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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. If Dave is unavailable... perhaps other sites, or listen to your vet? We are not abandoning you, but many of us have experience with birds more around the sixteen age mark. Nancy
  2. You can't go wrong with Dave. I will vouch for him. I KNOW, from my heart, you want the best for your baby. You are going to be a FANTASTIC parent!Alot of information coming your way. Get to to sixteen week mark and alot of us can help you. Its just the beginning... but getting baby weaned is very important. Don't rush... its up to the bird. Kiki our Amazon, took nine months. Satisfying the oral stage, is up to the bird. Even called successfully weaned, they may not be so. Bird will let you know. Always Listen to your bird! Nancy
  3. I LOVE listening to you new owners getting excited about your new babies! We have all been there, and we also feel your excitement! We are all just like aunts and uncles,ready to help whenever you need us. Nancy
  4. I have a grey and rescued sunconure. I Lost kiki our amazon last summer. I HAD two dogs, but Zoey died eight weeks ago, and I am still struggling with my loss. I am trying to remain strong and not get another dog.It would be just a new friend for Ollie and I know right now my heart is closed so if Ollie is ok....i'm not willing to open my home to another dog. Maybe getting another bird might be okay. A new baby doesn't need me, but maybe a rescue in the future. Nancy
  5. It really doesn't matter if your bird is a girl or boy until you see molting. Enjoy your baby. Nancy
  6. I'd leave it alone also.I know what I would do if a bird pulled a feather and it started bleeding profusely, but what does everyone else do? Nancy
  7. Waiting on Dave again. I'm more knowledgeable for a grey that is two or older, but of course am interested in how things are progressing.Dave I'm sure can help you! It is more responsibility for you to have a baby so young.I can't even imagine, but you are asking important questions and I know you want the best for your baby. nancy
  8. I do agree about bird perches, or stepping up should be below you. My avian vet also was my regular vet that had handled my dogs and guinea pigs for years. When I showed up with Sophie at age two, he told me to raise her like I raised all my other animals! ( what does that mean?) I googled african greys and learned about their behavior and learned how I needed to get the entire family involved.We have been successful, but it is a committment from all of us. Nancy
  9. Fantastic! It looks very inviting! I was at bird store today, I can usually get in and get out and not look at new birds, but today, they were busy. Saw a rose breasted baby born in March.... OMG! I have always wanted one! Damn... the baby liked me! I encouraged biting but baby was having none of it.( just kidding!) the baby really did like me though. I am going to remain strong... NO MORE animals or birds. I continue to miss my Zoey girl and will never again have a new dog or bird. Nancy
  10. We try to keep them safe. It was a crazy moment where Kiki was fresh from the shower, it was a very hot day! I told Sean my son, to put her on my wrought Iron bed, Kiki would enjoy the cold feeling on her toes. She pulled out the cardboard next to aircontitioner, and she was gone! The entire neighborhood helped me, including people I never met. The problem was...she could fly! We could find her... but she would take off again! Hence... as I am a firm believer in learning how to fly as a baby.... I'm not against trimming back in the future. Its a situation, of " damned if I do..." We all miss Kiki... but I wouldn't change a thing about our " open cage belief". A bird room! I agreed to have birds, but I refused to have closed cages when kids wanted birds. They agreed to having birds with their own room and no closed cages.It worked! They exceeded our expectations, as once they trusted each other, they all lived together! Nancy
  11. Thanks Dave! Maybe some others here have knowledge... but I think of just you to be able to help this owner and baby! I am so proud that you are a member here. Nancy
  12. Sophie first was introduced to the mirror when we were trying to get her into the shower. She would " watch" kiki and Sunny getting blowdryed, they were loving it, after their shower. I thought if she could see how much they loved the whole shower process, she would be interested. Nope! She LOVED the girl in the mirror, but as far as the shower process and spa treatment, we will always get a polite " no thank you!" Sophie hates the shower, and always will. I know that. When she has too much dander.... we just do it! I warn her its coming. She trusts us all so much now... she will only be mad at me for an hour or two, in the beginning, a few days. I empathize with her, and feel her pain. She will scream " ROM.... NO!!!!" I know she feels betrayed, but it is my responsibility to keep her safe and healthy! I tell her that during the shower.It gets done, and we all eventually recover. Of course I feel bad that she feels I betrayed her, but as a nurse, I KNOW I did the best thing for her health wise. Nancy
  13. All have excellent advice. Trust takes time. Encourage thru consistency, routine and timeout from cage, meaning open the door, let bird feel comfortable to stepout on door. I dont believe in ever picking up a bird from inside the door. Thats their home, and if they are not comfortable, they will bite. I have always worked off the door.I had an unusual situation where three birds of different origins had their own cage next to each other, and once they became tolerant of each other, we went to open cage belief. ( always supervised!) They eventually chose to live in/on one cage. They made their decisions. Two play gyms in front of them. I went down to two cages, but kept second cage for anyone that needs to escape and get away from the chaos. You can't rush trust.... and if your bird was able to bond before, they will again. Nancy
  14. I disabled the doorbell. It was too crazy listening to birds and dogs go crazy. Knock... I'll hear you.... will open the garage door.Its a system we have done for years. Its kept my guys safe for years, outside of Kiki prying away around the air conditioner. I still kick myself for not anticipating that. Nancy
  15. LOL JeffNOK... Of course Gracie is gorgeous! Recognizing oneself in the mirror is so very important.Sophie spends tons of time talking to herself in front of the mirror. She has done so for years. Our hallway mirror she will stop and tap on it and have a oneway conversation.I know it is sooo important for birds to love themselves, but Sophie goes over board! I just roll my eyes! Can you say... " I LOVE MYSELF TO DEATH!" Nancy
  16. I noticed a coworker was coughing like Sophie two weeks ago. It was a " familiar cough to me"... Sophie's.When they truly became sick with a cold, I asked this person if they had asthma, and they said yes! I didn't know how to tell them that they were in " asthma staticus", which Sophie tells me all the time her diagnosis, and is correct. I just suggested they go see their MD and didn't want to say anything about Sophie. Nancy
  17. Thanks guys. I will get her a medium. I have to get a birdie scale, her quick up and down on my scale can't be accurate. I will check with my bird trimmer her weight last year. She doesn't go to the trimmer anymore.... she takes care of herself now. I am SOOOOOO proud! Nancy
  18. Thanks Timbersmom!WHAT was your math calculation?It is escaping me? As she stepped up twice and was annoyed... she did it, but I am use to doing human calculations of one gram =1000mg. One pound -2.2kg. I was truly scratching my head... she was waiting for me to be brilliant! LOL ( I'm not as brilliant as she thinks!) I am happy that she thinks I know everything that is important that exists in the universe! Nancy
  19. Absolutely... no nest building. I am soo happy to see your commitment. The best thing to do, is develop the trust and relationship with all family members, Consistency is key. All family members need to be on board, and provide the same goals, I know many don't approve of my " timeout" that I did with Sophie when she was younger. She went into " timeout"...one minute for every year where cage was closed when she was naughty. ( we have an open cage belief). Obviously something worked, as she spent only six months dealing with the timeout. She learned quickly, she couldn't charm one family member against the other. It doesn't work for many people. Find what works for you! We are all here to support and help! Nancy
  20. When we order Pizza for delivery... they know to honk twice! I go thru the garage door and they are waiting. They don't even think I am crazy anymore! LOL Nancy
  21. She is adorable! Sometimes... you have to sneak away and have those moments! Nancy
  22. I just weighed Sophie to do the harness thing. Whats the best website guys to get one? I'm leary... but I will put my concerns aside, as Sophie will do anything I am confident about. It took her two times to get on the scale, but she did it. I used the " It's important card." Years ago we had a fire in the house. Kids were prepared as we always practiced, but birds were young and had no clue. We shoved them in their cages off their play gym, Rolled their cages out the door, destroying the hardwood floors in the process... I got the dogs and put them in the car as planned. I learned that we did GREAT with emergency evacuation, but birds didn't do so well as they knew nothing that could clue them into an emergency. I eventually taught Sophie the saying " Its important", so in the future she would cooperate better.I use the saying " its important" infrequently, but she knows. We practice. Nancy
  23. or when your son tells you " I want to upgrade my crocs ( shoes)".... I tell him " NO WAY!" Sophie LOVES those shoes of yours! He laughed so hard. Nancy
  24. So I'm going to do it and get Sophie the aviator harness. I'm sure I need to know small, med, or large. On my weight watchers scale, she is 1.4 pounds. Does anyone know how to convert that to grams? She sure didn't like getting weighed but " what woman does!" Nancy
  25. I only was able to post one picture of my fids a few years ago. Not the best person regarding photos! LOL! Nancy
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