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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. If you notice your bird doesn't see the windows, usually with younger birds, get decals in the window. If bird is pecking on the window, as Sophie does everyday, I assume they have a perception of space, and like the sound of pecking the window, as Sophie loves! She also likes to say hi to the mailman, and he runs! As Sophie has learned her new word " morning",,, thats all she says lately with anyone. She will peck at the window and say " morning." Mailman still runs away Nancy
  2. My birds have also destroyed the window sills. I'm hiring a handyman this summer to replace them. On my " to do list!" Our homes wont get nominated for " better Home and Gardens", who cares? We get to enter a world of amazing beings that probably 90% of humans have no idea that exists. Their loss. Nancy
  3. This is a tough one for Maggie Mae. I'm sure she really loves her caregiver, I'm hoping she remembers you. Sophie only sees Ryan once a year, but they skype often. Once he pulls in the driveway, I yell " ryan is home!" She runs! ( literally). He can't get in the door without her being all over him.We are put on the back burner, and thats okay with me! I LOVE seeing her so excited! If your bird doesn't remember you, don't despair. It is important to maintain the relationship with the caregiver, and you get added to the mix. Remember, its always about the bird. Nancy
  4. I agree. You ARE such a good mommy! Peck is a wise bird... just follow his lead ( within reason). Nancy
  5. LOVED it! I don't think that bird is doing " legal" pushups and missed two! LOL Nancy
  6. I sent Sean in to pick up my girls ashes. I waited in the car balling. Zoey sits next to my friend Molly. I am sure they are in doggie heaven running thru the meadow. Nancy
  7. OMG... I said Sophie... I meant Zoey. I am appalled! Nancy
  8. I am so sorry for your loss of Rio. When I lost Zoey my pup of eight years last month, I was lucky to have nine more days with her before I had to euthanize her, I had specialists involved... noone knew what was causing her liver failure. I lost my best friend! Thru her illness... I tried to save her, but in the end I couldn't. I was talking to my bird trimmer who also lost his dog last month, who died in his arms within ten minutes. He had no time to react, or go to the vet. While we are both devastated, we had time to discuss the " grief" we go thru. I had more time with my girl, he did not. He feels guilty, I do not! Having that extra time, makes all the difference when dealing with grief. I hope you find the answers in what happened to Rio. You are not responsible for Rio's death.I know you want answers, but you may never find them.Birds are very sensitive to the slightest changes in their enviroment, become sick quite quickly. Of course, continue to seek out the answers, I would want to know too! We are all here for you. Everyone was fantastic for me when I was at a loss, when I lost Sophie. I am here for you... send me a message if you want to talk. Nancy
  9. LOVED the video! Great cage and toy arrangement. Solomon was completely at attention when he heard your voice! A terrific video showing great interaction. Nancy
  10. I am sure it may be too early to do what I did when I received " protest" regarding bed. Sophie put up a stink... wouldn't do it.... so I put her on the floor in front of her cage and said " nite nite" and walked away. She sure did put herself to bed! Our bedtime ritual consists of reading a book together, always Dr. Seuss or Thomas the Tank Engine. ( I can read her favorites with my eyes closed, but she will notice I am not turning the pages! LOL) My guys are so much into a routine, if I get home late from work and rush in the door for bedtime story and I am five minutes late, they have already gone to bed. Sophie will not be interested. I have missed my window of opportunity. Makes me sad, as this is a serious snuggle time nightly. Nancy
  11. I take Sophie every three months to my bird trimmer. To do, what she hasn't accomplished. Sometimes, he doesn't have to do anything. She has sand and cement perches, but sometimes that doesn't do it. She is not big into toys. My son Sean, who is an avid hunter.... ( more like what can I find in the woods for Sophie), always comes home with blocks of cherry wood that we can clean and leave for her in several places. She is all over it! Nancy
  12. If you can get a DNA sample thru a blood draw... it should always be thru a venipuncture. Very safe, limited pain. NO WAY thru feather pulling! That is very painful, and the bleeding is not always controlled. Nancy
  13. Nothing debatable about a family having fun! Nancy
  14. What a wonderful night with both Megan and Peck! You deserve it.The trust is coming in leaps and bounds! Nancy
  15. She looks sad and uninterested! Whats going on? Nancy
  16. Keep up the social interaction. As greys tend to love one person only, that was never an option in our busy home. Sophie learned quickly, she was adopted into an extremely busy crazy household! She adapted quickly, found our missing guinea pig within 48 hours of arriving. Sophie loves all of us... but I am the bad parrent and set rules. But every weekend, I am the one who gets kisses and snuggles, for past decade. Nancy
  17. From your postings, it was obvious that Peck was loved, even though the parent was afraid to do the right thing for Peck. . It won't affect his ability to fly. He may land differently, and you have to be aware of his pain level. I'm glad you can reconnect with his previous owner. I also had that ability with Sophie"s previous owner when I first got her. It really helps with adaption into a new enviroment. Nancy
  18. Sophie's middle ear must be missing something! She has no clue about the weather. We get so much snow here in Rochester, NY. If her beak is cold... I turn up the heat. Kids complain that I only care if Sophie's beak is cold, and I get accused of NOT caring if their noses are cold! LOL! ( they can put on a sweater, she cannot!) Nancy
  19. Muse... Peck is so adorable, and so tolerant of his human. I LOVE him! Inara and SterlingSL.... Ha Ha! You guys are very funny! I get a kick out of you both! As I see SterlingSL being very " devilish ", in many ways, that always brings a smile to my face, I am going to blame him!!!! LOL! LOL! Nancy
  20. Muse... You are a " regular", in my opinion, and already part of our family. I'm not good with " time ".... and think of you as been here and have been part of us like forever. I'm working on my " time" disorder. I was charge the other day, asked a nurse to go do something.... she looked at me confused. She told me she didn't know how to do that, as she has only been here a year. I was shocked! She was an amazing nurse, and I suspect she doesn't get the recognition she deserves. I taught her what she needed to do, then went to management, asked them " what do you know about Kathleen?" As I suspected.... they knew very little. I gave them an earful. Every person, every bird, deserves respect for their accomplishments. Nancy
  21. Sorry... Sophie came DNA sexed. Kiki came with DNA sex when we got her as a baby. We have no idea what Sunny"s DNA sex is, but as he use to walk out and complain about the girls sinking his rope, as he was stuck in the middle... I suspect he is a boy. Doesn't matter, but I can understand why people want to know the sex of their baby. I would want to know too. Nancy
  22. Inaura... is amazing! Your own private weather station! I would LOVE that and trust her more than the weather guys. If she is stocking up, I would too and I mean that. I'm sure its not a fluke. Keep track of her predictions and write them down. Interested to here back on this. Nancy
  23. SterlingSL... LOL! I LOVE your sense of humor! Don't think it gets unnoticed! I see it. Nancy
  24. Sophie tattles too! LOL! More about parties that happened when I was gone. Nancy
  25. I don't have a thing to add, but I would never add anything that is inhaled. Their lungs are so sensitive. I truly miss my scented candles, as they are a no no. Nancy
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