three course meals every night. They were in heaven! LOL! They all tasted good....( except one meal), but there was some serious " overflow", from some recipes! Now kids back to college, I am thinking how to clean it. If it was summer... not an issue. Nancy
  7. I agree with Dave. Just a reminder though, important to keep up with calcium. So easy to do, as they LOVE hard cheese, yogurt etc. My Sunny makes me hand feed him yogurt every morning. Little snot! Its a bonding time he looks forward too! NANcy
  8. My oven seriously needs cleaning! Self cleaning.I am hesitant due to the fumes it will give off. I want to wait till Spring... but needs to be done. Any suggestions? Nancy
  9. SOOO happy to see, we " all suck as parrents" and have offered our " hearts and souls", for our birds. LOL! Through our sacrifices, we have developed " trust"... our birds love us unconditionally. I may sometimes doubt my ability to be the best parent, but when I hang with Sophie... she thinks I am AWESOME! I trust her judgement! Nancy
  10. I am waiting for the summer, as I have to redo the stairs. I will do it when birds are at " summer camp". Meaning... boarded for one week. Haven't boarded them in years, but will send them to my trimmer. He knows them well, but I stopped boarding them years ago when my expectation was for them to be in general public jungle gym.They were there alright. They LOVE people! I was offered money for my birds and was offended as my trimmer knew I would be! Now...I am a smart mama. NO public gym, I will bring my toaster oven to make toast daily. I will request exposure to a few select workers, and I am still concerned if this is a good decision. Any ideas guys? I feel " damned if I dont, damned if I do!" I'm the person that avoids the waiting room at the vet as this is where animals get sick! Nancy
  11. I am glad I went to bed! Was interested though...how was that puppy commercial I missed? ( my other best friends!) Nancy
  12. A Tinneh weighing 305 is PERFECT! Nancy
  13. That stinks! Try a diet high in protein and give some calcium supplements. Try practicing flying with one family member to send off, one to receive. Sophie adopted at age two, was clipped when we got her. Our Amazon taught her to fly. It was amazing to watch them Nancy
  14. LOVED the interaction! Thats our family for past decade. Of course... the initial trust and play together needs to be monitored for several years. It saddens me, when I get a request to " foster"... I can't do it, as I have open cage. I can't unbalance the perfect balance I have with my birds. I know I have so much to offer a struggling bird, but I worry about my gang Nancy
  15. Delilah sounds like she is doing great! Nancy
  16. Breezy, even though young, is demonstrating " leadership" traits. That is EXCELLENT! Eventually, there will be a pecking order in your house. Even if your mccaw is bigger, I suspect Breezy will rule the animal kingdom.Its important to introduce them to each other under supervision. My birds met each other when they were young. Sophie ruled from the start. She spent a ton of time deciding who should have what toy, depriving herself.She was the matriarch of the family of birds! I had to intervene... tell everyone...this is for Sophie! Nancy
  17. I laughed so hard! Pups thought there was something wrong with me! LOL! Nancy
  18. How about...getting to work in scrubs... there is a code and you are doing CPR and aide is cleaning the bird poop off your shoulder! Even worse... they tell you " Sophie pooped on you this morning, I'll take care of it". Nancy
  19. I walked in from work tonite...opened bird room... counted 54321 Sophie was mobile and hunting me down. I had groceries to put away but I had put one bag in a brown paper bag. She was thrilled! Gave me ten minutes to put groceries away.While she was busy destroying it, she did ask me " How was your day?" LOL I am always happy to come home after a hard day at work to see Sophie! The stress I just went thru just " evaporates!" Nancy
  20. Welcome! Greys also love to shred anything paper.If you have ever had an experience with a human two year old... it is the same thing. Setting boundaries and expectations. It is... tougher, when a bird has already learned a bad habit like chewing their feathers. I would suggest having main cage as well as a cage located near you to watch you when you are working. When you are working, put baby in cage behind where you are working. LOTS of toys....leave door open. I would also put a gym in front of cage with lots to chew. I wouldnt allow baby shoulder status... that takes time and I cant imagine before the age of two. Wrist only. Your goal is for baby to learn to trust you, open cage concept, letting baby know what you expect of them, and behavior you dont appreciate. YIKES! Sounds like alot of work, but I promise you, it is worth it. Now, Sophie is 14....I get home....Sophie yells " Rom(mom) are you home? I open bird room she comes running out, I pick her up and get kisses like crazy! Sophie for me is is being home finally. She brings me so much peace after a hard day. Nancy
  21. Watched the video again. You guys are right... Joey is happy and content! Usually when a grey sends one wing off and lifts the foot, is a sign of " warning!" Joey has given us a new meaning! LOL Nancy
  22. What a cutiepie! He will get rid of it before you get there Nancy
  23. Oh NOOOO! NOT a conservative!!! I see greys voting INDEPENDENT! A greys view of an independent is... my way only. lol Nancy
  24. I don't weigh Sophie anymore. Her trimmer does.... lets me know if she needs fattening up. Her trimming is nails and beak. Unwanted feathers that she didnt care for. Sophie is a drama queen, knows when I freak out, and takes advantage of my worries! Her trimmer has known her for a decade, and communicates with me when she is being dramatic, and when I should be worried! Sunny on the other hand, is old, needs fattening up. I spend hours hand feeding him yogurt, mac and cheese, and eggs. He LOVES it! Nancy
  25. LOL! Got a kick out of it! Sophie also loves to destroy anything paper. she has her own phone pages which i have heard are safe for her. When I get home... she comes out to hang... she gets a few pages to chew. You should see her in action when I do my bills! It is too funny! I still pay bills by check. She has her own registrar. When I am doing my bills...talking out loud... Sophie is on the other end of the table, figuring out her financial responsibilities! I hope she has more money than me! Nancy
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